Judge: Improve Your Argument

Improve your argument instead of raising your voice. Make your case in a compelling manner. Outline your argument to have an introduction that points to a conclusion, facts and evidence that support your position, then a conclusion that your audience should have already reached themselves.
Only the Finest Women Become Lawyers

Social Post by Attorney Experience: “Only the Finest Women Become Lawyers”. If you search, you can actually purchase shirts with this message!
If it does not fit, you must acquit

Famous line in the infamous murder trial of OJ Simpson by Attorney Johnny Cochran “If it does not fit, you must acquit”. While this post is funny, the OJ trial divided America back in 1995.
Keep Calm and Lawyer-Up

Keep calm and call your lawyer. Yes this was shared as attorney humor although many a truth was said in jest. Keep calm and lawyer up, keep quite as well.
In my Client’s Defense…

Dog humor and lawyer humor, perfect! “In my client’s defense, the red and green light look exactly the same”. Of course this is a reference to the thinking that dogs are color blind.