Server : Apache System : Linux pod-100823:apache2_74:v0.5.7 5.4.0-1138-gcp #147~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 7 21:46:26 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : www-data ( 33) PHP Version : Disable Function : apache_child_terminate,apache_get_modules,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,apache_setenv,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,diskfreespace,dl,exec,fastcgi_finish_request,link,opcache_compile_file,opcache_get_configuration,opcache_invalidate,opcache_is_script_cached,opcache_reset,passthru,pclose,pcntl_exec,popen,posix_getpid,posix_getppid,posix_getpwuid,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_setegid,posix_seteuid,posix_setgid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_uname,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,proc_terminate,realpath_cache_get,shell_exec,show_source,symlink,system Directory : /nas/content/live/attorneyexperi/wp-content/plugins/duplicate-post/compat/ |
<?php /** * WPML compatibility functions * * @global array $duplicated_posts Array to store the posts being duplicated. * * @package Yoast\WP\Duplicate_Post * @since 3.2 */ add_action( 'admin_init', 'duplicate_post_wpml_init' ); /** * Add handlers for WPML compatibility. */ function duplicate_post_wpml_init() { if ( defined( 'ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION' ) ) { add_action( 'dp_duplicate_page', 'duplicate_post_wpml_copy_translations', 10, 3 ); add_action( 'dp_duplicate_post', 'duplicate_post_wpml_copy_translations', 10, 3 ); add_action( 'shutdown', 'duplicate_wpml_string_packages', 11 ); } } global $duplicated_posts; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals -- Reason: Renaming a global variable is a BC break. $duplicated_posts = []; /** * Copy post translations. * * @global SitePress $sitepress Instance of the Main WPML class. * @global array $duplicated_posts Array of duplicated posts. * * @param int $post_id ID of the copy. * @param WP_Post $post Original post object. * @param string $status Status of the new post. */ function duplicate_post_wpml_copy_translations( $post_id, $post, $status = '' ) { global $sitepress; global $duplicated_posts; remove_action( 'dp_duplicate_page', 'duplicate_post_wpml_copy_translations', 10 ); remove_action( 'dp_duplicate_post', 'duplicate_post_wpml_copy_translations', 10 ); $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language(); $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $post->ID ); if ( ! empty( $trid ) ) { $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations( $trid ); $new_trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $post_id ); foreach ( $translations as $code => $details ) { if ( $code !== $current_language ) { if ( $details->element_id ) { $translation = get_post( $details->element_id ); if ( ! $translation ) { continue; } $new_post_id = duplicate_post_create_duplicate( $translation, $status ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $new_post_id ) ) { $sitepress->set_element_language_details( $new_post_id, 'post_' . $translation->post_type, $new_trid, $code, $current_language ); } } } } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals -- Reason: see above. $duplicated_posts[ $post->ID ] = $post_id; } } /** * Duplicate string packages. * * @global array() $duplicated_posts Array of duplicated posts. */ function duplicate_wpml_string_packages() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals -- Reason: renaming the function would be a BC-break. global $duplicated_posts; foreach ( $duplicated_posts as $original_post_id => $duplicate_post_id ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals -- Reason: using WPML native filter. $original_string_packages = apply_filters( 'wpml_st_get_post_string_packages', false, $original_post_id ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals -- Reason: using WPML native filter. $new_string_packages = apply_filters( 'wpml_st_get_post_string_packages', false, $duplicate_post_id ); if ( is_array( $original_string_packages ) ) { foreach ( $original_string_packages as $original_string_package ) { $translated_original_strings = $original_string_package->get_translated_strings( [] ); foreach ( $new_string_packages as $new_string_package ) { $cache = new WPML_WP_Cache( 'WPML_Package' ); $cache->flush_group_cache(); $new_strings = $new_string_package->get_package_strings(); foreach ( $new_strings as $new_string ) { if ( isset( $translated_original_strings[ $new_string->name ] ) ) { foreach ( $translated_original_strings[ $new_string->name ] as $language => $translated_string ) { do_action( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals -- Reason: using WPML native filter. 'wpml_add_string_translation', $new_string->id, $language, $translated_string['value'], $translated_string['status'] ); } } } } } } } }