Server : Apache System : Linux pod-100823:apache2_74:v0.5.7 5.4.0-1138-gcp #147~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 7 21:46:26 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : www-data ( 33) PHP Version : Disable Function : apache_child_terminate,apache_get_modules,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,apache_setenv,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,diskfreespace,dl,exec,fastcgi_finish_request,link,opcache_compile_file,opcache_get_configuration,opcache_invalidate,opcache_is_script_cached,opcache_reset,passthru,pclose,pcntl_exec,popen,posix_getpid,posix_getppid,posix_getpwuid,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_setegid,posix_seteuid,posix_setgid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_uname,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,proc_terminate,realpath_cache_get,shell_exec,show_source,symlink,system Directory : /nas/content/live/attorneyexperi/wp-content/plugins/ait-toolkit/lib/ |
<?php /* * AIT Toolkit WordPress Plugin * * Copyright (c) 2013, Affinity Information Technology, s.r.o. ( */ abstract class AitCpt { /** * Public ID (name) of Custom Post Type as specified in config file or in class * @var string */ protected $id; /** * Internal ID (name) of Custom Post Type * @var string */ protected $internalId; /** * Flag whegter CPT is public * @var boolean */ protected $isPublic = false; /** * Flag whegter CPT is public * @var boolean */ protected $isTranslatable = true; /** * Standard labels for CPT. With one custom 'enterTitleHere' * @see * @var stdClass */ protected $labels; /** * Args for CPT * @see * @var array */ protected $args; /** * Default args for Custom Post Type * @var array */ protected $defaultPostArgs = array(); /** * Default args for taxonomies * @var array */ protected $defaultTaxonomyArgs = array(); /** * Paths for CPT * @var stdClass * @var stdClass */ protected $paths; /** * Custom list table columns * @var array */ protected $listTableColumns = array(); /** * List of sortable columns * @var array */ protected $listTableSortableColumns = array(); /** * List of taxonomies for this CPT * @var array */ protected $taxonomies = array(); /** * List of metaboxes * @var array|AitMetaBox[] */ protected $metaboxes = array(); protected $featuredImageMetaboxConfig; protected $raw; public function __construct($id, $config, $paths) { $cpt = isset($config['cpt']) ? (object) $config['cpt'] : (object) array(); unset($config['cpt']); $c = (object) $config; // just shortcut $this->id = $id; $this->internalId = "ait-{$id}"; $this->paths = $paths; // Is public? if(isset($c->public)) $this->isPublic = $c->public; if(isset($c->translatable)) $this->isTranslatable = $c->translatable; // Title if(isset($cpt->labels)) $this->setLabels($cpt->labels); // Args if(isset($cpt->args)) $this->setArgs($cpt->args); // Menu icon $this->setIcon(isset($cpt->icon) ? $cpt->icon : ''); // Taxonomies if(isset($c->taxonomies)){ foreach($c->taxonomies as $id => $params){ $this->addTaxonomy($id, $params); } } // Metaboxes if(isset($c->metaboxes)){ foreach($c->metaboxes as $id => $params){ $this->addMetabox($id, $params); } } // Featured image if(isset($c->featuredImageMetabox)){ $this->setFeaturedImageMetaboxConfig($c->featuredImageMetabox); } if(isset($cpt->listTableColumns)){ $this->setListTableColumns($cpt->listTableColumns); } } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getInternalId() { return $this->internalId; } public function getLabels() { return $this->labels; } public function getFeaturedImageMetaboxConfig($key = null) { if(!$key) return $this->featuredImageMetaboxConfig; else return isset($this->featuredImageMetaboxConfig[$key]) ? $this->featuredImageMetaboxConfig[$key] : false; } public function getMetaboxes() { return $this->metaboxes; } public function getMetabox($id) { if(isset($this->metaboxes[$id])){ return $this->metaboxes[$id]; }else{ trigger_error("There is no registered metabox with key '$id'.", E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Gets meta data from metabox * @param string $id ID of metabox * @return array Fields from metabox */ public function getPostMeta($id) { if (isset($this->metaboxes[$id])) { return $this->metaboxes[$id]->getPostMeta(); } else { trigger_error("There is no registered metabox with key '$id'.", E_USER_ERROR); } } public function getRaw() { $this->raw; } public function getTaxonomies() { return $this->taxonomies; } public function getTranslatableTaxonomyList() { $taxs = array(); foreach($this->taxonomies as $tax){ if(isset($tax['args']['ait-translatable-tax']) and $tax['args']['ait-translatable-tax']){ $taxs[] = $tax['internalId']; } } return $taxs; } public function getRawTaxonomies() { return get_object_taxonomies($this->internalId, 'objects'); } public function getRawPublicTaxonomies() { $taxonomies = $this->getRawTaxonomies(); $publicTaxonomies = array(); foreach($taxonomies as $name => $taxonomy) { if ($taxonomy->public and $name !== 'language') { $publicTaxonomies[] = $taxonomy; } } return $publicTaxonomies; } public function isPublic() { return $this->isPublic; } public function isTranslatable() { return $this->isTranslatable; } public function setIcon($icon) { $f = $icon ? "{$icon}" : "{$this->id}.png"; $path = $this->paths->dir->cpts . "/{$this->id}/$f"; $url = $this->paths->url->cpts . "/{$this->id}/$f"; if(file_exists($path)){ $ico = $url; }else{ $ico = "icon://"; } $this->setArg('menu_icon', $ico); } public function setLabels($labels) { $this->labels = new stdClass; foreach($labels as $key => $value){ $this->labels->{$key} = $this->t($value); } if(!isset($this->labels->enterTitleHere)){ $this->labels->enterTitleHere = ''; } } public function setArgs($args) { $this->args = (object) array_merge($this->defaultPostArgs, $args); } public function setArg($arg, $value) { if(!is_object($this->args)){ $this->args = new stdClass; } $this->args->{$arg} = $value; } public function setFeaturedImageMetaboxConfig($config) { $d = array( 'labels' => array( 'title' => __('Featured Image'), // it will use default from WordPress 'link-set-title' => '', 'link-remove-title' => '', ), 'context' => 'advanced', // (normal, advanced, or side) 'priority' => 'default' // (high, core, default, or low) ); if(isset($config['labels'])){ foreach($config['labels'] as $key => $value){ $config['labels'][$key] = $this->t($value); } } $this->featuredImageMetaboxConfig = array_merge($d, $config); } public function setListTableColumns($columns) { foreach($columns as $name => $values){ if($values !== false){ $this->listTableColumns[$name] = $this->t($values['label']); $this->listTableSortableColumns[$name] = $name; }else{ $this->listTableColumns[$name] = false; } } } /** * Registers custom post type */ public function register() { $args = array( 'labels' => (array) $this->getLabels(), ); $args = array_replace_recursive($args, (array) $this->args); if($this->isPublic and !isset($args['rewrite']) and !isset($args['rewrite']['slug'])){ $args['rewrite']['slug'] = $this->id; } $args['ait-cpt'] = true; // mark our CPTs if($this->isTranslatable){ $args['ait-translatable-cpt'] = true; // mark this CPT as translatable } $this->raw = register_post_type($this->internalId, $args); $this->registerTaxonomies(); } /** * Registers taxonomies for our own custom post type */ protected function registerTaxonomies() { if(!empty($this->taxonomies)){ foreach($this->taxonomies as $id => $params){ $taxInternalId = $params['internalId']; if(!taxonomy_exists($taxInternalId)){ $args = isset($params['args']) ? $params['args'] : array(); foreach($params['labels'] as $key => $value){ $args['labels'][$key] = $this->t($value); } if(!isset($args['rewrite']) and !isset($args['rewrite']['slug'])){ $args['rewrite']['slug'] = $id; } $args['ait-tax'] = true; register_taxonomy($taxInternalId, $this->internalId, $args); } } } } /** * Adds taxonomy for current Custom Post Type * @param string $id ID of taxonomy. Will be prefixed with "ait-" prefix. * @param array $params Params */ public function addTaxonomy($id, $params) { if(isset($params['args'])){ $params['args'] = array_merge($this->defaultTaxonomyArgs, $params['args']); }else{ $params['args'] = $this->defaultTaxonomyArgs; } $params['internalId'] = "ait-{$id}"; // mark this taxonomy as translatable $params['args']['ait-translatable-tax'] = true; // default if(isset($params['translatable'])){ $params['args']['ait-translatable-tax'] = $params['translatable']; } $this->taxonomies[$id] = $params; } /** * Adds metabox for current Custom Post Type. It uses WpAlchemy for creating metabox. * @param string $id ID of metabox * @param array $params Params for WpAlchemy constructor */ public function addMetabox($id, $params) { $this->metaboxes[$id] = $this->createMetabox($id, $params, $this->internalId); } public function supports($value) { return post_type_supports($this->internalId, $value); } public function createMetabox($id, $params, $cptInternalId) { if(isset($params['id'])) unset($params['id']); if(isset($params['originalId'])) unset($params['originalId']); if(isset($params['types'])) unset($params['types']); if(isset($params['title'])){ $params['title'] = $this->t($params['title']); } if(isset($params['config'])){ if(!file_exists($params['config'])){ foreach(array( $this->paths->dir->cpts . "/{$this->id}/{$params['config']}.metabox.php", $this->paths->dir->cpts . "/{$this->id}/{$params['config']}.metabox.neon", ) as $configFile){ if(file_exists($configFile)){ break; } } $params['config'] = apply_filters('ait-cpt-metabox-config-path', $configFile, basename($configFile)); } } $defaults = array( 'metaKey' => "_{$cptInternalId}_$id", 'types' => array($cptInternalId), 'textDomain' => 'ait-toolkit', ); $internalId = "{$cptInternalId}-$id"; if(current_theme_supports('ait-toolkit-plugin')){ return new AitMetaBox($id, $internalId, array_merge($defaults, $params)); }else{ return new AitSimpleMetaBox($id, $internalId, array_merge($defaults, $params)); } } public function createListTableColumn($columnName, $columnConfig, $metaboxes = null) { if(is_bool($columnConfig)) // default listTableColumns from wordpress list table return $columnConfig; $c = (object) $columnConfig; $className = isset($c->type) ? AitToolkitUtils::id2class($c->type, 'ListTableColumn') : 'AitListTableColumn'; $metabox = null; if(isset($c->type) and $c->type == 'metabox' and isset($c->params['metabox'])){ if($metaboxes and isset($metaboxes[$c->params['metabox']])){ $metabox = $metaboxes[$c->params['metabox']]; } } return new $className( $columnName, isset($c->label) ? $c->label : $columnName, isset($c->sortable) ? $c->sortable : false, isset($c->params) ? $c->params : array(), $metabox ); } protected function t($value) { // no needed anymore with php configs if(is_string($value)){ return $value; }elseif($value instanceof NNeonEntity){ if($value->value == '_x' and !empty($value->attributes)){ $text = $value->attributes[0]; $context = $value->attributes[1]; return _x($text, $context, 'ait-toolkit'); }else{ return ''; } } } }