Spamworldpro Mini Shell

Server : Apache
System : Linux pod-100823:apache2_74:v0.5.7 5.4.0-1138-gcp #147~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 7 21:46:26 UTC 2024 x86_64
User : www-data ( 33)
PHP Version :
Disable Function : apache_child_terminate,apache_get_modules,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,apache_setenv,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,diskfreespace,dl,exec,fastcgi_finish_request,link,opcache_compile_file,opcache_get_configuration,opcache_invalidate,opcache_is_script_cached,opcache_reset,passthru,pclose,pcntl_exec,popen,posix_getpid,posix_getppid,posix_getpwuid,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_setegid,posix_seteuid,posix_setgid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_uname,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,proc_terminate,realpath_cache_get,shell_exec,show_source,symlink,system
Directory :  /nas/content/live/attorneyexperi/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Current File : /nas/content/live/attorneyexperi/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/common.php
if ( ! class_exists( 'GFForms' ) ) {

use \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Messages\Dismissable_Messages;
use \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Orders\Factories\GF_Order_Factory;
use \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Orders\Summaries\GF_Order_Summary;
use \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Setup_Wizard\GF_Setup_Wizard_Service_Provider;
use \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Setup_Wizard\Endpoints\GF_Setup_Wizard_Endpoint_Save_Prefs;

 * Class GFCommon
 * Includes common methods accessed throughout Gravity Forms and add-ons.
class GFCommon {

	private static $plugins;
	private static $license_info;

	 * An array of event start times set by GFCommon::timer_start().
	 * @since 2.7.1
	 * @var float[]
	private static $start_times = array();

	// deprecated; set to GFForms::$version in GFForms::init() for backwards compat
	public static $version = null;

	public static $tab_index = 1;
	public static $errors = array();
	public static $messages = array();
	public static $email_boundary = '394c21ef2c7143749256c37c3b5b7ee0';
	 * An array of dismissible messages to display on the page.
	 * @var array $dismissible_messages
	public static $dismissible_messages = array();

	public static function get_selection_fields( $form, $selected_field_id ) {

		$str = '';
		foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
			$input_type  = RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field );
			$field_label = RGFormsModel::get_label( $field );
			if ( $input_type == 'checkbox' || $input_type == 'radio' || $input_type == 'select' ) {
				$selected = $field->id == $selected_field_id ? "selected='selected'" : '';
				$str .= "<option value='" . $field->id . "' " . $selected . '>' . $field_label . '</option>';

		return $str;

	public static function is_numeric( $value, $number_format = '' ) {

		if ( $number_format == 'currency' ) {
			$number_format = self::is_currency_decimal_dot() ? 'decimal_dot' : 'decimal_comma';
			$value         = self::remove_currency_symbol( $value );

		switch ( $number_format ) {
			case 'decimal_dot':
				return preg_match( "/^(-?[0-9]{1,3}(?:,?[0-9]{3})*(?:\.[0-9]+)?)$/", $value );

			case 'decimal_comma':
				return preg_match( "/^(-?[0-9]{1,3}(?:\.?[0-9]{3})*(?:,[0-9]+)?)$/", $value );

				return preg_match( "/^(-?[0-9]{0,3}(?:,?[0-9]{3})*(?:\.[0-9]{1,2})?)$/", $value ) || preg_match( "/^(-?[0-9]{0,3}(?:\.?[0-9]{3})*(?:,[0-9]{2})?)$/", $value );


	 * Determines if the current page is the block editor.
	 * @since 2.7
	 * @return bool Returns true if the current page is the block editor. Returns false otherwise.
	public static function is_block_editor_page() {
		if ( function_exists( 'is_gutenberg_page' ) && is_gutenberg_page() ) {
			return true;

		if ( ! function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) {
			return false;

		$current_screen = get_current_screen();

		if ( is_callable( array( $current_screen, 'is_block_editor' ) ) && $current_screen->is_block_editor() ) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Removes the currency symbol from the supplied value.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.4.18 Updated to support the currency code being passed for the $currency param.
	 * @param string            $value    The value to be cleaned.
	 * @param null|array|string $currency Null to use the default currency, an array of currency properties, or the currency code.
	 * @return string
	public static function remove_currency_symbol( $value, $currency = null ) {
		if ( empty( $value ) ) {
			return $value;

		if ( ! is_array( $currency ) ) {
			$code = empty( $currency ) ? GFCommon::get_currency() : $currency;
			if ( empty( $code ) ) {
				$code = 'USD';

			$currency = RGCurrency::get_currency( $code );

		if ( ! empty( $currency['symbol_left'] ) ) {
			$value = str_replace( $currency['symbol_left'], '', $value );

		if ( ! empty( $currency['symbol_right'] ) ) {
			$value = str_replace( $currency['symbol_right'], '', $value );

		// Some symbols can't be easily matched up, so this will catch any of them.
		$value = preg_replace( '/[^,.\d]/', '', $value );

		return $value;

	public static function is_currency_decimal_dot( $currency = null ) {

		if ( $currency == null ) {
			$code = GFCommon::get_currency();
			if ( empty( $code ) ) {
				$code = 'USD';

			$currency = RGCurrency::get_currency( $code );

		return rgar( $currency, 'decimal_separator' ) == '.';

	public static function trim_all( $text ) {
		$text = trim( $text );
		do {
			$prev_text = $text;
			$text      = str_replace( '  ', ' ', $text );
		} while ( $text != $prev_text );

		return $text;

	public static function format_number( $number, $number_format, $currency = '', $include_thousands_sep = false ) {
		if ( ! is_numeric( $number ) ) {
			return $number;

		//replacing commas with dots and dots with commas
		if ( $number_format == 'currency' ) {
			if ( empty( $currency ) ) {
				$currency = GFCommon::get_currency();

			$currency = new RGCurrency( $currency );
			$number   = $currency->to_money( $number );
		} else {
			if ( $number_format == 'decimal_comma' ) {
				$dec_point     = ',';
				$thousands_sep = $include_thousands_sep ? '.' : '';
			} else {
				$dec_point     = '.';
				$thousands_sep = $include_thousands_sep ? ',' : '';

			$is_negative = $number < 0;

			$number    = explode( '.', $number );
			$number[0] = number_format( absint( $number[0] ), 0, '', $thousands_sep );
			$number    = implode( $dec_point, $number );

			if ( $is_negative ) {
				$number = '-' . $number;

		return $number;

	public static function recursive_add_index_file( $dir ) {
		$dir = untrailingslashit( $dir );
		if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) || ! wp_is_writable( $dir ) || is_link( $dir ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Path ' . $dir . ' is not a valid path or is not writable' );


		if ( ! ( $dp = opendir( $dir ) ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Unable to open directory: ' . $dir );


		// ignores all errors
		set_error_handler( '__return_false', E_ALL );

		//creates an empty index.html file
		$index_file_path = $dir . '/index.html';
		GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Adding file: ' . $index_file_path );

		if ( $f = fopen( $index_file_path, 'w' ) ) {
			fclose( $f );

		// restores error handler

		while ( ( false !== $file = readdir( $dp ) ) ) {
			if ( is_dir( "$dir/$file" ) && $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) {
				self::recursive_add_index_file( "$dir/$file" );

		closedir( $dp );

	public static function add_htaccess_file() {

		$upload_root = GFFormsModel::get_upload_root();

		if ( ! is_dir( $upload_root ) ) {

		if ( ! wp_is_writable( $upload_root ) ) {

		$htaccess_file = $upload_root . '.htaccess';
		if ( file_exists( $htaccess_file ) ) {
			@unlink( $htaccess_file );
		$txt   = '# Disable parsing of PHP for some server configurations. This file may be removed or modified on certain server configurations by using by the gform_upload_root_htaccess_rules filter. Please consult your system administrator before removing this file.
<Files *>
  SetHandler none
  SetHandler default-handler
  Options -ExecCGI
  RemoveHandler .cgi .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .phtml .pl .py .pyc .pyo
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
  php_flag engine off
<IfModule headers_module>
  Header set X-Robots-Tag "noindex"
		$rules = explode( "\n", $txt );

		 * A filter to allow the modification/disabling of parsing certain PHP within Gravity Forms
		 * @since 1.9.2
		 * @param mixed $rules The Rules of what to parse or not to parse
		$rules = apply_filters( 'gform_upload_root_htaccess_rules', $rules );
		if ( ! empty( $rules ) ) {
			if ( ! function_exists( 'insert_with_markers' ) ) {
				require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php' );
			insert_with_markers( $htaccess_file, 'Gravity Forms', $rules );

	public static function clean_number( $number, $number_format = '' ) {
		if ( rgblank( $number ) ) {
			return $number;

		$decimal_char = '';
		if ( $number_format == 'decimal_dot' ) {
			$decimal_char = '.';
		} else if ( $number_format == 'decimal_comma' ) {
			$decimal_char = ',';
		} else if ( $number_format == 'currency' ) {
			$currency     = RGCurrency::get_currency( GFCommon::get_currency() );
			$decimal_char = $currency['decimal_separator'];

		$float_number = '';
		$clean_number = '';
		$is_negative  = false;

		//Removing all non-numeric characters
		$array = str_split( $number );
		foreach ( $array as $char ) {
			if ( ( $char >= '0' && $char <= '9' ) || $char == ',' || $char == '.' ) {
				$clean_number .= $char;
			} else if ( $char == '-' ) {
				$is_negative = true;

		//Removing thousand separators but keeping decimal point
		$array = str_split( $clean_number );
		for ( $i = 0, $count = sizeof( $array ); $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
			$char = $array[ $i ];
			if ( $char >= '0' && $char <= '9' ) {
				$float_number .= $char;
			} else if ( empty( $decimal_char ) && ( $char == '.' || $char == ',' ) && strlen( $clean_number ) - $i <= 3 ) {
				$float_number .= '.';
			} else if ( $decimal_char == $char ) {
				$float_number .= '.';

		if ( $is_negative ) {
			$float_number = '-' . $float_number;

		return $float_number;


	public static function json_encode( $value ) {
		return json_encode( $value );

	public static function json_decode( $str, $is_assoc = true ) {
		return json_decode( $str, $is_assoc );

	 * Decode JSON string to array.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param string $value JSON string.
	 * @return array|string
	public static function maybe_decode_json( $value ) {

		if ( self::is_json( $value ) ) {
			return json_decode( $value, ARRAY_A );

		return $value;

	 * Determines if provided string is a JSON object.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param string $string JSON string.
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_json( $string ) {

		if ( is_string( $string ) && in_array( substr( $string, 0, 1 ), array( '{', '[' ) ) && is_array( json_decode( $string, ARRAY_A ) ) ) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Strips HTML tags using wp_strip_all_tags from a string that may contain unicode.
     * @since 2.8.5
	 * @param string $string JSON string.
	 * @return string
	public static function strip_all_tags_from_json_string( $string ) {
		$decoded_json   = json_decode( $string, true );
		$reencoded_json = json_encode( $decoded_json );

		return wp_strip_all_tags( $reencoded_json );

	//Returns the url of the plugin's root folder
	public static function get_base_url() {
		return plugins_url( '', __FILE__ );

	 * Returns the physical path of the plugin's root folder, without trailing slash.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.6.2 Updated to use GF_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_base_path() {
		return untrailingslashit( GF_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH );

	 * Returns the URL to an image within the plugin's image directory.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param string $image_path The image path, including subdirectories if needed.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_image_url( $image_path ) {
		$base = untrailingslashit( self::get_base_url() );

		return sprintf( '%s/images/%s', $base, $image_path );

	 * Returns the path to an image within the plugin's image directory.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param string $image_path The image path, including subdirectories if needed.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_image_path( $image_path ) {
		$base = untrailingslashit( self::get_base_path() );

		return sprintf( '%s/images/%s', $base, $image_path );

	 * Returns the URL to an font file within the plugin's fonts directory.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param string $font_path The font path, including subdirectories if needed.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_font_url( $font_path ) {
		$base = untrailingslashit( self::get_base_url() );

		return sprintf( '%s/fonts/%s', $base, $font_path );

	 * Returns the path to an font file within the plugin's fonts directory.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param string $font_path The font path, including subdirectories if needed.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_font_path( $font_path ) {
		$base = untrailingslashit( self::get_base_path() );

		return sprintf( '%s/fonts/%s', $base, $font_path );

	 * Returns an array of files/directories which match the supplied pattern.
	 * @since 2.4.15
	 * @param string $pattern   The pattern to be appended to the base path when performing the search.
	 * @param string $base_path The base path. Defaults to the plugin's root folder.
	 * @return array|false
	public static function glob( $pattern, $base_path = '' ) {
		if ( empty( $base_path ) ) {
			$base_path = self::get_base_path();

		// Escape any brackets in the base path.
		$base_path = str_replace( array( '[', ']' ), array( '\[', '\]' ), $base_path );
		$base_path = str_replace( array( '\[', '\]' ), array( '[[]', '[]]' ), $base_path );

		return glob( $base_path . $pattern );

	 * Requires and returns an array of files which match the supplied pattern.
	 * @since 2.4.15
	 * @param string $pattern   The pattern to be appended to the base path when performing the search.
	 * @param string $base_path The base path. Defaults to the plugin's root folder.
	 * @return array|false
	public static function glob_require_once( $pattern, $base_path = '' ) {
		$files = self::glob( $pattern, $base_path );

		if ( is_array( $files ) ) {
			foreach ( $files as $file ) {
				require_once $file;

		return $files;

	public static function get_email_fields( $form ) {
		$fields = array();
		foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
			if ( $field->type == 'email' || $field->inputType == 'email' ) {
				$fields[] = $field;

		return $fields;

	public static function truncate_middle( $text, $max_length ) {
		if ( strlen( $text ) <= $max_length ) {
			return $text;

		$middle = intval( $max_length / 2 );

		return self::safe_substr( $text, 0, $middle ) . '...' . self::safe_substr( $text, strlen( $text ) - $middle, $middle );

	public static function is_invalid_or_empty_email( $email ) {
		return empty( $email ) || ! self::is_valid_email( $email );

	 * Validates URLs.
	 * @since Filters added to allow for using custom validation.
	 * @access  public
	 * @used-by GFFormSettings::handle_confirmation_edit_submission()
	 * @used-by GF_Field_Post_Image::get_value_save_entry()
	 * @used-by GF_Field_Website::get_value_entry_detail()
	 * @used-by GF_Field_Website::validate()
	 * @param string $url The URL to validate.
	 * @return bool True if valid. False otherwise.
	public static function is_valid_url( $url ) {
		$url = trim( $url );

		 * Enables and disables RFC URL validation. Defaults to true.
		 * When RFC is enabled, URLs will be validated against the RFC standard.
		 * When disabled, a simple and generic URL validation will be performed.
		 * @since
		 * @see
		 * @param bool true If RFC validation should be enabled. Defaults to true. Set to false to disable RFC validation.
		$use_rfc = apply_filters( 'gform_rfc_url_validation', true );

		$is_valid = preg_match( "/^(https?:\/\/)/i", $url );

		if ( $use_rfc ) {
			$is_valid = $is_valid && filter_var( $url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) !== false;

		 * Filters the result of URL validations, allowing for custom validation to be performed.
		 * @since
		 * @see
		 * @param bool   $is_valid True if valid. False otherwise.
		 * @param string $url      The URL being validated.
		$is_valid = apply_filters( 'gform_is_valid_url', $is_valid, $url );

		return $is_valid;

	public static function is_valid_email( $email ) {
		return is_email( trim( $email ) );

	public static function is_valid_email_list( $email_list ) {
		$emails = explode( ',', $email_list );
		if ( ! is_array( $emails ) ) {
			return false;

		// Trim values.
		$emails = array_map( 'trim', $emails );

		foreach ( $emails as $email ) {
			if ( ! self::is_valid_email( $email ) ) {
				return false;

		return true;

	public static function get_label( $field, $input_id = 0, $input_only = false, $allow_admin_label = true ) {
		return RGFormsModel::get_label( $field, $input_id, $input_only, $allow_admin_label );

	public static function get_input( $field, $id ) {
		return RGFormsModel::get_input( $field, $id );

	public static function insert_variables( $fields, $element_id, $hide_all_fields = false, $callback = '', $onchange = '', $max_label_size = 40, $exclude = null, $args = '', $class_name = '' ) {

		if ( $fields == null ) {
			$fields = array();

		if ( $exclude == null ) {
			$exclude = array();

		$exclude    = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_list_exclude', $exclude, $element_id, $fields );
		$merge_tags = self::get_merge_tags( $fields, $element_id, $hide_all_fields, $exclude, $args );

		$onchange = empty( $onchange ) ? "InsertVariable('{$element_id}', '{$callback}');" : $onchange;
		$class    = trim( $class_name . ' gform_merge_tags' );


		<select id="<?php echo esc_attr( $element_id ); ?>_variable_select" onchange="<?php echo $onchange ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $class ) ?>">
			<option value=''><?php esc_html_e( 'Insert Merge Tag', 'gravityforms' ); ?></option>

			<?php foreach ( $merge_tags as $group => $group_tags ) {

				$group_label = rgar( $group_tags, 'label' );
				$tags        = rgar( $group_tags, 'tags' );

				if ( empty( $group_tags['tags'] ) ) {

				if ( $group_label ) {
					<optgroup label="<?php esc_attr_e( $group_label ); ?>">
				<?php } ?>

				<?php foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { ?>
					<option value="<?php esc_attr_e( $tag['tag'] ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( $tag['label'] ); ?></option>
				if ( $group_label ) {
			} ?>



	 * This function is used by the gfMergeTags JS object to get the localized label for non-field merge tags as well as
	 * for backwards compatibility with the gform_custom_merge_tags hook. Lastly, this plugin is used by the soon-to-be
	 * deprecated insert_variables() function as the new gfMergeTags object has not yet been applied to the Post Content
	 * Template setting.
	 * @param GF_Field[] $fields
	 * @param            $element_id
	 * @param bool       $hide_all_fields
	 * @param array      $exclude_field_types
	 * @param string     $option
	 * @return array
	public static function get_merge_tags( $fields, $element_id, $hide_all_fields = false, $exclude_field_types = array(), $option = '' ) {

		if ( $fields == null ) {
			$fields = array();

		if ( $exclude_field_types == null ) {
			$exclude_field_types = array();

		$required_fields = $optional_fields = $pricing_fields = array();
		$ungrouped       = $required_group = $optional_group = $pricing_group = $other_group = array();

		if ( ! $hide_all_fields ) {
			$ungrouped[] = array(
				'tag'   => '{all_fields}',
				'label' => esc_html__( 'All Submitted Fields', 'gravityforms' )

		// group fields by required, optional, and pricing
		foreach ( $fields as $field ) {

			if ( $field->displayOnly ) {

			$input_type = RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field );

			// skip field types that should be excluded
			if ( is_array( $exclude_field_types ) && in_array( $input_type, $exclude_field_types ) ) {

			if ( $field->isRequired ) {

				switch ( $input_type ) {

					case 'name' :

						if ( $field->nameFormat == 'extended' ) {

							$prefix                   = GFCommon::get_input( $field, $field->id . '.2' );
							$suffix                   = GFCommon::get_input( $field, $field->id . '.8' );
							$optional_field           = $field;
							$optional_field['inputs'] = array( $prefix, $suffix );

							//Add optional name fields to the optional list
							$optional_fields[] = $optional_field;

							//Remove optional name field from required list
							unset( $field->inputs[0] );
							unset( $field->inputs[3] );


						$required_fields[] = $field;


						$required_fields[] = $field;
			} else {
				$optional_fields[] = $field;

			if ( self::is_pricing_field( $field->type ) ) {
				$pricing_fields[] = $field;

		if ( ! empty( $required_fields ) ) {
			foreach ( $required_fields as $field ) {
				$required_group = array_merge( $required_group, self::get_field_merge_tags( $field, $option ) );

		if ( ! empty( $optional_fields ) ) {
			foreach ( $optional_fields as $field ) {
				$optional_group = array_merge( $optional_group, self::get_field_merge_tags( $field, $option ) );

		if ( ! empty( $pricing_fields ) ) {

			if ( ! $hide_all_fields ) {
				$pricing_group[] = array(
					'tag'   => '{pricing_fields}',
					'label' => esc_html__( 'All Pricing Fields', 'gravityforms' )

			foreach ( $pricing_fields as $field ) {
				$pricing_group = array_merge( $pricing_group, self::get_field_merge_tags( $field, $option ) );

		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{ip}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'User IP Address', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array(
			'tag'   => '{date_mdy}',
			'label' => esc_html__( 'Date', 'gravityforms' ) . ' (mm/dd/yyyy)'
		$other_group[] = array(
			'tag'   => '{date_dmy}',
			'label' => esc_html__( 'Date', 'gravityforms' ) . ' (dd/mm/yyyy)'
		$other_group[] = array(
			'tag'   => '{embed_post:ID}',
			'label' => esc_html__( 'Embed Post/Page Id', 'gravityforms' )
		$other_group[] = array(
			'tag'   => '{embed_post:post_title}',
			'label' => esc_html__( 'Embed Post/Page Title', 'gravityforms' )
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{embed_url}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Embed URL', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{entry_id}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Entry Id', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{entry_url}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Entry URL', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{form_id}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Form Id', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{form_title}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Form Title', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{user_agent}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'HTTP User Agent', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{referer}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'HTTP Referer URL', 'gravityforms' ) );

		if ( self::has_post_field( $fields ) ) {
			$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{post_id}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Post Id', 'gravityforms' ) );
			$other_group[] = array(
				'tag'   => '{post_edit_url}',
				'label' => esc_html__( 'Post Edit URL', 'gravityforms' )

		$other_group[] = array(
			'tag'   => '{user:display_name}',
			'label' => esc_html__( 'User Display Name', 'gravityforms' )
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{user:user_email}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'User Email', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$other_group[] = array( 'tag' => '{user:user_login}', 'label' => esc_html__( 'User Login', 'gravityforms' ) );

		$form_id = isset( $fields[0] ) ? $fields[0]->formId : rgget( 'id' );
		$form_id = absint( $form_id );

		$custom_group = apply_filters( 'gform_custom_merge_tags', array(), $form_id, $fields, $element_id );

		$merge_tags = array(
			'ungrouped' => array(
				'label' => false,
				'tags'  => $ungrouped,
			'required'  => array(
				'label' => esc_html__( 'Required form fields', 'gravityforms' ),
				'tags'  => $required_group,
			'optional'  => array(
				'label' => esc_html__( 'Optional form fields', 'gravityforms' ),
				'tags'  => $optional_group,
			'pricing'   => array(
				'label' => esc_html__( 'Pricing form fields', 'gravityforms' ),
				'tags'  => $pricing_group,
			'other'     => array(
				'label' => esc_html__( 'Other', 'gravityforms' ),
				'tags'  => $other_group,
			'custom'    => array(
				'label' => esc_html__( 'Custom', 'gravityforms' ),
				'tags'  => $custom_group,

		return $merge_tags;

	 * @param GF_Field $field
	 * @param string   $option
	 * @return string
	public static function get_field_merge_tags( $field, $option = '' ) {

		$merge_tags = array();
		$tag_args   = RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'list' ? ":{$option}" : ''; //args currently only supported by list field

		$inputs = $field->get_entry_inputs();

		if ( is_array( $inputs ) ) {

			if ( RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'checkbox' ) {
				$value        = '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $field->id ) ) . ':' . $field->id . "{$tag_args}}";
				$merge_tags[] = array(
					'tag'   => $value,
					'label' => esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $field->id ) )

			foreach ( $field->inputs as $input ) {
				if ( RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'creditcard' ) {
					//only include the credit card type (field_id.4) and number (field_id.1)
					if ( $input['id'] == $field->id . '.1' || $input['id'] == $field->id . '.4' ) {
						$value        = '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) ) . ':' . $input['id'] . "{$tag_args}}";
						$merge_tags[] = array(
							'tag'   => $value,
							'label' => esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) )
				} else {
					$value        = '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) ) . ':' . $input['id'] . "{$tag_args}}";
					$merge_tags[] = array(
						'tag'   => $value,
						'label' => esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) )
		} else {
			$value        = '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field ) ) . ':' . $field->id . "{$tag_args}}";
			$merge_tags[] = array(
				'tag'   => $value,
				'label' => esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field ) )

		return $merge_tags;

	public static function insert_field_variable( $field, $max_label_size = 40, $args = '' ) {

		$tag_args = RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'list' ? ":{$args}" : ''; //args currently only supported by list field

		if ( is_array( $field->inputs ) ) {
			if ( RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'checkbox' ) {
				<option value='<?php echo '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $field->id ) ) . ':' . $field->id . "{$tag_args}}" ?>'><?php echo esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $field->id ) ) ?></option>

			foreach ( $field->inputs as $input ) {
				<option value='<?php echo '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) ) . ':' . $input['id'] . "{$tag_args}}" ?>'><?php echo esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) ) ?></option>
		} else {
			<option value='<?php echo '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field ) ) . ':' . $field->id . "{$tag_args}}" ?>'><?php echo esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field ) ) ?></option>

	public static function insert_post_content_variables( $fields, $element_id, $callback, $max_label_size = 25 ) {
		// TODO: replace with class-powered merge tags
		$insert_variables_onchange = sprintf( "InsertPostContentVariable('%s', '%s');", esc_js( $element_id ), esc_js( $callback ) );
		self::insert_variables( $fields, $element_id, true, '', $insert_variables_onchange, $max_label_size, null, '', 'gform_content_template_merge_tags' );
		<select id="<?php echo $element_id ?>_image_size_select" onchange="InsertPostImageVariable('<?php echo esc_js( $element_id ); ?>', '<?php echo esc_js( $element_id ); ?>'); SetCustomFieldTemplate();" style="display:none;">
			<option value=""><?php esc_html_e( 'Select image size', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="thumbnail"><?php esc_html_e( 'Thumbnail', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="thumbnail:left"><?php esc_html_e( 'Thumbnail - Left Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="thumbnail:center"><?php esc_html_e( 'Thumbnail - Centered', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="thumbnail:right"><?php esc_html_e( 'Thumbnail - Right Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>

			<option value="medium"><?php esc_html_e( 'Medium', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="medium:left"><?php esc_html_e( 'Medium - Left Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="medium:center"><?php esc_html_e( 'Medium - Centered', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="medium:right"><?php esc_html_e( 'Medium - Right Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>

			<option value="large"><?php esc_html_e( 'Large', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="large:left"><?php esc_html_e( 'Large - Left Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="large:center"><?php esc_html_e( 'Large - Centered', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="large:right"><?php esc_html_e( 'Large - Right Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>

			<option value="full"><?php esc_html_e( 'Full Size', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="full:left"><?php esc_html_e( 'Full Size - Left Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="full:center"><?php esc_html_e( 'Full Size - Centered', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>
			<option value="full:right"><?php esc_html_e( 'Full Size - Right Aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ?></option>

	public static function insert_calculation_variables( $fields, $element_id, $onchange = '', $callback = '', $max_label_size = 40 ) {
		if ( $fields == null ) {
			$fields = array();
		$onchange = empty( $onchange ) ? sprintf( "InsertVariable('%s', '%s');", esc_js( $element_id ), esc_js( $callback ) ) : $onchange;
		$class    = 'gform_merge_tags';

		<select data-js-reload="gforms-calculation-variables" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $element_id ); ?>_variable_select" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>" onchange="<?php echo $onchange; ?>">
			<option value=''><?php esc_html_e( 'Insert Merge Tag', 'gravityforms' ); ?></option>
			<optgroup label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Allowable form fields', 'gravityforms' ); ?>">
				<?php foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
					if ( ! self::is_valid_for_calcuation( $field ) ) {

					if ( RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'checkbox' ) {
						foreach ( $field->inputs as $input ) { ?>
							<option value='<?php echo esc_attr( '{' . esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) ) . ':' . $input['id'] . '}' ); ?>'><?php echo esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input['id'] ) ); ?></option>
						<?php }
					} else {
						self::insert_field_variable( $field, $max_label_size );
				} ?>

			$form_id = isset( $fields[0] ) ? $fields[0]->formId : rgget( 'id' );
			$form_id = absint( $form_id );

			$custom_merge_tags = apply_filters( 'gform_custom_merge_tags', array(), $form_id, $fields, $element_id );

			if ( is_array( $custom_merge_tags ) && ! empty( $custom_merge_tags ) ) { ?>

				<optgroup label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Custom', 'gravityforms' ); ?>">

					<?php foreach ( $custom_merge_tags as $custom_merge_tag ) { ?>

						<option value='<?php echo esc_attr( rgar( $custom_merge_tag, 'tag' ) ); ?>'><?php echo esc_html( rgar( $custom_merge_tag, 'label' ) ); ?></option>

					<?php } ?>


			<?php } ?>



	private static function get_post_image_variable( $media_id, $arg1, $arg2, $is_url = false ) {

		if ( $is_url ) {
			$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $media_id, $arg1 );
			if ( $image ) {
				list( $src, $width, $height ) = $image;

			return $src;

		switch ( $arg1 ) {
			case 'alt' :
				return get_post_meta( $media_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
			case 'title' :
				$media = get_post( $media_id );

				return $media->post_title;
			case 'caption' :
				$media = get_post( $media_id );

				return $media->post_excerpt;
			case 'description' :
				$media = get_post( $media_id );

				return $media->post_content;

			default :

				$img = wp_get_attachment_image( $media_id, $arg1, false, array( 'class' => "size-{$arg1} align{$arg2} wp-image-{$media_id}" ) );

				return $img;

	public static function replace_variables_post_image( $text, $post_images, $lead ) {

		preg_match_all( '/{[^{]*?:(\d+)(:([^:]*?))?(:([^:]*?))?(:url)?}/mi', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
		if ( is_array( $matches ) ) {
			foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
				$input_id = $match[1];

				// Ignore fields that are not post images.
				if ( ! isset( $post_images[ $input_id ] ) ) {

				// Reading alignment and 'url' parameters.
				// Format could be {image:5:medium:left:url} or {image:5:medium:url}.
				$size_meta = empty( $match[3] ) ? 'full' : $match[3];
				$align     = empty( $match[5] ) ? 'none' : $match[5];
				if ( $align == 'url' ) {
					$align  = 'none';
					$is_url = true;
				} else {
					$is_url = rgar( $match, 6 ) == ':url';

				$media_id = $post_images[ $input_id ];
				$value    = is_wp_error( $media_id ) ? '' : self::get_post_image_variable( $media_id, $size_meta, $align, $is_url );

				$text = str_replace( $match[0], $value, $text );

		return $text;

	public static function implode_non_blank( $separator, $array ) {

		if ( ! is_array( $array ) ) {
			return '';

		$ary = array();
		foreach ( $array as $item ) {
			if ( ! rgblank( $item ) ) {
				$ary[] = $item;

		return implode( $separator, $ary );

	public static function format_variable_value( $value, $url_encode, $esc_html, $format, $nl2br = true ) {
		if ( $esc_html ) {
			$value = esc_html( $value );

		if ( $format == 'html' && $nl2br ) {
			$value = nl2br( $value );

		if ( $url_encode ) {
			$value = urlencode( $value );

		return $value;

	public static function replace_variables( $text, $form, $lead, $url_encode = false, $esc_html = true, $nl2br = true, $format = 'html', $aux_data = array() ) {

		$data = array_merge( array( 'entry' => $lead ), $aux_data );

		 * Filter data that will be used to replace merge tags.
		 * @since Added the Entry Object as the 4th parameter.
		 * @param $data  array  Array of key/value pairs, where key is used as merge tag and value is an array of data available to the merge tag.
		 * @param $text  string String of text which will be searched for merge tags.
		 * @param $form  array  Current form object.
		 * @param $lead  array  The current Entry Object.
		 * @see
		$data = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_data', $data, $text, $form, $lead );

		$lead = $data['entry'];

		$text = $format == 'html' && $nl2br ? nl2br( $text ) : $text;
		$text = apply_filters( 'gform_pre_replace_merge_tags', $text, $form, $lead, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format );

		if ( strpos( $text, '{' ) === false ) {
			return $text;

		if ( false !== strpos( $text, 'merge_tag' ) ) {
			// Replacing conditional merge tag variables: [gravityforms action="conditional" merge_tag="{Other Services:4}" ....
			preg_match_all( '/merge_tag\s*=\s*["|\']({[^{]*?:(\d+(\.\w+)?)(:(.*?))?})["|\']/mi', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
			if ( is_array( $matches ) ) {
				foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
					$input_id = $match[2];

					$text = self::replace_field_variable( $text, $form, $lead, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format, $input_id, $match, true );

		// Process dynamic merge tags based on auxiliary data.
		$aux_tags = array_keys( $data );
		$pattern  = sprintf( '/{(%s):(.+?)}/', implode( '|', $aux_tags ) );

		preg_match_all( $pattern, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
		foreach ( $matches as $match ) {

			list( $search, $tag, $prop ) = $match;

			if ( is_callable( $data[ $tag ] ) ) {
				$data[ $tag ] = call_user_func( $data[ $tag ], $lead, $form );

			$object  = $data[ $tag ];
			$replace = rgars( $object, $prop );

			$text = str_replace( $search, $replace, $text );


		// Replacing field variables: {FIELD_LABEL:FIELD_ID} {My Field:2}.
		preg_match_all( '/{[^{]*?:(\d+(\.\w+)?)(:(.*?))?}/mi', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
		if ( is_array( $matches ) ) {
			foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
				$input_id = $match[1];

				$text = self::replace_field_variable( $text, $form, $lead, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format, $input_id, $match );

		$matches = array();
		preg_match_all( "/{all_fields(:(.*?))?}/", $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
		foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
			$options         = explode( ',', rgar( $match, 2 ) );
			$use_value       = in_array( 'value', $options );
			$display_empty   = in_array( 'empty', $options );
			$use_admin_label = in_array( 'admin', $options );

			//all submitted fields using text
			if ( strpos( $text, $match[0] ) !== false ) {
				$text = str_replace( $match[0], self::get_submitted_fields( $form, $lead, $display_empty, ! $use_value, $format, $use_admin_label, 'all_fields', rgar( $match, 2 ) ), $text );

		// All submitted fields including empty fields.
		if ( strpos( $text, '{all_fields_display_empty}' ) !== false ) {
			$text = str_replace( '{all_fields_display_empty}', self::get_submitted_fields( $form, $lead, true, true, $format, false, 'all_fields_display_empty' ), $text );

		// Pricing fields.
		$pricing_matches = array();
		preg_match_all( "/{pricing_fields(:(.*?))?}/", $text, $pricing_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
		foreach ( $pricing_matches as $match ) {
			$options         = explode( ',', rgar( $match, 2 ) );
			$use_value       = in_array( 'value', $options );
			$use_admin_label = in_array( 'admin', $options );

			// All submitted pricing fields using text.
			if ( strpos( $text, $match[0] ) !== false ) {
				$pricing_fields = self::get_submitted_pricing_fields( $form, $lead, $format, ! $use_value, $use_admin_label );

				if ( $format == 'html' ) {
					$text = str_replace(
						'<table width="99%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
								<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' . $pricing_fields . '</table>
				} else {
					$text = str_replace( $match[0], $pricing_fields, $text );

		// Replacing global variables.
		// Form title.
		$text = str_replace( '{form_title}', $url_encode ? urlencode( rgar( $form, 'title' ) ) : rgar( $form, 'title' ), $text );

		// Form ID.
		$text = str_replace( '{form_id}', $url_encode ? urlencode( rgar( $form, 'id' ) ) : rgar( $form, 'id' ), $text );

		// Entry ID.
		$text = str_replace( '{entry_id}', $url_encode ? urlencode( rgar( $lead, 'id' ) ) : rgar( $lead, 'id' ), $text );

		if ( false !== strpos( $text, '{entry_url}' ) ) {
			// Entry URL.
			$entry_url = get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_entries&view=entry&id=' . rgar( $form, 'id' ) . '&lid=' . rgar( $lead, 'id' );

			 * Filter the entry URL
			 * Allows for the filtering of the entry_url placeholder to handle situation in which the wpurl might not agree with the admin_url.
			 * @since
			 * @param string $entry_url The Entry URL to filter.
			 * @param array $form The current Form object.
			 * @param array $lead The current Entry object.
			$entry_url = esc_url( apply_filters( 'gform_entry_detail_url', $entry_url, $form, $lead ) );
			$text      = str_replace( '{entry_url}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $entry_url ) : $entry_url, $text );

		// Post ID.
		$text = str_replace( '{post_id}', $url_encode ? urlencode( rgar( $lead, 'post_id' ) ) : rgar( $lead, 'post_id' ), $text );

		// Admin email.
		if ( false !== strpos( $text, '{admin_email}' ) ) {
			$wp_email = get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' );
			$text     = str_replace( '{admin_email}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $wp_email ) : $wp_email, $text );

		// Admin URL.
		if ( false !== strpos( $text, '{admin_url}' ) ) {
			static $admin_url;
			$admin_url = isset( $admin_url ) ? $admin_url : admin_url();
			$text = str_replace( '{admin_url}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $admin_url ) : $admin_url, $text );

		// Logout URL.
		if ( false !== strpos( $text, '{logout_url}' ) ) {
			static $wp_logout_url;
			$wp_logout_url = isset( $wp_logout_url ) ? $wp_logout_url : wp_logout_url();
			$text = str_replace( '{logout_url}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $wp_logout_url ) : $wp_logout_url, $text );

		// Post edit URL.
		if ( false !== strpos( $text, '{post_edit_url}' ) ) {
			$post_url = get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=' . rgar( $lead, 'post_id' );
			$text     = str_replace( '{post_edit_url}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $post_url ) : $post_url, $text );

		$text = self::replace_variables_prepopulate( $text, $url_encode, $lead, $esc_html, $form, $nl2br, $format );

		// TODO: Deprecate the 'gform_replace_merge_tags' and replace it with a call to the 'gform_merge_tag_filter'
		//$text = apply_filters('gform_merge_tag_filter', $text, false, false, false );

		$text = self::decode_merge_tag( $text );

		return $text;

	public static function encode_merge_tag( $text ) {
		return str_replace( '{', '&#x7b;', $text );

	public static function decode_merge_tag( $text ) {
		return str_replace( '&#x7b;', '{', $text );

	 * Given a calculation formula tag, (e.g. {:1} + 3), gather any field IDs referenced
	 * within it and return as an array.
	 * @since 2.5.10
	 * @param string $text The formula tag to parse.
	 * @return array
	public static function get_field_ids_from_formula_tag( $text ) {
		preg_match_all( '/\{[^:]*:([0-9]+)\}/', $text, $matches );

		if ( empty( $matches[1] ) ) {
			return array();

		return $matches[1];

	public static function format_post_category( $value, $use_id ) {

		list( $item_value, $item_id ) = rgexplode( ':', $value, 2 );

		if ( $use_id && ! empty( $item_id ) ) {
			$item_value = $item_id;

		return $item_value;

	public static function get_embed_post() {
		global $embed_post, $post, $wp_query;

		if ( $embed_post ) {
			return $embed_post;

		if ( ! rgempty( 'gform_embed_post' ) ) {
			$post_id    = absint( rgpost( 'gform_embed_post' ) );
			$embed_post = get_post( $post_id );
		} else if ( $wp_query->is_in_loop ) {
			$embed_post = $post;
		} else {
			$embed_post = array();

	public static function get_ul_classes( $form ) {

		$label_class       = rgempty( 'labelPlacement', $form ) ? 'top_label' : rgar( $form, 'labelPlacement' );
		$description_class = ( rgar( $form, 'descriptionPlacement' ) == 'above' ) && ( $label_class == 'top_label' ) ? 'description_above' : 'description_below';
		$validation_class  = rgar( $form, 'validationPlacement' ) == 'above' ? 'validation_above' : 'validation_below';
		$sublabel_class    = rgar( $form, 'subLabelPlacement' ) == 'above' ? 'form_sublabel_above' : 'form_sublabel_below';

		$css_class = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', "gform_fields {$label_class} {$sublabel_class} {$description_class} {$validation_class}" ); //removing extra spaces

		return $css_class;

	public static function replace_variables_prepopulate( $text, $url_encode = false, $entry = false, $esc_html = false, $form = false, $nl2br = false, $format = 'html' ) {

		if ( strpos( $text, '{' ) !== false ) {

			//embed url
			$current_page_url = empty( $entry ) ? RGFormsModel::get_current_page_url() : rgar( $entry, 'source_url' );
			if ( $esc_html ) {
				$current_page_url = esc_html( $current_page_url );
			if ( $url_encode ) {
				$current_page_url = urlencode( $current_page_url );
			$text = str_replace( '{embed_url}', $current_page_url, $text );

			$utc_timestamp   = time();
			$local_timestamp = self::get_local_timestamp( $utc_timestamp );

			//date (mm/dd/yyyy)
			$local_date_mdy = date_i18n( 'm/d/Y', $local_timestamp, true );
			$text           = str_replace( '{date_mdy}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $local_date_mdy ) : $local_date_mdy, $text );

			//date (dd/mm/yyyy)
			$local_date_dmy = date_i18n( 'd/m/Y', $local_timestamp, true );
			$text           = str_replace( '{date_dmy}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $local_date_dmy ) : $local_date_dmy, $text );

			//date_created, date_updated, payment_date
			preg_match_all( '/{(date_created|date_updated|payment_date|today):?(.*?)(?:\s)?}/ism', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );

			if ( ! empty( $matches ) ) {
				// Loop over all the mergetag matches and replace with appropriate date
				foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
					$is_today    = $match[1] === 'today';
					$full_tag    = $match[0];
					$date_string = ! $is_today ? rgar( $entry, $match[1] ) : $utc_timestamp;
					$property    = $match[2];

					// $date_string can't be a timestamp; convert to an actual date format.
					if ( ! empty( $date_string ) && self::is_numeric( $date_string ) ) {
						$date_string = date( 'c', (int) $date_string );

					if( ! empty( $date_string ) ) {
						// Expand all modifiers, skipping escaped colons
						$exploded = explode( ':', str_replace( '\:', '|COLON|', $property ) );

						 * If there is a `:format` modifier in a merge tag, grab the formatting
						 * The `:format` modifier should always have the format follow it; it's the next item in the array
						 * In `foo:format:bar`, "bar" will be the returned format
						$format_key_index = array_search( 'format', $exploded, true );
						$date_format           = false;
						if ( false !== $format_key_index && isset( $exploded[ $format_key_index + 1 ] ) ) {
							// Return escaped colons placeholder
							$date_format = str_replace( '|COLON|', ':', $exploded[ $format_key_index + 1 ] );

						$is_human             = ! $is_today && in_array( 'human', $exploded, true ); // {date_created:human}
						$is_diff              = ! $is_today && in_array( 'diff', $exploded, true ); // {date_created:diff}
						$is_raw               = ! $is_today && in_array( 'raw', $exploded, true ); // {date_created:raw}
						$is_timestamp         = in_array( 'timestamp', $exploded, true ); // {date_created:timestamp}
						$include_time         = in_array( 'time', $exploded, true );  // {date_created:time}
						$date_gmt_time        = mysql2date( 'G', $date_string );
						$date_local_timestamp = self::get_local_timestamp( $date_gmt_time );

						// If we're using time diff, we want to have a different default format
						if ( empty( $date_format ) ) {
							// translators: %s: relative time from now, used for generic date comparisons. "1 day ago", or "20 seconds ago"
							$date_format = $is_diff ? esc_html__( '%s ago', 'gravityforms' ) : get_option( 'date_format' );

						if ( $is_raw ) {
							$formatted_date = $date_string;
						} elseif ( $is_timestamp ) {
							$formatted_date = $is_today ? $utc_timestamp : $date_local_timestamp;
						} elseif ( $is_diff ) {
							$formatted_date = sprintf( $date_format, human_time_diff( $date_gmt_time ) );
						} else {
							$formatted_date = self::format_date( $date_string, $is_human, $date_format, $include_time );
					} else {
					    $formatted_date = '';

					$formatted_date = self::format_variable_value( $formatted_date, $url_encode, $esc_html, $format, false );
					$text           = str_replace( $full_tag, $formatted_date, $text );

			// ip
			$request_ip = rgars( $form, 'personalData/preventIP' ) ? '' : GFFormsModel::get_ip();
			$ip = isset( $entry['ip'] ) ? $entry['ip'] : $request_ip;
			if ( $esc_html ) {
				$ip = esc_html( $ip );
			$text = str_replace( '{ip}', $url_encode ? urlencode( $ip ) : $ip, $text );

			//user agent
			$user_agent = isset( $entry['user_agent'] ) ? $entry['user_agent'] : sanitize_text_field( rgar( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) );
			$text       = str_replace( '{user_agent}', self::format_variable_value( $user_agent, $url_encode, $esc_html, $format, $nl2br ), $text );

			$referer = RGForms::get( 'HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER );
			if ( $esc_html ) {
				$referer = esc_html( $referer );
			if ( $url_encode ) {
				$referer = urlencode( $referer );
			$text = str_replace( '{referer}', $referer, $text );

			//embed post and custom fields
			preg_match_all( "/\{embed_post:(.*?)\}/", $text, $ep_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
			preg_match_all( "/\{custom_field:(.*?)\}/", $text, $cf_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );

			if ( ! empty( $ep_matches ) || ! empty( $cf_matches ) ) {
				global $post;
				$is_singular = is_singular();
				$post_array  = self::object_to_array( $post );

				foreach ( $ep_matches as $match ) {
					$full_tag = $match[0];
					$property = $match[1];
					$value    = $is_singular ? $post_array[ $property ] : '';
					$text     = str_replace( $full_tag, $url_encode ? urlencode( $value ) : $value, $text );

				foreach ( $cf_matches as $match ) {
					$full_tag           = $match[0];
					$custom_field_name  = $match[1];
					$custom_field_value = $is_singular && ! empty( $post_array['ID'] ) ? get_post_meta( $post_array['ID'], $custom_field_name, true ) : '';
					$text               = str_replace( $full_tag, $url_encode ? urlencode( $custom_field_value ) : $custom_field_value, $text );

			//logged in user info
			global $current_user;

			preg_match_all( "/\{user:(.*?)\}/", $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
			foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
				$full_tag = $match[0];
				$property = $match[1];

				// Prevent leaking hashed passwords.
				$value = $property == 'user_pass' ? '' : $current_user->get( $property );
				$value = $url_encode ? urlencode( $value ) : $value;

				$text = str_replace( $full_tag, $value, $text );

			preg_match_all( '/{created_by:?(.*?)(?:\s)?}/ism', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );

			if ( ! empty( $matches ) ) {
				$entry_creator = new WP_User( rgar( $entry, 'created_by' ) );

				// Loop over all the mergetag matches and replace with appropriate user data
				foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
					$full_tag = $match[0];
					$property = $match[1];

					switch ( $property ) {
						case 'roles':
							$value = implode( ', ', $entry_creator->roles );

						// Prevent leaking hashed passwords.
						case 'user_pass':
							$value = '';

							$value = $entry_creator->get( $property );

					$value = self::format_variable_value( $value, $url_encode, $esc_html, '', false );
					$text  = str_replace( $full_tag, $value, $text );


		 * Allow the text to be filtered so custom merge tags can be replaced.
		 * @param string      $text       The text in which merge tags are being processed.
		 * @param false|array $form       The Form object if available or false.
		 * @param false|array $entry      The Entry object if available or false.
		 * @param bool        $url_encode Indicates if the urlencode function should be applied.
		 * @param bool        $esc_html   Indicates if the esc_html function should be applied.
		 * @param bool        $nl2br      Indicates if the nl2br function should be applied.
		 * @param string      $format     The format requested for the location the merge is being used. Possible values: html, text or url.
		$text = apply_filters( 'gform_replace_merge_tags', $text, $form, $entry, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format );

		return $text;

	public static function object_to_array( $object ) {
		$array = array();
		if ( ! empty( $object ) ) {
			foreach ( $object as $member => $data ) {
				$array[ $member ] = $data;

		return $array;

	public static function is_empty_array( $val ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $val ) ) {
			$val = array( $val );

		$ary = array_values( $val );
		foreach ( $ary as $item ) {
			if ( ! rgblank( $item ) ) {
				return false;

		return true;

	public static function get_submitted_fields( $form, $lead, $display_empty = false, $use_text = false, $format = 'html', $use_admin_label = false, $merge_tag = '', $options = '' ) {

		$field_data = '';
		if ( $format == 'html' ) {
			$field_data = '<table width="99%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#EAEAEA"><tr><td>
                            <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

		$options_array           = explode( ',', $options );
		$no_admin                = in_array( 'noadmin', $options_array );
		$no_hidden               = in_array( 'nohidden', $options_array );
		$display_product_summary = false;

		foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
			/* @var GF_Field $field */

			$field_value = '';

			$field->set_context_property( 'use_admin_label', $use_admin_label );
			$field_label = $format == 'text' ? sanitize_text_field( self::get_label( $field ) ) : esc_html( self::get_label( $field ) );

			switch ( $field->type ) {
				case 'captcha' :
				case 'password' :

				case 'section' :

					if ( GFFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $field, array(), $lead ) ) {

					if ( ( ! GFCommon::is_section_empty( $field, $form, $lead ) || $display_empty ) && ! $field->is_administrative() ) {

						switch ( $format ) {
							case 'text' :
								$field_value = "--------------------------------\n{$field_label}\n\n";

								$field_value = sprintf(
                                        	<td colspan="2" style="font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; background-color:#EEE; border-bottom:1px solid #DFDFDF; padding:7px 7px">%s</td>
	                                   ', $field_label

					$field_value = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', $field_value, $merge_tag, $options, $field, $field_label, $format );

					$field_data .= $field_value;


				default :

					if ( self::is_product_field( $field->type ) ) {

						// ignore product fields as they will be grouped together at the end of the grid
						$display_product_summary = apply_filters( 'gform_display_product_summary', true, $field, $form, $lead );
						if ( $display_product_summary ) {
					} else if ( GFFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $field, array(), $lead ) ) {
						// ignore fields hidden by conditional logic

					$field->set_modifiers( $options_array );
					$raw_field_value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $field );
					$field_value     = GFCommon::get_lead_field_display( $field, $raw_field_value, rgar( $lead, 'currency' ), $use_text, $format, 'email' );

					$display_field = true;
					//depending on parameters, don't display adminOnly or hidden fields
					if ( $no_admin && $field->is_administrative() ) {
						$display_field = false;
					} else if ( $no_hidden && RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'hidden' ) {
						$display_field = false;

					//if field is not supposed to be displayed, pass false to filter. otherwise, pass field's value
					if ( ! $display_field ) {
						$field_value = false;

					$field_value = self::encode_shortcodes( $field_value );

					$field_value = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', $field_value, $merge_tag, $options, $field, $raw_field_value, $format );

					// Clear merge tag modifiers from the field object.
					$field->set_modifiers( array() );

					if ( $field_value === false ) {

					if ( ! rgblank( $field_value ) || strlen( $field_value ) > 0 || $display_empty ) {
						switch ( $format ) {
							case 'text' :
								$field_data .= "{$field_label}: {$field_value}\n\n";


								$field_data .= sprintf(
									'<tr bgcolor="%3$s">
		                                    <td colspan="2">
		                                        <font style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size:12px;"><strong>%1$s</strong></font>
		                               <tr bgcolor="%4$s">
		                                    <td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
		                                        <font style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size:12px;">%2$s</font>
		                               ', $field_label, empty( $field_value ) && strlen( $field_value ) == 0 ? '&nbsp;' : $field_value, esc_attr( apply_filters( 'gform_email_background_color_label', '#EAF2FA', $field, $lead ) ), esc_attr( apply_filters( 'gform_email_background_color_data', '#FFFFFF', $field, $lead ) )

		if ( $display_product_summary ) {
			$field_data .= self::get_submitted_pricing_fields( $form, $lead, $format, $use_text, $use_admin_label );

		if ( $format == 'html' ) {
			$field_data .= '</table>

		return $field_data;

	public static function get_submitted_pricing_fields( $form, $lead, $format, $use_text = true, $use_admin_label = false ) {
		$form_id     = $form['id'];
		$products    = GFCommon::get_product_fields( $form, $lead, $use_text, $use_admin_label );
		$field_data  = '';
		if ( ! empty( $products['products'] ) ) {
			switch ( $format ) {
				case 'text':
					$field_data = GF_Order_Summary::render( $form, $lead, 'pricing-fields-text', $use_text, $use_admin_label );

				default :
					$field_data = GF_Order_Summary::render( $form, $lead, 'pricing-fields-html', $use_text, $use_admin_label );

			 * Filter the markup of the order summary which appears on the Entry Detail, the {all_fields} merge tag and the {pricing_fields} merge tag.
			 * @since
			 * @see
			 * @var string $field_data      The order summary markup.
			 * @var array  $form            Current form object.
			 * @var array  $lead            Current entry object.
			 * @var array  $products        Current order summary object.
			 * @var string $format          Format that should be used to display the summary ('html' or 'text').
			$field_data = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_order_summary', $form['id'] ), $field_data, $form, $lead, $products, $format );

		return $field_data;

	public static function send_user_notification( $form, $lead, $override_options = false ) {
		_deprecated_function( 'send_user_notification', '1.7', 'send_notification' );

		$notification = self::prepare_user_notification( $form, $lead, $override_options );
		self::send_email( $notification['from'], $notification['to'], $notification['bcc'], $notification['reply_to'], $notification['subject'], $notification['message'], $notification['from_name'], $notification['message_format'], $notification['attachments'], $lead );

	public static function send_admin_notification( $form, $lead, $override_options = false ) {
		_deprecated_function( 'send_admin_notification', '1.7', 'send_notification' );

		$notification = self::prepare_admin_notification( $form, $lead, $override_options );
		self::send_email( $notification['from'], $notification['to'], $notification['bcc'], $notification['replyTo'], $notification['subject'], $notification['message'], $notification['from_name'], $notification['message_format'], $notification['attachments'], $lead );

	private static function prepare_user_notification( $form, $lead, $override_options = false ) {
		$form_id = $form['id'];

		if ( ! isset( $form['autoResponder'] ) ) {

		//handling autoresponder email
		$to_field = isset( $form['autoResponder']['toField'] ) ? rgget( $form['autoResponder']['toField'], $lead ) : '';
		$to       = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_autoresponder_email', $form_id ), $to_field, $form );
		$subject  = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'subject', $form['autoResponder'] ), $form, $lead, false, false );

		$message_format = gf_apply_filters( array(
		), 'html', 'user', $form, $lead );
		$message        = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'message', $form['autoResponder'] ), $form, $lead, false, false, ! rgget( 'disableAutoformat', $form['autoResponder'] ), $message_format );

		 * Allows the disabling of the notification message defined in the shortcode.
		 * @since 1.9.2
		 * @param       bool  true  If the notification message shortcode should be used.
		 * @param array $form The Form Object.
		 * @param array $lead The Entry Object.
		if ( apply_filters( 'gform_enable_shortcode_notification_message', true, $form, $lead ) ) {
			$message = do_shortcode( $message );

		//Running trough variable replacement
		$to        = GFCommon::replace_variables( $to, $form, $lead, false, false );
		$from      = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'from', $form['autoResponder'] ), $form, $lead, false, false );
		$bcc       = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'bcc', $form['autoResponder'] ), $form, $lead, false, false );
		$reply_to  = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'replyTo', $form['autoResponder'] ), $form, $lead, false, false );
		$from_name = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'fromName', $form['autoResponder'] ), $form, $lead, false, false );

		// override default values if override options provided
		if ( $override_options && is_array( $override_options ) ) {
			foreach ( $override_options as $override_key => $override_value ) {
				${$override_key} = $override_value;

		$attachments = gf_apply_filters( array(
		), array(), $lead, $form );

		//Disabling autoformat to prevent double autoformatting of messages
		$disableAutoformat = '1';

		return compact( 'to', 'from', 'bcc', 'reply_to', 'subject', 'message', 'from_name', 'message_format', 'attachments', 'disableAutoformat' );

	 * Prepare admin notification.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @since unknown
	 * @param array      $form             The form object.
	 * @param array      $lead             The lead object.
	 * @param bool|array $override_options Defaults to false, or can be an array to override options.
	 * @return array
	private static function prepare_admin_notification( $form, $lead, $override_options = false ) {
		$form_id = $form['id'];

		//handling admin notification email
		$subject = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'subject', $form['notification'] ), $form, $lead, false, false );

		$message_format = gf_apply_filters( array(
		), 'html', 'admin', $form, $lead );
		$message        = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'message', $form['notification'] ), $form, $lead, false, false, ! rgget( 'disableAutoformat', $form['notification'] ), $message_format );

		if ( apply_filters( 'gform_enable_shortcode_notification_message', true, $form, $lead ) ) {
			$message = do_shortcode( $message );

		$version_info = self::get_version_info();
		$is_expired   = ! rgempty( 'expiration_time', $version_info ) && $version_info['expiration_time'] < time();
		if ( ! rgar( $version_info, 'is_valid_key' ) && $is_expired ) {
			$message .= "<br/><br/>Your Gravity Forms License Key has expired. In order to continue receiving support and software updates you must renew your license key. You can do so by following the renewal instructions on the Gravity Forms Settings page in your WordPress Dashboard or by <a href='" . self::get_key() . "'>clicking here</a>.";

		$from = rgempty( 'fromField', $form['notification'] ) ? rgget( 'from', $form['notification'] ) : rgget( $form['notification']['fromField'], $lead );

		if ( rgempty( 'fromNameField', $form['notification'] ) ) {
			$from_name = rgget( 'fromName', $form['notification'] );
		} else {
			$field     = RGFormsModel::get_field( $form, rgget( 'fromNameField', $form['notification'] ) );
			$value     = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $field );
			$from_name = GFCommon::get_lead_field_display( $field, $value );

		$replyTo = rgempty( 'replyToField', $form['notification'] ) ? rgget( 'replyTo', $form['notification'] ) : rgget( $form['notification']['replyToField'], $lead );

		$form['notification'] = self::fix_notification_routing( $form['notification'] );

		if ( rgempty( 'routing', $form['notification'] ) ) {
			$email_to = rgempty( 'toField', $form['notification'] ) ? rgget( 'to', $form['notification'] ) : rgget( 'toField', $form['notification'] );
		} else {
			$email_to = array();
			foreach ( $form['notification']['routing'] as $routing ) {

				$source_field   = RGFormsModel::get_field( $form, $routing['fieldId'] );
				$field_value    = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $source_field );
				$is_value_match = RGFormsModel::is_value_match( $field_value, $routing['value'], $routing['operator'], $source_field, $routing, $form ) && ! RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $source_field, array(), $lead );

				if ( $is_value_match ) {
					$email_to[] = $routing['email'];

			$email_to = join( ',', $email_to );

		//Running through variable replacement
		$email_to  = GFCommon::replace_variables( $email_to, $form, $lead, false, false );
		$from      = GFCommon::replace_variables( $from, $form, $lead, false, false );
		$bcc       = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgget( 'bcc', $form['notification'] ), $form, $lead, false, false );
		$reply_to  = GFCommon::replace_variables( $replyTo, $form, $lead, false, false );
		$from_name = GFCommon::replace_variables( $from_name, $form, $lead, false, false );

		//Filters the admin notification email to address. Allows users to change email address before notification is sent
		$to = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_notification_email', $form_id ), $email_to, $lead );

		// override default values if override options provided
		if ( $override_options && is_array( $override_options ) ) {
			foreach ( $override_options as $override_key => $override_value ) {
				${$override_key} = $override_value;

		$attachments = gf_apply_filters( array(
		), array(), $lead, $form );

		//Disabling autoformat to prevent double autoformatting of messages
		$disableAutoformat = '1';

		return compact( 'to', 'from', 'bcc', 'replyTo', 'subject', 'message', 'from_name', 'message_format', 'attachments', 'disableAutoformat' );


	 * Removes an empty routing rule that can prevent the sending of some legacy notifications.
	 * @since 2.6.9
	 * @param array $notification The notification being processed.
	 * @return array
	public static function fix_notification_routing( $notification ) {
		if ( ! isset( $notification['routing'] ) ) {
			return $notification;

		if ( ! is_array( $notification['routing'] ) || empty( $notification['routing'][0] ) ) {
			$notification['routing'] = null;

		return $notification;

	public static function send_notification( $notification, $form, $lead, $data = array() ) {

		GFCommon::log_debug( "GFCommon::send_notification(): Starting to process notification (#{$notification['id']} - {$notification['name']})." );

		$notification = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_notification', $form['id'] ), $notification, $form, $lead );

		$to_field = '';
		if ( rgar( $notification, 'toType' ) == 'field' ) {
			$to_field = rgar( $notification, 'toField' );
			if ( rgempty( 'toField', $notification ) ) {
				$to_field = rgar( $notification, 'to' );

		$email_to = rgar( $notification, 'to' );
		//do routing logic if "to" field doesn't have a value (to support legacy notifications that will run routing prior to this method)
		if ( empty( $email_to ) && rgar( $notification, 'toType' ) == 'routing' && ! empty( $notification['routing'] ) ) {
			$email_to = array();
			foreach ( $notification['routing'] as $routing ) {
				if ( rgempty( 'email', $routing ) ) {

				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Evaluating Routing - rule => ' . print_r( $routing, 1 ) );

				$source_field   = RGFormsModel::get_field( $form, rgar( $routing, 'fieldId' ) );
				$field_value    = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $source_field );
				$is_value_match = RGFormsModel::is_value_match( $field_value, rgar( $routing, 'value', '' ), rgar( $routing, 'operator', 'is' ), $source_field, $routing, $form ) && ! RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $source_field, array(), $lead );

				if ( $is_value_match ) {
					$email_to[] = $routing['email'];

				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Evaluating Routing - field value => ' . print_r( $field_value, 1 ) );
				$is_value_match = $is_value_match ? 'Yes' : 'No';
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Evaluating Routing - is value match? ' . $is_value_match );

			$email_to = join( ',', $email_to );
		} elseif ( ! empty( $to_field ) ) {
			$source_field = RGFormsModel::get_field( $form, $to_field );
			$email_to     = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $source_field );

		// Running through variable replacement
		$to        = GFCommon::remove_extra_commas( GFCommon::replace_variables( $email_to, $form, $lead, false, false, false, 'text', $data ) );
		$subject   = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'subject' ), $form, $lead, false, false, false, 'text', $data );
		$from      = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'from' ), $form, $lead, false, false, false, 'text', $data );
		$from_name = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'fromName' ), $form, $lead, false, false, false, 'text', $data );
		$bcc       = GFCommon::remove_extra_commas( GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'bcc' ), $form, $lead, false, false, false, 'text', $data ) );
		$replyTo   = GFCommon::remove_extra_commas( GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'replyTo' ), $form, $lead, false, false, false, 'text', $data ) );

		 * Enable the CC header for the notification.
		 * @since 2.3
		 * @param bool  $enable_cc    Should the CC header be enabled?
		 * @param array $notification The current notification object.
		 * @param array $from         The current form object.
		$enable_cc = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_notification_enable_cc', $form['id'], $notification['id'] ), false, $notification, $form );

		// Set CC if enabled.
		$cc = $enable_cc ? GFCommon::remove_extra_commas( GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'cc' ), $form, $lead, false, false, false, 'text', $data ) ) : null;

		$message_format = rgempty( 'message_format', $notification ) ? 'html' : rgar( $notification, 'message_format' );

		$merge_tag_format = $message_format === 'multipart' ? 'html' : $message_format;

		$message = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'message' ), $form, $lead, false, false, ! rgar( $notification, 'disableAutoformat' ), $merge_tag_format, $data );

		if ( apply_filters( 'gform_enable_shortcode_notification_message', true, $form, $lead ) ) {
			$message = do_shortcode( $message );

		// Allow attachments to be passed as a single path (string) or an array of paths, if string provided, add to array.
		$attachments = rgar( $notification, 'attachments' );
		if ( ! empty( $attachments ) ) {
			$attachments = is_array( $attachments ) ? $attachments : array( $attachments );
		} else {
			$attachments = array();

		// Add attachment fields.
		if ( rgar( $notification, 'enableAttachments', false ) ) {

			// Get file upload fields and upload root.
			$upload_fields = GFCommon::get_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'fileupload' ) );
			$upload_root   = GFFormsModel::get_upload_root();

			foreach ( $upload_fields as $upload_field ) {

				// Get field value.
				$attachment_urls = rgar( $lead, $upload_field->id );

				// If field value is empty, skip.
				if ( empty( $attachment_urls ) ) {
					self::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): No file(s) to attach for field #' . $upload_field->id );

				// Convert to array.
				$attachment_urls = $upload_field->multipleFiles ? json_decode( $attachment_urls, true ) : array( $attachment_urls );

				self::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Attaching file(s) for field #' . $upload_field->id . '. ' . print_r( $attachment_urls, true ) );

				// Loop through attachment URLs; replace URL with path and add to attachments.
				foreach ( $attachment_urls as $attachment_url ) {
					$attachment_url = preg_replace( '|^(.*?)/gravity_forms/|', $upload_root, $attachment_url );
					$attachments[]  = $attachment_url;



		$attachments = array_unique( $attachments );

		if ( $message_format === 'multipart' ) {

			// Creating alternate text message.
			$text_message = GFCommon::replace_variables( rgar( $notification, 'message' ), $form, $lead, false, false, ! rgar( $notification, 'disableAutoformat' ), 'text', $data );

			if ( apply_filters( 'gform_enable_shortcode_notification_message', true, $form, $lead ) ) {
				$text_message = do_shortcode( $text_message );

			// Formatting text message. Removes all tags.
			$text_message = self::format_text_message( $text_message );

			// Sends text and html messages to send_email()
			$message = array(
				'html' => $message,
				'text' => $text_message,

		self::send_email( $from, $to, $bcc, $replyTo, $subject, $message, $from_name, $message_format, $attachments, $lead, $notification, $cc );

		return compact( 'to', 'from', 'bcc', 'replyTo', 'subject', 'message', 'from_name', 'message_format', 'attachments', 'cc' );

	 * Strip extra commas from email headers.
	 * If an email field has multiple merge tags, and not all of the fields are
	 * filled out, we can end up with extra commas that break the header.
	 * @since 2.8.6
	 * @param $email
	 * @return string
	public static function remove_extra_commas( $email ) {
		//return rtrim( preg_replace( '/,+/', ',', $email ), ',' );
		return ltrim( rtrim( preg_replace( '/,+/', ',', $email ), ',' ), ',' );

	public static function send_notifications( $notification_ids, $form, $lead, $do_conditional_logic = true, $event = 'form_submission', $data = array() ) {
		$entry_id = rgar( $lead, 'id' );
		if ( ! is_array( $notification_ids ) || empty( $notification_ids ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Aborting. No notifications to process for {$event} event for entry #{$entry_id}." );


		GFCommon::timer_start( __METHOD__ );
		GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Processing notifications for {$event} event for entry #{$entry_id}: " . print_r( $notification_ids, true ) . "\n(only active/applicable notifications are sent)" );

		foreach ( $notification_ids as $notification_id ) {
			if ( ! isset( $form['notifications'][ $notification_id ] ) ) {
			if ( isset( $form['notifications'][ $notification_id ]['isActive'] ) && ! $form['notifications'][ $notification_id ]['isActive'] ) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Notification is inactive, not processing notification (#{$notification_id} - {$form['notifications'][$notification_id]['name']}) for entry #{$entry_id}." );

			$notification = $form['notifications'][ $notification_id ];

			//check conditional logic when appropriate
			if ( $do_conditional_logic && ! GFCommon::evaluate_conditional_logic( rgar( $notification, 'conditionalLogic' ), $form, $lead ) ) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Notification conditional logic not met, not processing notification (#{$notification_id} - {$notification['name']}) for entry #{$entry_id}." );

			if ( rgar( $notification, 'type' ) == 'user' ) {

				//Getting user notification from legacy structure (for backwards compatibility)
				$legacy_notification = GFCommon::prepare_user_notification( $form, $lead );
				$notification        = self::merge_legacy_notification( $notification, $legacy_notification );
			} elseif ( rgar( $notification, 'type' ) == 'admin' ) {

				//Getting admin notification from legacy structure (for backwards compatibility)
				$legacy_notification = GFCommon::prepare_admin_notification( $form, $lead );
				$notification        = self::merge_legacy_notification( $notification, $legacy_notification );

			//sending notification
			self::send_notification( $notification, $form, $lead, $data );

		GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . sprintf( '(): Sending notifications for entry (#%d) completed in %F seconds.', $entry_id, GFCommon::timer_end( __METHOD__ ) ) );

	public static function send_form_submission_notifications( $form, $lead ) {
		GFAPI::send_notifications( $form, $lead );

	private static function merge_legacy_notification( $notification, $notification_data ) {

		$keys = array(
		foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
			$notification[ $key ] = rgar( $notification_data, $key );

		return $notification;

	public static function get_notifications_to_send( $event, $form, $lead ) {
		$notifications         = self::get_notifications( $event, $form );
		$notifications_to_send = array();
		foreach ( $notifications as $notification ) {
			if ( GFCommon::evaluate_conditional_logic( rgar( $notification, 'conditionalLogic' ), $form, $lead ) ) {
				$notifications_to_send[] = $notification;

		return $notifications_to_send;

	public static function get_notifications( $event, $form ) {
		if ( rgempty( 'notifications', $form ) ) {
			return array();

		$notifications = array();
		foreach ( $form['notifications'] as $notification ) {
			$notification_event = rgar( $notification, 'event' );
			$omit_from_resend   = array( 'form_saved', 'form_save_email_requested' );
			if ( $notification_event == $event || ( $event == 'resend_notifications' && ! in_array( $notification_event, $omit_from_resend ) ) ) {
				$notifications[] = $notification;

		return $notifications;

	public static function has_admin_notification( $form ) {

		return ( ! empty( $form['notification']['to'] ) || ! empty( $form['notification']['routing'] ) ) && ( ! empty( $form['notification']['subject'] ) || ! empty( $form['notification']['message'] ) );


	public static function has_user_notification( $form ) {

		return ! empty( $form['autoResponder']['toField'] ) && ( ! empty( $form['autoResponder']['subject'] ) || ! empty( $form['autoResponder']['message'] ) );


	public static function send_email( $from, $to, $bcc, $reply_to, $subject, $message, $from_name = '', $message_format = 'html', $attachments = '', $entry = false, $notification = false, $cc = null ) {

		global $phpmailer;
		$entry_id = rgar( $entry, 'id' );

		$to    = str_replace( ' ', '', $to );
		$bcc   = $bcc ? str_replace( ' ', '', $bcc ) : '';
		$cc    = $cc ? str_replace( ' ', '', $cc ) : '';

		if ( ! GFCommon::is_valid_email( $from ) ) {
			$from = get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' );

		// Array containing email details.
		$email = compact( 'from', 'to', 'bcc', 'reply_to', 'subject', 'message', 'from_name', 'message_format', 'attachments', 'cc' );

		$error = false;
		if ( ! GFCommon::is_valid_email_list( $to ) ) {

			$error_info = esc_html__( 'Cannot send email because the TO address is invalid.', 'gravityforms' );
			GFFormsModel::add_notification_note( $entry_id, false, $notification, $error_info, $email );

			$error = new WP_Error( 'invalid_to', 'Cannot send email because the TO address is invalid.' );

		} elseif ( empty( $subject ) && empty( $message ) ) {

			$error_info = esc_html__( 'Cannot send email because there is no SUBJECT and no MESSAGE.', 'gravityforms' );
			GFFormsModel::add_notification_note( $entry_id, false, $notification, $error_info, $email );

			$error = new WP_Error( 'missing_subject_and_message', 'Cannot send email because there is no SUBJECT and no MESSAGE.' );

		} elseif ( ! GFCommon::is_valid_email( $from ) ) {

			$error_info = esc_html__( 'Cannot send email because the FROM address is invalid.', 'gravityforms' );
			GFFormsModel::add_notification_note( $entry_id, false, $notification, $error_info, $email );

			$error = new WP_Error( 'invalid_from', 'Cannot send email because the FROM address is invalid.' );

		switch ( strtolower( $message_format ) ) {
			case 'html' :
				$content_type = 'text/html';

			case 'text' :
				$content_type = 'text/plain';

			case 'multipart' :
				$boundary     = self::$email_boundary;
				$content_type = "multipart/alternative; boundary={$boundary}";


			default :
				//When content type is unknown, default to HTML
				$content_type = 'text/html';


		if ( is_wp_error( $error ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_error( __METHOD__ . '(): ' . $error->get_error_message() );
			GFCommon::log_error( print_r( compact( 'to', 'subject', 'message' ), true ) );

			 * Fires when an email from Gravity Forms has failed to send
			 * @since 1.8.10
			 * @param string $error   The Error message returned after the email fails to send
			 * @param array  $details The details of the message that failed
			 * @param array  $entry   The Entry object
			do_action( 'gform_send_email_failed', $error, $email, $entry );


		 * Allows for formatting of the TO email address to improve spam score.
		 * @param bool enabled Value being filtered. Return true to format email TO, or false to leave email TO as is. Defaults to false.
		 * @since
		if ( apply_filters( 'gform_format_email_to', false ) ) {
			// Formats email TO field to improve Spam Assassin score
			$to = self::format_email_to( $to );

		$message = self::format_email_message( $message, $message_format, $subject );

		$name = empty( $from_name ) ? $from : $from_name;

		$headers         = array();
		$headers['From'] = 'From: "' . wp_strip_all_tags( $name, true ) . '" <' . $from . '>';

		if ( GFCommon::is_valid_email_list( $reply_to ) ) {
			$headers['Reply-To'] = "Reply-To: {$reply_to}";

		if ( GFCommon::is_valid_email_list( $bcc ) ) {
			$headers['Bcc'] = "Bcc: $bcc";

		if ( GFCommon::is_valid_email_list( $cc ) ) {
			$headers['Cc'] = "Cc: $cc";

		$headers['Content-type'] = "Content-type: {$content_type}; charset=" . get_option( 'blog_charset' );

		$abort_email = false;

		 * Modify the email before a notification has been sent.
		 * You may also use this to prevent an email from being sent.
		 * @since  Added $entry parameter.
		 * @since Added $notification parameter.
		 * @since Unknown
		 * @param array  $email          An array containing the email to address, subject, message, headers, attachments and abort email flag.
		 * @param string $message_format The message format: html or text.
		 * @param array  $notification   The current Notification object.
		 * @param array  $entry          The current Entry object.
		extract( apply_filters( 'gform_pre_send_email', compact( 'to', 'subject', 'message', 'headers', 'attachments', 'abort_email' ), $message_format, $notification, $entry ) );

		$is_success = false;

		// Determine when to add entry id information to the logging message.
		$entry_info = $entry_id ? ' for entry #' . $entry_id : '';

		if ( ! $abort_email ) {

			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Sending email via wp_mail().' );
			GFCommon::log_debug( print_r( compact( 'to', 'subject', 'message', 'headers', 'attachments', 'abort_email' ), true ) );

			// Content type filter is needed to get around a bug in WordPress that ignores the boundary attribute and character set.
			add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', array( 'GFCommon', 'set_content_type_boundary' ) );
			add_filter( 'wp_mail_charset', array( 'GFCommon', 'set_mail_charset' ) );

			// Sending email.
			$is_success = wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments );

			// Removing filter. It is only needed when sending GF notifications.
			remove_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', array( 'GFCommon', 'set_content_type_boundary' ) );
			remove_filter( 'wp_mail_charset', array( 'GFCommon', 'set_mail_charset' ) );

			$result = is_wp_error( $is_success ) ? $is_success->get_error_message() : $is_success;

			// Get $phpmailer->ErrorInfo value if available.
			$error_info = is_object( $phpmailer ) ? $phpmailer->ErrorInfo : '';

			// Add note with sending result ?
			GFFormsModel::add_notification_note( $entry_id, $result, $notification, $error_info, $email );

			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Result from wp_mail(): {$result}" );

			if ( ! is_wp_error( $is_success ) && $is_success ) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( sprintf( '%s(): WordPress successfully passed the notification email (#%s - %s)%s to the sending server.', __METHOD__, $notification['id'], $notification['name'], $entry_info ) );
			} else {
				GFCommon::log_error( sprintf( '%s(): WordPress was unable to send the notification email (#%s - %s)%s to the sending server.', __METHOD__, $notification['id'], $notification['name'], $entry_info ) );

			if ( has_filter( 'phpmailer_init' ) ) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): The WordPress phpmailer_init hook has been detected, usually used by SMTP plugins. It can alter the email setup/content or sending server, and impact the notification deliverability.' );

			if ( ! empty( $error_info ) ) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): PHPMailer class returned an error message: ' . $error_info );
		} else {
			GFCommon::log_debug( sprintf( '%s(): Aborting notification (#%s - %s)%s. The gform_pre_send_email hook was used to set the abort_email parameter to true.', __METHOD__, $notification['id'], $notification['name'], $entry_info ) );


		 * Fires after an email is sent
		 * @param bool   $is_success     True is successfully sent.  False if failed
		 * @param string $to             Recipient address
		 * @param string $subject        Subject line
		 * @param string $message        Message body
		 * @param string $headers        Email headers
		 * @param string $attachments    Email attachments
		 * @param string $message_format Format of the email.  Ex: text, html
		 * @param string $from           Address of the sender
		 * @param string $from_name      Displayed name of the sender
		 * @param string $bcc            BCC recipients
		 * @param string $reply_to       Reply-to address
		 * @param array  $entry          Entry object associated with the sent email
		 * @param string $cc             CC recipients
		do_action( 'gform_after_email', $is_success, $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments, $message_format, $from, $from_name, $bcc, $reply_to, $entry, $cc );

	 * Sets the boundary attribute of the Content-type email header.
	 * This is a target of the wp_mail_content_type filter and is needed to get around a WordPress bug
	 * That ignores the boundary attribute if added to the $headers parameter of wp_mail().
	 * @since 2.2
	 * @param $content_type Content type to be filtered
	 * @return string
	public static function set_content_type_boundary( $content_type ) {

		if ( $content_type === 'multipart/alternative' ) {
			$boundary     = GFCommon::$email_boundary;
			$content_type = "{$content_type}; boundary={$boundary}";

		return $content_type;

	 * Sets the character set email header.
	 * This is a target of the wp_mail_charset filter and is needed to get around a WordPress bug
	 * that ignores the charset attribute if added to the $headers parameter of wp_mail().
	 * @since 2.2
	 * @param string $charset Character set to be filtered.
	 * @return string
	public static function set_mail_charset( $charset ) {

		if ( empty( $charset ) ) {
			$charset = get_option( 'blog_charset' );

		return $charset;

	 * Formats emails to improve Spam Assassin score.
	 * @since 2.2
	 * @param string $to Email or comma separated list of emails to be formatted
	 * @return string
	private static function format_email_to( $to ) {

		$emails     = explode( ',', $to );
		$email_list = array();
		foreach ( $emails as $email ) {

			if ( empty( $email ) ) {

			// Formatting To to improve Spam Assassin score
			if ( strpos( $email, '<' ) === false ) {
				$email_list[] = "\"{$email}\" <$email>";

		return implode( ',', $email_list );

	 * Formats the email message to improve Spam Assassin score.
	 * @since 2.2
	 * @param string $message Email message to be formatted.
	 * @param string $message_format Format of the message to be sent. 'text' or 'html'.
	 * @param string $subject Email subject.
	 * @return string
	private static function format_email_message( $message, $message_format, $subject ) {

		switch ( strtolower( $message_format ) ) {

			case 'html' :

				// Formatting HTML message
				$message = self::format_html_message( $message, $subject );
				return $message;

			case 'text' :

				// No format needed for text messages
				return $message;

			case 'multipart' :

				$html_message = self::format_html_message( $message['html'], $subject );
				$text_message = $message['text'];
				$boundary     = self::$email_boundary;

				// Formatting multipart message
				$message = "--{$boundary}
Content-Type: text/plain;

Content-Type: text/html;


				return $message;

			default :

				return $message;

	public static function add_emails_sent() {

		$count = self::get_emails_sent();

		update_option( 'gform_email_count', ++ $count );


	public static function get_emails_sent() {
		$count = get_option( 'gform_email_count' );

		if ( ! $count ) {
			$count = 0;

		return $count;

	public static function get_api_calls() {
		$count = get_option( 'gform_api_count' );

		if ( ! $count ) {
			$count = 0;

		return $count;

	public static function add_api_call() {

		$count = self::get_api_calls();

		update_option( 'gform_api_count', ++ $count );


	public static function has_post_field( $fields ) {
		foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
			if ( in_array( $field->type, array(
			) ) ) {
				return true;

		return false;

	public static function has_list_field( $form ) {
		return self::has_field_by_type( $form, 'list' );

	 * Whether the form contains a repeater field.
	 * @since 2.4
	 * @param $form
	 * @return bool
	public static function has_repeater_field( $form ) {
		if ( is_array( $form['fields'] ) ) {
			foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
				if ( $field instanceof GF_Field_Repeater ) {
					return true;

		return false;

	public static function has_credit_card_field( $form ) {
		return self::has_field_by_type( $form, 'creditcard' );

	 * Whether the form has a consent field.
	 * @since 2.4
	 * @param $form
	 * @return bool
	public static function has_consent_field( $form ) {
		return self::has_field_by_type( $form, 'consent' );

	private static function has_field_by_type( $form, $type ) {
		if ( is_array( $form['fields'] ) ) {
			foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {

				if ( RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == $type ) {
					return true;

		return false;

	 * Whether the form has a required field.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param $form
	 * @return bool Whether there is a required field in the form.
	public static function has_required_field( $form ) {
		if ( is_array( $form['fields'] ) ) {
			foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
				if ( $field->isRequired ) {
					return true;

		return false;

	 * Determines if the current user has the proper cabalities to uninstall the plugin specified in $plugin_path.
	 * Plugins that have been network activated can only be uninstalled by a network admin.
	 * @since
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $caps Capabilities that current user must have to be able to uninstall the plugin.
	 * @param string $plugin_path Path of the plugin to be checked, relative to the plugins folder. i.e. "gravityforms/gravityforms.php"
	 * @return bool True if current user can uninstall the plugin. False otherwise
	public static function current_user_can_uninstall( $caps = 'gravityforms_uninstall', $plugin_path = 'gravityforms/gravityforms.php' ) {

		$is_multisite = function_exists( 'is_multisite' ) && is_multisite();
		$is_network_activated = is_plugin_active_for_network( $plugin_path );

		//If an addon is network activated, it can only be uninstalled by a super admin.
		if ( $is_multisite && $is_network_activated ) {
			return is_super_admin();
		} else {
			return self::current_user_can_any( $caps );


	public static function current_user_can_any( $caps ) {

		if ( ! is_array( $caps ) ) {
			$has_cap = current_user_can( $caps ) || current_user_can( 'gform_full_access' );

			return $has_cap;

		foreach ( $caps as $cap ) {
			if ( current_user_can( $cap ) ) {
				return true;

		$has_full_access = current_user_can( 'gform_full_access' );

		return $has_full_access;

	public static function current_user_can_which( $caps ) {

		foreach ( $caps as $cap ) {
			if ( current_user_can( $cap ) ) {
				return $cap;

		return '';

	 * Checks if the given type is a pricing field.
	 * @since 2.4.10 Added creditcard field.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @param string $field_type The value of the field type or inputType property.
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_pricing_field( $field_type ) {
		$types = array( 'creditcard', 'donation' );

		return in_array( $field_type, $types, true ) || self::is_product_field( $field_type );

	 * Checks if a field is a product field.
	 * @access public
	 * @since Added support for hiddenproduct, singleproduct, and singleshipping input types.
	 * @param  string $field_type The field type.

	 * @return bool Returns true if it is a product field. Otherwise, false.
	public static function is_product_field( $field_type ) {
		 * Filters the input types to use when checking if a field is a product field.
		 * @since Added support for hiddenproduct, singleproduct, and singleshipping input types.
		 * @since 1.9.14
		 * @param $product_fields The product field types.
		$product_fields = apply_filters( 'gform_product_field_types', array(
		) );

		return in_array( $field_type, $product_fields );

	 * Returns all the plugin capabilities.
	 * @since 2.4.18 Added gravityforms_logging and gravityforms_api_settings.
	 * @since Added gravityforms_system_status.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @return array
	public static function all_caps() {
		return array(

	public static function delete_directory( $dir ) {
		if ( ! file_exists( $dir ) ) {

		if ( $handle = opendir( $dir ) ) {
			$array = array();
			while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
				if ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) {
					if ( is_dir( $dir . $file ) ) {
						if ( ! @rmdir( $dir . $file ) ) {
							// Empty directory? Remove it
							self::delete_directory( $dir . $file . '/' );
						} // Not empty? Delete the files inside it
					} else {
						@unlink( $dir . $file );
			closedir( $handle );
			@rmdir( $dir );

	public static function get_remote_message() {
		return stripslashes( get_option( 'rg_gforms_message' ) );

	public static function get_key() {
		return get_option( 'rg_gforms_key' );

	 * Gets the support url configured for the current environment.
	 * @since 2.6.7
	 * @return string Returns the support URL.
	public static function get_support_url() {
		$env_handler = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Environment_Config\GF_Environment_Config_Service_Provider::GF_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_HANDLER );

		return $env_handler->get_support_url();

	 * Gets an environment setting for the current environment.
	 * @since 2.6.9
	 * @param string $name The env variable name (without the "gf_env_" prefix. i.e. support_url).
	 * @return string Returns the environment variable.
	public static function get_environment_setting( $name ) {
		$env_handler = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Environment_Config\GF_Environment_Config_Service_Provider::GF_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_HANDLER );
		return $env_handler->get_environment_setting( $name );

	public static function has_update( $use_cache = true ) {
		$version_info = GFCommon::get_version_info( $use_cache );
		$version      = rgar( $version_info, 'version' );

		return empty( $version ) ? false : version_compare( GFCommon::$version, $version, '<' );

	public static function get_key_info( $key ) {

		$options            = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 3 );
		$options['headers'] = array(
			'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ),
			'User-Agent'   => 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ),

		$raw_response = self::post_to_manager( 'api.php', "op=get_key&key={$key}", $options );

		if ( is_wp_error( $raw_response ) || $raw_response['response']['code'] != 200 ) {
			return array();

		$key_info = unserialize( trim( $raw_response['body'] ) );

		return $key_info ? $key_info : array();

	 * Get the license and plugins information.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.5     Deprecated the gform_version_info option. Get the license and plugins data from their own methods.
	 * @param bool $cache If we should use the cached data.
	 * @return array|null
	public static function get_version_info( $cache = true ) {
		 * @var \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\License\GF_License_API_Connector $license_connector
		$license_connector = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\License\GF_License_Service_Provider::LICENSE_API_CONNECTOR );

		if ( ! is_null( self::$plugins ) && $cache ) {
			$plugins      = self::$plugins;
			$license_info = self::$license_info;
		} else {
			$plugins            = $license_connector->get_plugins( $cache );
			$license_info       = self::get_key() ? $license_connector->check_license( false, $cache ) : new WP_Error( \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\License\GF_License_Statuses::NO_DATA );
			self::$plugins      = $plugins;
			self::$license_info = $license_info;

		return array(
			'is_valid_key' => ! is_wp_error( $license_info ) && is_a( $license_info, Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\License\GF_License_API_Response::class ) && $license_info->can_be_used(),
			'reason'       => $license_info->get_error_message(),
			'version'      => rgars( $plugins, 'gravityforms/version' ),
			'url'          => rgars( $plugins, 'gravityforms/url' ),
			'is_error'     => is_wp_error( $license_info ) || $license_info->has_errors(),
			'offerings'    => $plugins,

	 * The legacy version of the get_version_info() method.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param bool $cache True if use the cache.
	 * @return array|false|mixed|string[]|void
	public static function legacy_get_version_info( $cache = true ) {

		$version_info = get_option( 'gform_version_info' );
		if ( ! $cache ) {
			$version_info = null;
		} else {

			// Checking cache expiration
			$cache_duration = DAY_IN_SECONDS; // 24 hours.
			$cache_timestamp = $version_info && isset( $version_info['timestamp'] ) ? $version_info['timestamp'] : 0;

			// Is cache expired ?
			if ( $cache_timestamp + $cache_duration < time() ) {
				$version_info = null;

		if ( is_wp_error( $version_info ) || isset( $version_info['headers'] ) ) {
			// Legacy ( < ) version info contained the whole raw response.
			$version_info = null;

		if ( ! $version_info ) {
			//Getting version number
			$options            = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 20 );
			$options['headers'] = array(
				'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ),
				'User-Agent'   => 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ),
			$options['body']    = self::get_remote_post_params();
			$options['timeout'] = 15;

			$nocache = $cache ? '' : 'nocache=1'; //disabling server side caching

			$raw_response = self::post_to_manager( 'version.php', $nocache, $options );

			if ( is_wp_error( $raw_response ) || rgars( $raw_response, 'response/code' ) != 200 ) {

				$version_info = array( 'is_valid_key' => '1', 'version' => '', 'url' => '', 'is_error' => '1' );
			} else {
				$version_info = json_decode( $raw_response['body'], true );
				if ( empty( $version_info ) ) {
					$version_info = array( 'is_valid_key' => '1', 'version' => '', 'url' => '', 'is_error' => '1' );

			$version_info['timestamp'] = time();

			// Caching response.
			update_option( 'gform_version_info', $version_info, false ); //caching version info

		return $version_info;

	public static function get_remote_request_params() {
		global $wpdb;

		return sprintf( 'of=GravityForms&key=%s&v=%s&wp=%s&php=%s&mysql=%s&version=2', urlencode( self::get_key() ), urlencode( self::$version ), urlencode( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ), urlencode( phpversion() ), urlencode( GFCommon::get_db_version() ) );

	public static function get_remote_post_params() {
		global $wpdb;

		if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
			require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
		$plugin_list = get_plugins();
		$plugins     = array();

		$active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' );

		foreach ( $plugin_list as $key => $plugin ) {
			$is_active = in_array( $key, $active_plugins );

			$slug = substr( $key, 0, strpos( $key, '/' ) );
			if ( empty( $slug ) ) {
				$slug = str_replace( '.php', '', $key );

			$plugins[] = array(
				'name' => str_replace( 'phpinfo()', 'PHP Info', $plugin['Name'] ),
				'slug' => $slug,
				'version' => $plugin['Version'],
				'is_active' => $is_active,
		$plugins = json_encode( $plugins );

		//get theme info
		$theme            = wp_get_theme();
		$theme_name       = $theme->get( 'Name' );
		$theme_uri        = $theme->get( 'ThemeURI' );
		$theme_version    = $theme->get( 'Version' );
		$theme_author     = $theme->get( 'Author' );
		$theme_author_uri = $theme->get( 'AuthorURI' );

		$form_counts    = GFFormsModel::get_form_count();
		$active_count   = $form_counts['active'];
		$inactive_count = $form_counts['inactive'];
		$fc             = abs( $active_count ) + abs( $inactive_count );
		$entry_count    = GFFormsModel::get_entry_count_all_forms( 'active' );
		$meta_counts    = GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta_counts();
		$im             = is_multisite();
		$lang           = get_locale();

		$post = array(
			'of'      => 'gravityforms',
			'key'     => self::get_key(),
			'v'       => self::$version,
			'wp'      => get_bloginfo( 'version' ),
			'php'     => phpversion(),
			'mysql'   => GFCommon::get_db_version(),
			'version' => '2',
			'plugins' => $plugins,
			'tn'      => $theme_name,
			'tu'      => $theme_uri,
			'tv'      => $theme_version,
			'ta'      => $theme_author,
			'tau'     => $theme_author_uri,
			'im'      => $im,
			'fc'      => $fc,
			'ec'      => $entry_count,
			'emc'     => self::get_emails_sent(),
			'api'     => self::get_api_calls(),
			'emeta'   => $meta_counts['meta'],
			'ed'      => $meta_counts['details'],
			'en'      => $meta_counts['notes'],
			'lang'    => $lang,

		$installation_telemetry = array(

		$wizard_endpoint = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( GF_Setup_Wizard_Service_Provider::SAVE_PREFS_ENDPOINT );
		foreach ( $installation_telemetry as $telem ) {
			$post[ $telem ] = $wizard_endpoint->get_value( $telem );

		return $post;

	public static function ensure_wp_version() {
			echo "<div class='error' style='padding:10px;'>" . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Gravity Forms requires WordPress %s or greater. You must upgrade WordPress in order to use Gravity Forms', 'gravityforms' ), GF_MIN_WP_VERSION ) . '</div>';

			return false;

		return true;

	public static function check_update( $option, $cache = true ) {

		if ( ! is_object( $option ) ) {
			return $option;

		$version_info = self::get_version_info( $cache );

		if ( ! $version_info ) {
			return $option;

		$plugin_path = plugin_basename( GFCommon::get_base_path() ) . '/gravityforms.php';
		if ( empty( $option->response[ $plugin_path ] ) ) {
			$option->response[ $plugin_path ] = new stdClass();

		$version = rgar( $version_info, 'version' );

		$url    = rgar( $version_info, 'url' );
		$plugin = array(
			'url'         => '',
			'slug'        => 'gravityforms',
			'plugin'      => $plugin_path,
			'package'     => str_replace( '{KEY}', GFCommon::get_key(), $url ),
			'new_version' => $version,
			'id'          => '0',
		// Empty response means that the key is invalid. Do not queue for upgrade.
		if ( ! rgar( $version_info, 'is_valid_key' ) || version_compare( GFCommon::$version, $version, '>=' ) ) {
			unset( $option->response[ $plugin_path ] );
			$option->no_update[ $plugin_path ] = (object) $plugin;
		} else {
			$option->response[ $plugin_path ] = (object) $plugin;

		return $option;


	public static function cache_remote_message() {
		//Getting version number
		$key                = GFCommon::get_key();
		$body               = "key=$key";
		$options            = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 3, 'body' => $body );
		$options['headers'] = array(
			'Content-Type'   => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ),
			'Content-Length' => strlen( $body ),
			'User-Agent'     => 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ),

		$raw_response = self::post_to_manager( 'message.php', GFCommon::get_remote_request_params(), $options );

		if ( is_wp_error( $raw_response ) || 200 != $raw_response['response']['code'] ) {
			$message = '';
		} else {
			$message = $raw_response['body'];

		//validating that message is a valid Gravity Form message. If message is invalid, don't display anything
		if ( substr( $message, 0, 10 ) != '<!--GFM-->' ) {
			$message = '';

		update_option( 'rg_gforms_message', $message );

	 * Post request to Gravity Manager.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.5     Remove Gravity Manager Proxy.
	 * @param string $file    The file.
	 * @param string $query   The query string.
	 * @param array  $options The options.
	 * @return array|WP_Error
	public static function post_to_manager( $file, $query, $options ) {

		if ( ! isset( $options['headers'] ) ) {
			$options['headers'] = array();
		// Forcing Referer to the unfiltered home url when sending requests to gravity manager.
		$options['headers']['Referer'] = get_option( 'home' );

		// Sending filtered version of URL so that gravity manager can remove duplicate URLs when filtered and unfiltered URLs are different.
		$options['headers']['Filtered-Site-URL'] = get_bloginfo( 'url' );

		$request_url = GRAVITY_MANAGER_URL . '/' . $file . '?' . $query;
		self::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): endpoint: ' . $request_url );
		$raw_response = wp_remote_post( $request_url, $options );
		self::log_remote_response( $raw_response );

		return $raw_response;

	 * Converts the given timestamp to a pseudo timestamp which has been adjusted for the timezone in the WordPress settings.
	 * @param int $timestamp
	 * @return int
	public static function get_local_timestamp( $timestamp = null ) {
		if ( $timestamp == null ) {
			$timestamp = time();

		$gmt_datetime = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp );

		return strtotime( get_date_from_gmt( $gmt_datetime ) );

	public static function get_gmt_timestamp( $local_timestamp ) {
		return $local_timestamp - ( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 );

	 * Formats the given date/time for display.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.4.23 Fixed empty default date and time options.
	 * @param string $gmt_datetime The UTC date/time value to be formatted.
	 * @param bool   $is_human     Indicates if a human readable time difference such as "1 hour ago" should be returned when within 24hrs of the current time. Defaults to true.
	 * @param string $date_format  The format the value should be returned in. Defaults to an empty string; the date format from the WordPress general settings, if configured, or Y-m-d.
	 * @param bool   $include_time Indicates if the time should be included in the returned string. Defaults to true; the time format from the WordPress general settings, if configured, or H:i.
	 * @return string
	public static function format_date( $gmt_datetime, $is_human = true, $date_format = '', $include_time = true ) {
		if ( empty( $gmt_datetime ) ) {
			return '';

		$gmt_time = mysql2date( 'G', $gmt_datetime );

		if ( $is_human ) {
			$time_diff = time() - $gmt_time;

			if ( $time_diff > 0 && $time_diff < DAY_IN_SECONDS ) {
				return sprintf( esc_html__( '%s ago', 'gravityforms' ), human_time_diff( $gmt_time ) );

		$local_time = self::get_local_timestamp( $gmt_time );

		if ( empty( $date_format ) ) {
			$date_format = self::get_default_date_format();

		if ( $include_time ) {
			$time_format = self::get_default_time_format();

			return sprintf( esc_html__( '%1$s at %2$s', 'gravityforms' ), date_i18n( $date_format, $local_time, true ), date_i18n( $time_format, $local_time, true ) );

		return date_i18n( $date_format, $local_time, true );

	 * Returns the date format from the WordPress general settings, if configured, or Y-m-d.
	 * @since 2.4.23
	 * @return string
	public static function get_default_date_format() {
		$date_format = trim( get_option( 'date_format' ) );

		return $date_format ? $date_format : 'Y-m-d';

	 * Returns the time format from the WordPress general settings, if configured, or H:i.
	 * @since 2.4.23
	 * @return string
	public static function get_default_time_format() {
		$time_format = trim( get_option( 'time_format' ) );

		return $time_format ? $time_format : 'H:i';

	public static function get_selection_value( $value ) {

		if ( is_null( $value ) ) {
			return $value;

		if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) {
			$value = explode( '|', $value );

		return $value[0];


	public static function selection_display( $value, $field, $currency = '', $use_text = false ) {
		if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
			return '';

		if ( $field !== null && $field->enablePrice ) {
			$ary   = explode( '|', $value );
			$val   = $ary[0];
			$price = count( $ary ) > 1 ? $ary[1] : '';
		} else {
			$val   = $value;
			$price = '';

		if ( $use_text ) {
			$val = RGFormsModel::get_choice_text( $field, $val );

		if ( ! empty( $price ) ) {
			return "$val (" . self::to_money( $price, $currency ) . ')';
		} else {
			return $val;

	public static function date_display( $value, $input_format = 'mdy', $output_format = false ) {

		if ( ! $output_format ) {
			$output_format = $input_format;

		$date = self::parse_date( $value, $input_format );
		if ( empty( $date ) ) {
			return $value;

		list( $position, $separator ) = rgexplode( '_', $output_format, 2 );
		switch ( $separator ) {
			case 'dash' :
				$separator = '-';
			case 'dot' :
				$separator = '.';
			default :
				$separator = '/';

		switch ( $position ) {
			case 'year' :
			case 'month' :
			case 'day' :
				return $date[ $position ];

			case 'ymd' :
				return $date['year'] . $separator . $date['month'] . $separator . $date['day'];

			case 'dmy' :
				return $date['day'] . $separator . $date['month'] . $separator . $date['year'];

			default :
				return $date['month'] . $separator . $date['day'] . $separator . $date['year'];


	 * Creates an array from the given value using year, month, and day as keys.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.5.17 Added the $return_keys_on_empty param.
	 * @param string|array $date                 The date string or array to be parsed.
	 * @param string       $format               The value of the field dateFormat property.
	 * @param bool         $return_keys_on_empty Indicates if the returned array should include the keys with empty values when passed an empty date.
	 * @return array
	public static function parse_date( $date, $format = 'mdy', $return_keys_on_empty = false ) {
		$date_info = array(
			'year'  => '',
			'month' => '',
			'day'   => '',

		if ( empty( $date ) || self::is_empty_array( $date ) ) {
			return $return_keys_on_empty ? $date_info : array();

		$position = substr( $format, 0, 3 );

		if ( is_array( $date ) ) {

			switch ( $position ) {
				case 'mdy' :
					$date_info['month'] = rgar( $date, 0 );
					$date_info['day']   = rgar( $date, 1 );
					$date_info['year']  = rgar( $date, 2 );

				case 'dmy' :
					$date_info['day']   = rgar( $date, 0 );
					$date_info['month'] = rgar( $date, 1 );
					$date_info['year']  = rgar( $date, 2 );

				case 'ymd' :
					$date_info['year']  = rgar( $date, 0 );
					$date_info['month'] = rgar( $date, 1 );
					$date_info['day']   = rgar( $date, 2 );

			return $date_info;

		$date = preg_replace( "|[/\.]|", '-', $date );
		if ( preg_match( '/^(\d{1,4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,4})$/', $date, $matches ) ) {

			if ( strlen( $matches[1] ) == 4 ) {
				//format yyyy-mm-dd
				$date_info['year']  = $matches[1];
				$date_info['month'] = $matches[2];
				$date_info['day']   = $matches[3];
			} else if ( $position == 'mdy' ) {
				//format mm-dd-yyyy
				$date_info['month'] = $matches[1];
				$date_info['day']   = $matches[2];
				$date_info['year']  = $matches[3];
			} else {
				//format dd-mm-yyyy
				$date_info['day']   = $matches[1];
				$date_info['month'] = $matches[2];
				$date_info['year']  = $matches[3];

		return $date_info;

	public static function truncate_url( $url ) {
		// parse URL to break it out into pieces
		$parsed_url = parse_url( $url );

		if ( isset( $parsed_url['path'] ) ) {
			if ( $parsed_url['path'] == '/' ) {
				// In instances where the path is just /, set truncated URL to be the host.
				$truncated_url = $parsed_url['host'];
			} else {
				// Get the basename from the URL Path
				$truncated_url = basename( $parsed_url['path'] );

			// Append a query string if necessary.
			if ( isset( $parsed_url['query'] ) ) {
				$truncated_url .= '/?...';

		} else {
			// Anything outside of the above will fall back to the old truncation logic.
			$truncated_url = basename( $url );

			if ( empty( $truncated_url ) ) {
				$truncated_url = dirname( $url );

		return $truncated_url;

	public static function get_field_placeholder_attribute( $field ) {

		$placeholder_value = GFCommon::replace_variables_prepopulate( $field->placeholder );

		return ! empty( $placeholder_value ) ? sprintf( "placeholder='%s'", esc_attr( $placeholder_value ) ) : '';

	public static function get_input_placeholder_attribute( $input ) {

		$placeholder_value = self::get_input_placeholder_value( $input );

		return ! empty( $placeholder_value ) ? sprintf( "placeholder='%s'", esc_attr( $placeholder_value ) ) : '';

	public static function get_input_placeholder_value( $input ) {

		$placeholder = rgar( $input, 'placeholder' );

		return empty( $placeholder ) ? '' : GFCommon::replace_variables_prepopulate( $placeholder );

	public static function get_tabindex() {
		return GFCommon::$tab_index > 0 ? "tabindex='" . GFCommon::$tab_index ++ . "'" : '';

	 * @deprecated
	 * @param GF_Field_Checkbox $field
	 * @param                   $value
	 * @param                   $disabled_text
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get_checkbox_choices( $field, $value, $disabled_text ) {
		_deprecated_function( 'get_checkbox_choices', '1.9', 'GF_Field_Checkbox::get_checkbox_choices' );

		return $field->get_checkbox_choices( $value, $disabled_text );

	 * @deprecated Deprecated since 1.9. Use GF_Field_Checkbox::get_radio_choices() instead.
	 * @param GF_Field_Radio $field
	 * @param string         $value
	 * @param                $disabled_text
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get_radio_choices( $field, $value, $disabled_text ) {
		$value = ( is_string( $value ) ) ? $value : '';

		_deprecated_function( 'get_radio_choices', '1.9', 'GF_Field_Checkbox::get_radio_choices' );

		return $field->get_radio_choices( $value, $disabled_text );

	public static function get_field_type_title( $type ) {
		$gf_field = GF_Fields::get( $type );
		if ( ! empty( $gf_field ) ) {
			return $gf_field->get_form_editor_field_title();

		return apply_filters( 'gform_field_type_title', $type, $type );

	public static function get_select_choices( $field, $value = '', $support_placeholders = true ) {
		$choices     = '';
		$placeholder = '';

		if ( $support_placeholders && ! rgblank( $field->placeholder ) ) {
			$placeholder = self::replace_variables_prepopulate( $field->placeholder );

		if ( rgget( 'view' ) == 'entry' && empty( $value ) && rgblank( $placeholder ) ) {
			$choices .= "<option value=''></option>";

		if ( is_array( $field->choices ) ) {

			if ( ! rgblank( $placeholder ) ) {
				$selected = empty( $value ) ? "selected='selected'" : '';
				$choices .= sprintf( "<option value='' %s class='gf_placeholder'>%s</option>", $selected, esc_html( $placeholder) );

			foreach ( $field->choices as $choice ) {

				//needed for users upgrading from 1.0
				$field_value = ! empty( $choice['value'] ) || $field->enableChoiceValue || $field->type == 'post_category' ? $choice['value'] : $choice['text'];
				if ( $field->enablePrice ) {
					$price = rgempty( 'price', $choice ) ? 0 : GFCommon::to_number( rgar( $choice, 'price' ) );
					$field_value .= '|' . $price;

				if ( ! isset( $_GET['gf_token'] ) && empty( $_POST ) && self::is_empty_array( $value ) && rgget('view') != 'entry' ) {
					$selected = rgar( $choice, 'isSelected' ) ? "selected='selected'" : '';
				} else {
					if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
						$is_match = false;
						foreach ( $value as $item ) {
							if ( RGFormsModel::choice_value_match( $field, $choice, $item ) ) {
								$is_match = true;
						$selected = $is_match ? "selected='selected'" : '';
					} else {
						$selected = RGFormsModel::choice_value_match( $field, $choice, $value ) ? "selected='selected'" : '';

				$choice_markup = sprintf( "<option value='%s' %s>%s</option>", esc_attr( $field_value ), $selected, esc_html( $choice['text'] ) );

				$choices .= gf_apply_filters( array(
				), $choice_markup, $choice, $field, $value );


		return $choices;

	public static function is_section_empty( $section_field, $form, $entry ) {

		$cache_key = "GFCommon::is_section_empty_{$form['id']}_{$section_field->id}";
		$value     = GFCache::get( $cache_key, $is_hit, false );

		if ( $value !== false ) {
			return $value == true;

		$fields = self::get_section_fields( $form, $section_field->id );
		if ( ! is_array( $fields ) ) {
			GFCache::set( $cache_key, 1 );

			return true;

		foreach ( $fields as $field ) {

			$value = GFFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $entry, $field );
			$value = GFCommon::get_lead_field_display( $field, $value, rgar( $entry, 'currency' ) );

			if ( rgblank( $value ) ) {

			// most fields are displayed in the section by default, exceptions are handled below
			$is_field_displayed_in_section = true;

			// by default, product fields are not displayed in their containing section (displayed in a product summary table)
			// if the filter is used to disable this, product fields are displayed in the section like other fields
			if ( self::is_product_field( $field->type ) ) {

				 * By default, product fields are not displayed in their containing section (displayed in a product summary table). If the filter is used to disable this, product fields are displayed in the section like other fields
				 * @param array $field The Form Fields Object
				 * @param array $form  The Form Object
				 * @param array $entry The Entry object
				$display_product_summary = apply_filters( 'gform_display_product_summary', true, $field, $form, $entry );

				$is_field_displayed_in_section = ! $display_product_summary;

			if ( $is_field_displayed_in_section ) {
				GFCache::set( $cache_key, 0 );

				return false;

		GFCache::set( $cache_key, 1 );

		return true;

	public static function get_section_fields( $form, $section_field_id ) {
		$fields     = array();
		$in_section = false;
		foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
			if ( in_array( $field->type, array( 'section', 'page' ) ) && $in_section ) {
				return $fields;

			if ( $field->id == $section_field_id ) {
				$in_section = true;

			if ( $in_section ) {
				$fields[] = $field;

		return $fields;

	public static function get_us_state_code( $state_name ) {
		return GF_Fields::get( 'address' )->get_us_state_code( $state_name );

	public static function get_country_code( $country_name ) {
		return GF_Fields::get( 'address' )->get_country_code( $country_name );

	public static function get_us_states() {
		return GF_Fields::get( 'address' )->get_us_states();

	public static function get_canadian_provinces() {
		return GF_Fields::get( 'address' )->get_canadian_provinces();

	public static function is_post_field( $field ) {
		return in_array( $field->type, array(
		) );

	public static function get_fields_by_type( $form, $types ) {
		return GFAPI::get_fields_by_type( $form, $types );

	public static function has_pages( $form ) {
		return sizeof( GFAPI::get_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'page' ) ) ) > 0;

	public static function get_product_fields_by_type( $form, $types, $product_id ) {
		global $_product_fields;
		$key = json_encode( $types ) . '_' . $product_id . '_' . $form['id'];
		if ( ! isset( $_product_fields[ $key ] ) ) {
			$fields = array();
			foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
				if ( in_array( $field->type, $types ) && $field->productField == $product_id ) {
					$fields[] = $field;
			$_product_fields[ $key ] = $fields;

		return $_product_fields[ $key ];

	public static function form_page_title( $form ) {
		$editable_class = GFCommon::current_user_can_any( 'gravityforms_edit_forms' ) ? ' gform_settings_page_title_editable' : '';

			<span id='gform_settings_page_title' class='gform_settings_page_title<?php echo $editable_class ?>' onclick='GF_ShowEditTitle()'><?php echo esc_html( rgar( $form, 'title' ) ); ?></span>
			<?php GFForms::form_switcher(); ?>
			<span class="gf_admin_page_formid">ID: <?php echo absint( $form['id'] ); ?></span>
		<?php GFForms::edit_form_title( $form ); ?>

	 * @deprecated
	 * @param GF_Field $field
	 * @return mixed
	public static function has_field_calculation( $field ) {
		_deprecated_function( 'has_field_calculation', '1.7', 'GF_Field::has_calculation' );

		return $field->has_calculation();

	 * @param GF_Field $field
	 * @param string   $value
	 * @param int      $lead_id
	 * @param int      $form_id
	 * @param null     $form
	 * @return mixed|string|void
	public static function get_field_input( $field, $value = '', $lead_id = 0, $form_id = 0, $form = null ) {

		if ( ! $field instanceof GF_Field ) {
			$field = GF_Fields::create( $field );

		$is_form_editor  = GFCommon::is_form_editor();
		$is_entry_detail = GFCommon::is_entry_detail();
		$is_admin        = $is_form_editor || $is_entry_detail;

		$id       = intval( $field->id );
		$field_id = $is_admin || $form_id == 0 ? "input_$id" : 'input_' . $form_id . "_$id";
		$form_id  = $is_admin && empty( $form_id ) ? rgget( 'id' ) : $form_id;

		if ( rgget('view') == 'entry' && ! empty( $lead_id ) ) {
			$lead      = RGFormsModel::get_lead( $lead_id );
			$post_id   = rgar( $lead, 'post_id' );
			$post_link = '';
			if ( is_numeric( $post_id ) && self::is_post_field( $field ) ) {
				// Translators: link to the "Edit Post" page for this post.
				$post_link = '<div>' . sprintf( __( 'You can <a href="%s">edit this post</a> from the post page.', 'gravityforms' ), 'post.php?action=edit&post=' . $post_id ) . '</div>';

		 * Filters the field input markup.
		 * @since Added form and field ID modifiers.
		 * @param string empty    The markup. Defaults to an empty string.
		 * @param array  $field   The Field Object.
		 * @param int    $lead_id The entry ID.
		 * @param string $value   The field value.
		 * @param int    $form_id The form ID.
		$field_input = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_field_input', $form_id, $field->id ), '', $field, $value, $lead_id, $form_id );
		if ( $field_input ) {
			return $field_input;

		// Pricing fields are not editable.
		if ( rgget('view') == 'entry' && self::is_pricing_field( $field->type ) ) {

			return "<div class='ginput_container'>" . esc_html__( 'Pricing fields are not editable' , 'gravityforms' ) . '</div>';


		// Add categories as choices for Post Category field
		if ( $field->type == 'post_category' ) {
			$field = self::add_categories_as_choices( $field, $value );

		$type = RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field );
		switch ( $type ) {

			case 'honeypot':
				return "<div class='ginput_container'><input name='input_{$id}' id='{$field_id}' type='text' value='' autocomplete='new-password'/></div>";

			case 'adminonly_hidden' :
				$inputs = $field->get_entry_inputs();

				if ( ! is_array( $inputs ) ) {
					if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
						$value = json_encode( $value );

					return sprintf( "<input name='input_%d' id='%s' class='gform_hidden' type='hidden' value='%s'/>", $id, esc_attr( $field_id ), esc_attr( $value ) );

				$fields = '';
				foreach ( $inputs as $input ) {
					$fields .= sprintf( "<input name='input_%s' class='gform_hidden' type='hidden' value='%s'/>", $input['id'], esc_attr( rgar( $value, strval( $input['id'] ) ) ) );

				return $fields;

			default :

				if ( ! empty( $post_link ) ) {
					return $post_link;

				if ( $form === null ) {
					$form = array( 'id' => 0 );

				if ( ! isset( $lead ) ) {
					$lead = null;

				return $field->get_field_input( $form, $value, $lead );



	public static function is_ssl() {
		global $wordpress_https;
		$is_ssl = false;

		$has_https_plugin  = class_exists( 'WordPressHTTPS' ) && isset( $wordpress_https );
		$has_is_ssl_method = $has_https_plugin && method_exists( 'WordPressHTTPS', 'is_ssl' );
		$has_isSsl_method  = $has_https_plugin && method_exists( 'WordPressHTTPS', 'isSsl' );

		//Use the WordPress HTTPs plugin if installed
		if ( $has_https_plugin && $has_is_ssl_method ) {
			$is_ssl = $wordpress_https->is_ssl();
		} else if ( $has_https_plugin && $has_isSsl_method ) {
			$is_ssl = $wordpress_https->isSsl();
		} else {
			$is_ssl = is_ssl();

		if ( ! $is_ssl && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'] ) && strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'], 'https' ) ) {
			$is_ssl = true;

		return apply_filters( 'gform_is_ssl', $is_ssl );

	public static function is_preview() {
		$url_info  = parse_url( RGFormsModel::get_current_page_url() );
		$file_name = basename( rgar( $url_info, 'path' ) );

		return $file_name == 'preview.php' || rgget( 'gf_page', $_GET ) == 'preview';

	 * Get default arguments for the preview link. The toolbar menu generator function requires array data, while other
	 * areas like the form editor and settings pages require filterable button html.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param $args
	 * @return array
	private static function get_preview_link_args( $args ) {
		$options = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
			'aria-label'   => esc_html__( 'Preview this form', 'gravityforms' ),
			'capabilities' => array(
			'form_id'      => 0,
			'label'        => __( 'Preview', 'gravityforms' ),
			'link_class'   => 'preview-form gform-button gform-button--white',
			'menu_class'   => 'gf_form_toolbar_preview',
			'priority'     => 700,
			'target'       => '_blank',
		) );

		$options['url'] = trailingslashit( site_url() ) . '?gf_page=preview&id=' . $options['form_id'];

		return $options;

	 * Returns preview link data as array when needed by menu builder functions.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param array $args
	 * @return array
	public static function get_preview_link_data( $args = array() ) {
		return self::get_preview_link_args( $args );

	 * Gets the html for the preview form link if capabilities are met.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param array $args
	 * @return string
	public static function get_preview_link( $args = array() ) {
		$options = self::get_preview_link_args( $args );

		if ( ! GFCommon::current_user_can_any( $options[ 'capabilities' ] ) ) {
			return '';

		$preview_link = sprintf(
					class="%s gform-button--icon-leading" 
				><i class="gform-button__icon gform-common-icon gform-common-icon--eye"></i>%s</a>
			esc_html__( 'Preview this form', 'gravityforms' ),
			esc_url( $options['url'] ),
			esc_attr( $options['link_class'] ),
			esc_attr( $options['target'] ),
			esc_html( $options['label'] )

		 * A filter to allow you to modify the form preview link.
		 * @since 2.5
		 * @param string $preview_link The Form preview link HTML.
		$preview_link = apply_filters( 'gform_preview_form_link', $preview_link );

		return $preview_link;

	public static function clean_extensions( $extensions ) {
		$count = sizeof( $extensions );
		for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
			$extensions[ $i ] = str_replace( '.', '', str_replace( ' ', '', $extensions[ $i ] ) );

		return $extensions;

	public static function get_disallowed_file_extensions() {

		$extensions = array(

		// Intended for internal use - not to be included in the documentation.
		$extensions = apply_filters( 'gform_disallowed_file_extensions', $extensions );

		return $extensions;

	public static function match_file_extension( $file_name, $extensions ) {
		if ( empty ( $extensions ) || ! is_array( $extensions ) ) {
			return false;

		$ext = strtolower( pathinfo( $file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) );
		if ( in_array( $ext, $extensions ) ) {
			return true;

		return false;

	public static function file_name_has_disallowed_extension( $file_name ) {

		return self::match_file_extension( $file_name, self::get_disallowed_file_extensions() ) || strpos( strtolower( $file_name ), '.php.' ) !== false;

	 * Check the file type/extension to ensure it's allowed, and that the extension matches the actual file type.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @param array  $file      The file array.
	 * @param string $file_name The file name.
	 * @return bool|WP_Error
	public static function check_type_and_ext( $file, $file_name = '' ) {
		if ( empty( $file_name ) ) {
			$file_name = $file['name'];

		$tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];

		// Use wp_check_filetype_and_ext() to verify the details of the file.
		$wp_filetype     = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $tmp_name, $file_name );
		$ext             = $wp_filetype['ext'];
		$type            = $wp_filetype['type'];
		$proper_filename = $wp_filetype['proper_filename'];

		// When a proper_filename value exists, it could be a security issue if it's different than the original file name.
		if ( $proper_filename && strtolower( $proper_filename ) !== strtolower( $file_name ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'invalid_file', esc_html__( 'There was an problem while verifying your file.', 'gravityforms' ) );

		// If either $ext or $type are empty, WordPress doesn't like this file and we should bail.
		if ( ! $ext ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'illegal_extension', esc_html__( 'Sorry, this file extension is not permitted for security reasons.', 'gravityforms' ) );
		if ( ! $type ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'illegal_type', esc_html__( 'Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.', 'gravityforms' ) );

		return true;

	public static function to_money( $number, $currency_code = '' ) {
		if ( empty( $currency_code ) ) {
			$currency_code = self::get_currency();

		$currency = new RGCurrency( $currency_code );

		return $currency->to_money( $number );

	public static function to_number( $text, $currency_code = '' ) {
		if ( empty( $currency_code ) ) {
			$currency_code = self::get_currency();

		$currency = new RGCurrency( $currency_code );

		return $currency->to_number( $text );

	public static function get_currency() {
		$currency = get_option( 'rg_gforms_currency' );
		$currency = empty( $currency ) ? 'USD' : $currency;

		return apply_filters( 'gform_currency', $currency );

	public static function get_simple_captcha() {
		_deprecated_function( 'GFCommon::get_simple_captcha', '1.9', 'GFField_CAPTCHA::get_simple_captcha' );
		$captcha          = new ReallySimpleCaptcha();
		$captcha->tmp_dir = RGFormsModel::get_upload_path( 'captcha' ) . '/';

		return $captcha;

	 * @deprecated
	 * @param GF_Field_CAPTCH $field
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get_captcha( $field ) {
		_deprecated_function( 'GFCommon::get_captcha', '1.9', 'GFField_CAPTCHA::get_captcha' );

		return $field->get_captcha();

	 * @deprecated
	 * @param $field
	 * @param $pos
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get_math_captcha( $field, $pos ) {
		_deprecated_function( 'GFCommon::get_math_captcha', '1.9', 'GFField_CAPTCHA::get_math_captcha' );

		return $field->get_math_captcha( $pos );

	 * @param GF_Field $field
	 * @param          $value
	 * @param string   $currency
	 * @param bool     $use_text
	 * @param string   $format
	 * @param string   $media
	 * @return array|mixed|string
	public static function get_lead_field_display( $field, $value, $currency = '', $use_text = false, $format = 'html', $media = 'screen' ) {

		if ( ! $field instanceof GF_Field ) {
			$field = GF_Fields::create( $field );

		if ( $field->type == 'post_category' ) {
			$value = self::prepare_post_category_value( $value, $field );

		return $field->get_value_entry_detail( $value, $currency, $use_text, $format, $media );

	public static function get_product_fields( $form, $lead, $use_choice_text = false, $use_admin_label = false ) {
		$products = array();

		$product_info = null;
		// retrieve static copy of product info (only for 'real' entries)
		if ( ! rgempty( 'id', $lead ) ) {
			$product_info = gform_get_meta( rgar( $lead, 'id' ), "gform_product_info_{$use_choice_text}_{$use_admin_label}" );

		// if no static copy, generate from form/lead info
		if ( ! $product_info ) {

			foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
				$id         = $field->id;
				$lead_value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $field );

				$quantity_field = self::get_product_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'quantity' ), $id );
				$quantity       = sizeof( $quantity_field ) > 0 && ! RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $quantity_field[0], array(), $lead ) ? RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $quantity_field[0] ) : 1;

				switch ( $field->type ) {

					case 'product' :

						//ignore products that have been hidden by conditional logic
						$is_hidden = RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $field, array(), $lead );
						if ( $is_hidden ) {

						//if single product, get values from the multiple inputs
						if ( is_array( $lead_value ) ) {
							$product_quantity = sizeof( $quantity_field ) == 0 && ! $field->disableQuantity ? rgget( $id . '.3', $lead_value ) : $quantity;
							if ( empty( $product_quantity ) ) {

							if ( ! rgar( $products, $id ) ) {
								$products[ $id ] = array();

							$products[ $id ]['name']     = $use_admin_label && ! empty( $field->adminLabel ) ? $field->adminLabel : rgar( $lead_value, $id . '.1' );
							$products[ $id ]['price']    = rgar( $lead_value, $id . '.2' );
							$products[ $id ]['quantity'] = $product_quantity;
						} elseif ( ! empty( $lead_value ) ) {

							if ( empty( $quantity ) ) {

							if ( ! rgar( $products, $id ) ) {
								$products[ $id ] = array();

							$field_label = $use_admin_label && ! empty( $field->adminLabel ) ? $field->adminLabel : $field->label;

							if ( $field->inputType == 'price' ) {
								$name  = $field_label;
								$price = $lead_value;
							} else {
								list( $name, $price ) = explode( '|', $lead_value );

								if ( $use_choice_text ) {
									$name = RGFormsModel::get_choice_text( $field, $name );

								 * Enables inclusion of the field label or admin label in the product name for choice based Product fields.
								 * @since 1.9.1
								 * @param bool $include_field_label Indicates if the label should be included in the product name. Default is false.
								$include_field_label = apply_filters( 'gform_product_info_name_include_field_label', false );
								if ( $include_field_label ) {
									$name = $field_label . " ({$name})";

							$products[ $id ]['name']     = $name;
							$products[ $id ]['price']    = $price;
							$products[ $id ]['quantity'] = $quantity;
							$products[ $id ]['options']  = array();

						if ( isset( $products[ $id ] ) ) {
							$option_fields = self::get_product_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'option' ), $id );
							foreach ( $option_fields as $option_field ) {
								$option_value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $option_field );
								$option_label = $use_admin_label && ! empty( $option_field->adminLabel ) ? $option_field->adminLabel : $option_field->label;
								if ( is_array( $option_value ) ) {
									foreach ( $option_value as $value ) {
										$option_info = self::get_option_info( $value, $option_field, $use_choice_text );
										if ( ! empty( $option_info ) ) {
											$products[ $id ]['options'][] = array(
												'id'           => $option_field->id,
												'field_label'  => rgobj( $option_field, 'label' ),
												'option_name'  => rgar( $option_info, 'name' ),
												'option_label' => $option_label . ': ' . rgar( $option_info, 'name' ),
												'price'        => rgar( $option_info, 'price' )
								} elseif ( ! empty( $option_value ) ) {
									$option_info                  = self::get_option_info( $option_value, $option_field, $use_choice_text );
									$products[ $id ]['options'][] = array(
										'id'           => $option_field->id,
										'field_label'  => rgobj( $option_field, 'label' ),
										'option_name'  => rgar( $option_info, 'name' ),
										'option_label' => $option_label . ': ' . rgar( $option_info, 'name' ),
										'price'        => rgar( $option_info, 'price' )

							if ( empty( $products[ $id ]['options'] ) && empty( $products[ $id ]['name'] ) && rgblank( $products[ $id ]['price'] ) ) {
								self::log_debug( __METHOD__ . "(): Product field #{$id} has no options, name, or price; removing." );
								unset( $products[ $id ] );

			$shipping_fields = GFAPI::get_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'shipping' ) );
			$shipping_price  = $shipping_name = $shipping_field_id = '';

			if ( ! empty( $shipping_fields ) && ! RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $shipping_fields[0], array(), $lead ) ) {
				$shipping_price    = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $shipping_fields[0] );
				$shipping_name     = $use_admin_label && ! empty( $shipping_fields[0]->adminLabel ) ? $shipping_fields[0]->adminLabel : $shipping_fields[0]->label;
				$shipping_field_id = $shipping_fields[0]->id;
				if ( $shipping_fields[0]->inputType != 'singleshipping' && ! empty( $shipping_price ) ) {
					list( $shipping_method, $shipping_price ) = explode( '|', $shipping_price );
					if ( $use_choice_text ) {
						$shipping_method = RGFormsModel::get_choice_text( $shipping_fields[0], $shipping_method );
					$shipping_name .= " ($shipping_method)";

			$shipping_price = self::to_number( $shipping_price, $lead['currency'] );

			$product_info = array(
				'products' => $products,
				'shipping' => array(
					'id'    => $shipping_field_id,
					'name'  => $shipping_name,
					'price' => $shipping_price

			 * Allows the product info used by add-ons and when generating the entry order summary table to be overridden.
			 * @since
			 * @param array $product_info The selected products, options, and shipping details for the current entry.
			 * @param array $form         The form object used to generate the current entry.
			 * @param array $lead         The current entry object.
			$product_info = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_product_info', $form['id'] ), $product_info, $form, $lead );

			// save static copy of product info (only for 'real' entries)
			if ( ! rgempty( 'id', $lead ) && ! empty( $product_info['products'] ) ) {
				gform_update_meta( $lead['id'], "gform_product_info_{$use_choice_text}_{$use_admin_label}", $product_info, $form['id'] );

		return $product_info;

	public static function get_order_total( $form, $lead ) {

		$products = self::get_product_fields( $form, $lead, false );

		return self::get_total( $products );

	public static function get_total( $products ) {

		$total = 0;
		foreach ( $products['products'] as $product ) {

			$price = self::to_number( $product['price'] );
			if ( is_array( rgar( $product, 'options' ) ) ) {
				foreach ( $product['options'] as $option ) {
					$price += self::to_number( $option['price'] );
			$quantity = self::to_number( $product['quantity'], GFCommon::get_currency() );
			$subtotal = $quantity * $price;
			$total += $subtotal;


		$total += floatval( $products['shipping']['price'] );

		return $total;

	public static function get_option_info( $value, $option, $use_choice_text ) {
		if ( empty( $value ) ) {
			return array();

		list( $name, $price ) = explode( '|', $value );
		if ( $use_choice_text ) {
			$name = RGFormsModel::get_choice_text( $option, $name );

		return array( 'name' => $name, 'price' => $price );

	 * Prints or enqueues form scripts and processes shortcodes found in the supplied content.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @param string $content The content to be processed.
	 * @return string
	public static function gform_do_shortcode( $content ) {
		require_once self::get_base_path() . '/form_display.php';

		$is_ajax = false;
		$forms   = GFFormDisplay::get_embedded_forms( $content, $is_ajax );

		foreach ( $forms as $form ) {

			 * Determine if scripts and stylesheets should be printed or enqueued when processing form shortcodes after headers have been sent.
			 * @since 2.0
			 * @param bool  $disable_print_form_script Defaults to false.
			 * @param array $form                      The form object for the shortcode being processed.
			 * @param bool  $is_ajax                   Indicates if ajax was enabled on the shortcode.
			$disable_print_form_script = apply_filters( 'gform_disable_print_form_scripts', false, $form, $is_ajax );

			if ( headers_sent() && ! $disable_print_form_script ) {
				GFFormDisplay::print_form_scripts( $form, $is_ajax );
			} else {
				GFFormDisplay::enqueue_form_scripts( $form, $is_ajax );

		return do_shortcode( $content );

	 * Determines if the supplied entry is spam.
	 * @since 2.4.17
	 * @param array $entry The entry currently being processed.
	 * @param array $form  The form currently being processed.
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_spam_entry( $entry, $form ) {
		$form_id   = absint( $form['id'] );
		$use_cache = class_exists( 'GFFormDisplay' );

		if ( $use_cache ) {
			$is_spam = rgars( GFFormDisplay::$submission, $form_id . '/is_spam' );

			if ( is_bool( $is_spam ) ) {
				return $is_spam;

		self::timer_start( __METHOD__ );
		$is_spam = false;

		if ( self::akismet_enabled( $form_id ) ) {
			$is_spam = self::is_akismet_spam( $form, $entry );
			self::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Result from Akismet: ' . json_encode( $is_spam ) );

			self::set_spam_filter( $form_id, __( 'Akismet Spam Filter', 'gravityforms' ), '' );

		$gform_entry_is_spam_args = array( 'gform_entry_is_spam', $form_id );
		if ( gf_has_filter( $gform_entry_is_spam_args ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_entry_is_spam.' );
			 * Allows submissions to be flagged as spam by custom methods.
			 * @since 1.8.17
			 * @since 2.4.17 Moved from GFFormDisplay::handle_submission().
			 * @param bool  $is_spam Indicates if the submission has been flagged as spam.
			 * @param array $form    The form currently being processed.
			 * @param array $entry   The entry currently being processed.
			$is_spam = gf_apply_filters( $gform_entry_is_spam_args, $is_spam, $form, $entry );
			self::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Result from gform_entry_is_spam filter: ' . json_encode( $is_spam ) );

		if ( $use_cache ) {
			GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $form_id ]['is_spam'] = $is_spam;

		GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . sprintf( '(): Spam checks completed in %F seconds. Is submission considered spam? %s.', GFCommon::timer_end( __METHOD__ ), $is_spam ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) );

		return $is_spam;

	 * Sets the name of the spam filter that flagged entry as spam during a form submission.
	 * @since 2.7
	 * @param int    $form_id Current form id.
	 * @param string $filter Name of spam filter that marked entry as spam. (i.e. Akismet or Honeypot ).
	 * @param string $reason The reason this entry was flagged as spam.
	public static function set_spam_filter( $form_id, $filter, $reason ) {

		if ( ! class_exists( 'GFFormDisplay' ) ) {

		if ( ! isset( GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $form_id ] ) ) {
			GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $form_id ] = array();

		// Only save the first spam reason.
		if ( ! isset( GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $form_id ]['spam_filter'] ) ) {
			GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $form_id ]['spam_filter'] = array( 'filter' => $filter, 'reason' => $reason );

	public static function spam_enabled( $form_id ) {
		$spam_enabled = self::akismet_enabled( $form_id ) || has_filter( 'gform_entry_is_spam' ) || has_filter( "gform_entry_is_spam_{$form_id}" );

		return $spam_enabled;

	public static function has_akismet() {
		$akismet_exists = function_exists( 'akismet_http_post' ) || method_exists( 'Akismet', 'http_post' );

		return $akismet_exists;

	public static function akismet_enabled( $form_id ) {

		if ( ! self::has_akismet() ) {
			return false;

		// if no option is set, leave akismet enabled; otherwise, use option value true/false
		$enabled = get_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_akismet' ) === false ? true : get_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_akismet' ) == true;

		 * Allows the Akismet integration to be enabled or disabled.
		 * @since 1.6.3
		 * @since 2.4.19 Added the $form_id param.
		 * @param bool $enabled Indicates if the Akismet integration is enabled.
		 * @param int  $form_id The ID of the form being processed.
		return gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_akismet_enabled', $form_id ), $enabled, $form_id );


	public static function is_akismet_spam( $form, $lead ) {

		global $akismet_api_host, $akismet_api_port;

		$fields = self::get_akismet_fields( $form, $lead );

		// Submitting info to Akismet
		if ( defined( 'AKISMET_VERSION' ) && AKISMET_VERSION < 3.0 ) {
			//Akismet versions before 3.0
			$response = akismet_http_post( $fields, $akismet_api_host, '/1.1/comment-check', $akismet_api_port );
		} else {
			$response = Akismet::http_post( $fields, 'comment-check' );
		$is_spam = trim( rgar( $response, 1 ) ) == 'true';

		return $is_spam;

	public static function mark_akismet_spam( $form, $lead, $is_spam ) {

		global $akismet_api_host, $akismet_api_port;

		$as     = $is_spam ? 'spam' : 'ham';
		$fields = self::get_akismet_fields( $form, $lead, $as );

		// Submitting info to Akismet
		if ( defined( 'AKISMET_VERSION' ) && AKISMET_VERSION < 3.0 ) {
			//Akismet versions before 3.0
			akismet_http_post( $fields, $akismet_api_host, '/1.1/submit-' . $as, $akismet_api_port );
		} else {
			Akismet::http_post( $fields, 'submit-' . $as );

	 * Prepares a query string containing the data to be sent to Akismet.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.4.19 Added the $action param.
	 * @param array  $form   The form which created the entry.
	 * @param array  $entry  The entry being processed.
	 * @param string $action The action triggering the Akismet request: submit, spam, or ham.
	 * @return string
	private static function get_akismet_fields( $form, $entry, $action = 'submit' ) {

		$is_form_editor  = GFCommon::is_form_editor();
		$is_entry_detail = GFCommon::is_entry_detail();
		$is_admin        = $is_form_editor || $is_entry_detail;

		// Gathering Akismet information
		$akismet_fields                         = array();
		$akismet_fields['comment_type']         = 'gravity_form';
		$akismet_fields['comment_author']       = self::get_akismet_field( 'name', $form, $entry );
		$akismet_fields['comment_author_email'] = self::get_akismet_field( 'email', $form, $entry );
		$akismet_fields['comment_author_url']   = self::get_akismet_field( 'website', $form, $entry );
		$akismet_fields['comment_content']      = self::get_akismet_field( 'textarea', $form, $entry );
		$akismet_fields['contact_form_subject'] = $form['title'];
		$akismet_fields['comment_author_IP']    = rgar( $entry, 'ip' );
		$akismet_fields['permalink']            = rgar( $entry, 'source_url' );
		$akismet_fields['user_ip']              = preg_replace( '/[^0-9., ]/', '', rgar( $entry, 'ip' ) );
		$akismet_fields['user_agent']           = rgar( $entry, 'user_agent' );
		$akismet_fields['referrer']             = $is_admin ? '' : rgar( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER' );
		$akismet_fields['blog']                 = get_option( 'home' );

		 * Allows the data to be sent to Akismet to be overridden.
		 * @since unknown
		 * @since 2.4.19 Added the $action param.
		 * @param array  $akismet_fields The data to be sent to Akismet.
		 * @param array  $form           The form which created the entry.
		 * @param array  $entry          The entry being processed.
		 * @param string $action         The action triggering the Akismet request: submit, spam, or ham.
		$akismet_fields = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_akismet_fields', $form['id'] ), $akismet_fields, $form, $entry, $action );

		return http_build_query( $akismet_fields );

	private static function get_akismet_field( $field_type, $form, $lead ) {
		$fields = GFAPI::get_fields_by_type( $form, array( $field_type ) );
		if ( empty( $fields ) ) {
			return '';

		$value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $fields[0] );
		switch ( $field_type ) {
			case 'name' :
				$value = GFCommon::get_lead_field_display( $fields[0], $value );

		return $value;

	 * Get the placeholder to use for the radio button field other choice.
	 * @param null|GF_Field_Radio $field Null or the Field currently being prepared for display or being validated.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_other_choice_value( $field = null ) {
		$placeholder = esc_html__( 'Other', 'gravityforms' );

		 * Filter the default placeholder for the radio button field other choice.
		 * @since Added the $field parameter.
		 * @since Unknown
		 * @param string              $placeholder The placeholder to be filtered. Defaults to "Other".
		 * @param null|GF_Field_Radio $field       Null or the Field currently being prepared for display or being validated.
		$placeholder = apply_filters( 'gform_other_choice_value', $placeholder, $field );

		return $placeholder;

	public static function get_browser_class() {
		global $is_lynx, $is_gecko, $is_IE, $is_opera, $is_NS4, $is_safari, $is_chrome, $is_iphone, $post;

		$classes = array();

		//adding browser related class
		if ( $is_lynx ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_lynx';
		} else if ( $is_gecko ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_gecko';
		} else if ( $is_opera ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_opera';
		} else if ( $is_NS4 ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_ns4';
		} else if ( $is_safari ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_safari';
		} else if ( $is_chrome ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_chrome';
		} else if ( $is_IE ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_ie';
		} else {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_unknown';

		//adding IE version
		if ( $is_IE ) {
			if ( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 6' ) !== false ) {
				$classes[] = 'gf_browser_ie6';
			} else if ( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 7' ) !== false ) {
				$classes[] = 'gf_browser_ie7';
			if ( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 8' ) !== false ) {
				$classes[] = 'gf_browser_ie8';
			if ( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 9' ) !== false ) {
				$classes[] = 'gf_browser_ie9';

		if ( $is_iphone ) {
			$classes[] = 'gf_browser_iphone';

		return implode( ' ', $classes );

	public static function create_post( $form, &$lead ) {
		$disable_post = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_disable_post_creation', $form['id'] ), false, $form, $lead );
		$post_id      = 0;
		if ( ! $disable_post ) {
			//creates post if the form has any post fields
			$post_id = RGFormsModel::create_post( $form, $lead );

		return $post_id;

	 * Evaluates conditional logic based on the specified $logic variable. This method is used when evaluating non-field conditional logic such as Notification, Confirmation and Feeds.
	 * NOTE: There is a future refactoring opportunity to reduce code duplication by merging this method with GFFormsModel::evaluate_conditional_logic(), which currently handles field conditional logic.
	 * @param array $logic The conditional logic configuration array with all the specified rules.
	 * @param array $form  The current Form object.
	 * @param array $entry The current Entry object.
	 * @return bool         Returns true if the conditional logic passes, false otherwise.
	public static function evaluate_conditional_logic( $logic, $form, $entry ) {

		if ( ! $logic || ! is_array( rgar( $logic, 'rules' ) ) ) {
			return true;

		$entry_meta_keys = array_keys( GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta( $form['id'] ) );
		$match_count     = 0;
		if ( is_array( $logic['rules'] ) ) {
			foreach ( $logic['rules'] as $rule ) {

				try {
					 * Filter the conditional logic rule before it is evaluated.
					 * @since 2.6.2
					 * @param array $rule         The conditional logic rule about to be evaluated.
					 * @param array $form         The current form meta.
					 * @param array $logic        All details required to evaluate an objects conditional logic.
					 * @param array $field_values The default field values for this form (if available).
					 * @param array $entry        The current entry object.
					$rule = apply_filters( 'gform_rule_pre_evaluation', $rule, $form, $logic, array(), $entry );
				} catch ( Error $e ) {
					self::log_error( __METHOD__ . '(): Error from function hooked to gform_rule_pre_evaluation. ' . $e->getMessage() );

				if ( in_array( $rule['fieldId'], $entry_meta_keys ) ) {
					$source_field = null;
					$source_value = rgar( $entry, $rule['fieldId'] );
				} else {
					$source_field = GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, $rule['fieldId'] );
					$source_value = empty( $entry ) ? GFFormsModel::get_field_value( $source_field, array() ) : GFFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $entry, $source_field );

				 * Filter the source value of a conditional logic rule before it is compared with the target value.
				 * @since 2.6.2
				 * @param int|string $source_value The value of the rule's configured field ID, entry meta, or custom property.
				 * @param array      $rule         The conditional logic rule that is being evaluated.
				 * @param array      $form         The current form meta.
				 * @param array      $logic        All details required to evaluate an objects conditional logic.
				 * @param array      $entry        The current entry object (if available).
				$source_value = apply_filters( 'gform_rule_source_value', $source_value, $rule, $form, $logic, $entry );

				$is_value_match = GFFormsModel::is_value_match( $source_value, $rule['value'], $rule['operator'], $source_field, $rule, $form );

				if ( $is_value_match ) {
					$match_count ++;

		$do_action = ( $logic['logicType'] == 'all' && $match_count == sizeof( $logic['rules'] ) ) || ( $logic['logicType'] == 'any' && $match_count > 0 );

		return $do_action;

	public static function get_card_types() {
		$cards = array(

				'name'     => 'American Express',
				'slug'     => 'amex',
				'lengths'  => '15',
				'prefixes' => '34,37',
				'checksum' => true,
				'name'     => 'Discover',
				'slug'     => 'discover',
				'lengths'  => '16',
				'prefixes' => '6011,622,64,65',
				'checksum' => true,
				'name'     => 'MasterCard',
				'slug'     => 'mastercard',
				'lengths'  => '16',
				'prefixes' => '51,52,53,54,55,22,23,24,25,26,270,271,272',
				'checksum' => true,
				'name'     => 'Visa',
				'slug'     => 'visa',
				'lengths'  => '13,16',
				'prefixes' => '4,417500,4917,4913,4508,4844',
				'checksum' => true,
				'name'     => 'JCB',
				'slug'     => 'jcb',
				'lengths'  => '16',
				'prefixes' => '35',
				'checksum' => true,
				'name'     => 'Maestro',
				'slug'     => 'maestro',
				'lengths'  => '12,13,14,15,16,18,19',
				'prefixes' => '5018,5020,5038,6304,6759,6761',
				'checksum' => true,

		$cards = apply_filters( 'gform_creditcard_types', $cards );

		return $cards;

	public static function get_card_type( $number ) {

		//removing spaces from number
		$number = str_replace( ' ', '', $number );

		if ( empty( $number ) ) {
			return false;

		$cards = self::get_card_types();

		$matched_card = false;
		foreach ( $cards as $card ) {
			if ( self::matches_card_type( $number, $card ) ) {
				$matched_card = $card;

		if ( $matched_card && $matched_card['checksum'] && ! self::is_valid_card_checksum( $number ) ) {
			$matched_card = false;

		return $matched_card ? $matched_card : false;


	private static function matches_card_type( $number, $card ) {

		//checking prefix
		$prefixes       = explode( ',', $card['prefixes'] );
		$matches_prefix = false;
		foreach ( $prefixes as $prefix ) {
			if ( preg_match( "|^{$prefix}|", $number ) ) {
				$matches_prefix = true;

		//checking length
		$lengths        = explode( ',', $card['lengths'] );
		$matches_length = false;
		foreach ( $lengths as $length ) {
			if ( strlen( $number ) == absint( $length ) ) {
				$matches_length = true;

		return $matches_prefix && $matches_length;


	private static function is_valid_card_checksum( $number ) {
		$checksum   = 0;
		$num        = 0;
		$multiplier = 1;

		// Process each character starting at the right
		for ( $i = strlen( $number ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i -- ) {

			//Multiply current digit by multiplier (1 or 2)
			$num = $number[ $i ] * $multiplier;

			// If the result is in greater than 9, add 1 to the checksum total
			if ( $num >= 10 ) {
				$checksum ++;
				$num -= 10;

			//Update checksum
			$checksum += $num;

			//Update multiplier
			$multiplier = $multiplier == 1 ? 2 : 1;

		return $checksum % 10 == 0;


	public static function is_wp_version( $min_version ) {
		return ! version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), "{$min_version}.dev1", '<' );

	 * Checks if the logging plugin is active.
	 * @since  2.2
	 * @access public
	 * @used-by GFSettings::gravityforms_settings_page()
	 * @return bool If the logging plugin is active.
	public static function is_logging_plugin_active() {
		if ( ! function_exists( 'is_plugin_active' ) ) {
			require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';

		// In some scenarios, is_plugin_active() will return true when plugin file has been manually deleted.
		return is_plugin_active( 'gravityformslogging/logging.php' ) && file_exists( trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'gravityformslogging/logging.php' );


	public static function add_categories_as_choices( $field, $value ) {

		$choices         = $inputs = array();
		$is_post         = isset( $_POST['gform_submit'] );
		$has_placeholder = $field->categoryInitialItemEnabled && RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'select';

		if ( $has_placeholder ) {
			$choices[] = array( 'text' => $field->categoryInitialItem, 'value' => '', 'isSelected' => true );

		$display_all = $field->displayAllCategories;

		$args = array( 'hide_empty' => false, 'orderby' => 'name', 'taxonomy' => 'category' );

		if ( ! $display_all ) {
			foreach ( $field->choices as $field_choice_to_include ) {
				$args['include'][] = $field_choice_to_include['value'];

		$args  = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_post_category_args', $field->id ), $args, $field );
		$terms = get_terms( $args['taxonomy'], $args );

		$terms_copy = unserialize( serialize( $terms ) ); // deep copy the terms to avoid repeating GFCategoryWalker on previously cached terms.
		$walker     = new GFCategoryWalker();
		$categories = $walker->walk( $terms_copy, 0, array( 0 ) ); // 3rd parameter prevents notices triggered by $walker::display_element() function which checks $args[0]

		foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
			if ( $display_all ) {
				$selected  = $value == $category->term_id ||
					             empty( $value ) &&
					             get_option( 'default_category' ) == $category->term_id &&
					             RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'select' && // only preselect default category on select fields
					             ! $is_post &&
					             ! $has_placeholder
				$choices[] = array(
					'text'       => $category->name,
					'value'      => $category->term_id,
					'isSelected' => $selected
			} else {
				foreach ( $field->choices as $field_choice ) {
					if ( $field_choice['value'] == $category->term_id ) {
						$choices[] = array( 'text' => $category->name, 'value' => $category->term_id );

		if ( empty( $choices ) ) {
			$choices[] = array( 'text' => 'You must select at least one category.', 'value' => '' );

		$field->choices = $choices;

		$is_form_editor  = GFCommon::is_form_editor();
		$is_entry_detail = GFCommon::is_entry_detail();
		$is_admin        = $is_form_editor || $is_entry_detail;

		$form_id = $is_admin ? rgget( 'id' ) : $field->formId;

		 * Allows you to filter (modify) the post category choices when using post fields.
		 * @param GF_Field $field   The category choices field.
		 * @param int      $form_id The current form ID.
		$field->choices = gf_apply_filters( array(
		), $field->choices, $field, $form_id );

		if ( $field->get_input_type() == 'checkbox' ) {
			$choice_number = 1;
			foreach ( $field->choices as $choice ) {

				if ( $choice_number % 10 == 0 ) {
					//hack to skip numbers ending in 0. so that 5.1 doesn't conflict with 5.10
					$choice_number ++;

				$input_id = $field->id . '.' . $choice_number;
				$inputs[] = array( 'id' => $input_id, 'label' => $choice['text'], 'name' => '' );
				$choice_number ++;

			$field->inputs = $inputs;

		return $field;

	 * Prepare the saved value of a Post Category field for display.
	 * @since Unknown
	 * @param mixed     $value The current value of the Field
	 * @param GF_Field  $field The Field object
	 * @param string    $mode  The mode for which we are retrieving the prepared value (defaults to 'entry_detail'
	 * @return mixed
	public static function prepare_post_category_value( $value, $field, $mode = 'entry_detail' ) {

		if ( $field instanceof GF_Field_MultiSelect ) {
			$value = $field->to_array( $value );

		if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) {
			$value = explode( ',', $value );

		$cat_names = array();
		$cat_ids   = array();
		foreach ( $value as $cat_string ) {
			$ary      = explode( ':', $cat_string );
			$cat_name = count( $ary ) > 0 ? $ary[0] : '';
			$cat_id   = count( $ary ) > 1 ? $ary[1] : $ary[0];

			if ( ! empty( $cat_name ) ) {
				$cat_names[] = $cat_name;

			if ( ! empty( $cat_id ) ) {
				$cat_ids[] = $cat_id;

		sort( $cat_names );

		switch ( $mode ) {
			case 'entry_list':
				$value = self::implode_non_blank( ', ', $cat_names );
			case 'entry_detail':
				$value = RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'checkbox' ? $cat_names : self::implode_non_blank( ', ', $cat_names );
			case 'conditional_logic':
				$value = array_values( $cat_ids );

		return $value;

	public static function calculate( $field, $form, $lead ) {

		$number_format = $field->numberFormat;

		if ( empty( $number_format ) ) {
			$currency      = RGCurrency::get_currency( rgar( $lead, 'currency' ) );
			$number_format = self::is_currency_decimal_dot( $currency ) ? 'decimal_dot' : 'decimal_comma';

		$formula = (string) apply_filters( 'gform_calculation_formula', $field->calculationFormula, $field, $form, $lead );

		// replace multiple spaces and new lines with single space
		// @props:
		$formula = trim( preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $formula ) );

		preg_match_all( '/{[^{]*?:(\d+(\.\d+)?)(:(.*?))?}/mi', $formula, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );

		if ( is_array( $matches ) ) {
			foreach ( $matches as $match ) {

				list( $text, $input_id ) = $match;
				$value   = self::get_calculation_value( $input_id, $form, $lead, $number_format );
				$value   = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_value_pre_calculation', $value, $input_id, rgar( $match, 4 ), $field, $form, $lead );
				$formula = str_replace( $text, $value, $formula );


		$result = false;

		if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9 -\/*\(\)]+$/', $formula ) ) {
			$prev_reporting_level = error_reporting( 0 );
			try {
				$result = eval( "return {$formula};" );
			} catch (DivisionByZeroError $e) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . sprintf( '(): Formula tried dividing by zero: "%s".', $e->getMessage() ) );
				$result = 0;
			} catch ( ParseError $e ) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . sprintf( '(): Formula could not be parsed: "%s".', $e->getMessage() ) );
				$result = 0;
			} catch ( ErrorException $e ) {
				GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . sprintf( '(): Formula caused an exception: "%s".', $e->getMessage() ) );
				$result = 0;
			error_reporting( $prev_reporting_level );

		$result = apply_filters( 'gform_calculation_result', $result, $formula, $field, $form, $lead );

		if ( ! $result || ! is_numeric( $result ) || ! is_finite( $result ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): No result or non-numeric result. Returning zero instead.' );
			$result = 0;

		return $result;

	public static function round_number( $number, $rounding ) {
		if ( is_numeric( $rounding ) && $rounding >= 0 ) {
			$number = round( $number, $rounding );

		return $number;

	public static function get_calculation_value( $field_id, $form, $lead, $number_format = '' ) {

		$filters = array( 'price', 'value', '' );
		$value   = false;

		$field            = RGFormsModel::get_field( $form, $field_id );
		if ( empty( $field ) ) {
			//return 0 if fields does not belong to form
			return 0;

		$is_pricing_field = $field ? self::has_currency_value( $field ) : false;

		if ( $field && $field->numberFormat ) {
			$number_format = $field->numberFormat;
		} elseif ( empty( $number_format ) ) {
			$number_format = 'decimal_dot';

		foreach ( $filters as $filter ) {
			if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) {
				//value found, exit loop

			$replaced_value = GFCommon::replace_variables( "{:{$field_id}:$filter}", $form, $lead );

			if ( $is_pricing_field ) {
				$value = self::to_number( $replaced_value );
			} else {
				$value = self::clean_number( $replaced_value, $number_format );


		if ( ! $value || ! is_numeric( $value ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_debug( "GFCommon::get_calculation_value(): No value or non-numeric value available for field #{$field_id}. Returning zero instead." );
			$value = 0;

		return $value;

	public static function has_currency_value( $field ) {
		$has_currency = self::is_pricing_field( $field->type ) || rgobj( $field, 'numberFormat' ) == 'currency';

		return $has_currency;

	public static function conditional_shortcode( $attributes, $content = null ) {

					'merge_tag' => '',
					'condition' => '',
					'value'     => '',
				), $attributes, 'gravityforms_conditional'

		return RGFormsModel::matches_operation( $merge_tag, $value, $condition ) ? do_shortcode( $content ) : '';


	public static function is_valid_for_calcuation( $field ) {

		$supported_input_types   = array(
		$unsupported_field_types = array( 'category' );
		$input_type              = RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field );

		return in_array( $input_type, $supported_input_types ) && ! in_array( $input_type, $unsupported_field_types );

	public static function log_error( $message ) {
		if ( class_exists( 'GFLogging' ) ) {
			GFLogging::log_message( 'gravityforms', $message, KLogger::ERROR );

	public static function log_debug( $message ) {
		if ( class_exists( 'GFLogging' ) ) {
			GFLogging::log_message( 'gravityforms', $message, KLogger::DEBUG );

	 * Log the remote request response.
	 * @since
	 * @param WP_Error|array $response The remote request response or WP_Error on failure.
	public static function log_remote_response( $response ) {
		if ( is_wp_error( $response ) || isset( $_GET['gform_debug'] ) ) {
			self::log_error( __METHOD__ . '(): ' . print_r( $response, 1 ) );
		} else {
			self::log_debug( sprintf( '%s(): code: %s; body: %s', __METHOD__, wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ), wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) ) );

	public static function echo_if( $condition, $text ) {
		_deprecated_function( 'GFCommon::echo_if() is deprecated', '1.9.9', 'Use checked() or selected() instead.' );

		switch ( $text ) {
			case 'checked':
				$text = 'checked="checked"';
			case 'selected':
				$text = 'selected="selected"';

		echo $condition ? $text : '';

	 * Outputs the gf_global and returns either the gf_global var declaration or the array containing the gf_global values.
	 * @since 2.4.7		Added the $return_array parameter
	 * @since unknown
	 * @param bool $echo         If true, outputs the inline gf_global var declaration.
	 * @param bool $return_array If true, returns the array containing the gf_global values.
	 * @return array|string
	public static function gf_global( $echo = true, $return_array = false ) {
		$gf_global                       = array();
		$gf_global['gf_currency_config'] = RGCurrency::get_currency( GFCommon::get_currency() );
		$gf_global['base_url']           = GFCommon::get_base_url();
		$gf_global['number_formats']     = array();
		$gf_global['spinnerUrl']         = GFCommon::get_base_url() . '/images/spinner.svg';
		$gf_global['version_hash']       = wp_hash( GFForms::$version );

		$gf_global['strings'] = array(
			'newRowAdded' => __( 'New row added.', 'gravityforms' ),
			'rowRemoved'  => __( 'Row removed', 'gravityforms' ),
			'formSaved'   => __( 'The form has been saved.  The content contains the link to return and complete the form.', 'gravityforms' ),

		$gf_global_json = 'var gf_global = ' . json_encode( $gf_global ) . ';';

		if ( ! $echo ) {
			return $return_array ? $gf_global : $gf_global_json;

		echo $gf_global_json;

	public static function gf_vars( $echo = true ) {
		$gf_vars                            = array();
		$gf_vars['active']                  = esc_attr__( 'Active', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['inactive']                = esc_attr__( 'Inactive', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['save']                    = esc_html__( 'Save', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['update']                  = esc_html__( 'Update', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['previousLabel']           = esc_html__( 'Previous', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['selectFormat']            = esc_html__( 'Select a format', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['column']                  = esc_html__( 'Column', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['editToViewAll']           = esc_html__( '5 of %d items shown. Edit field to view all', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['selectAll']               = esc_html__( 'Select All', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['enterValue']              = esc_html__( 'Enter a value', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['formTitle']               = esc_html__( 'Untitled Form', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['formDescription']         = esc_html__( 'We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['formConfirmationMessage'] = esc_html__( 'Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['buttonText']              = esc_html__( 'Submit', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['buttonDescription']       = esc_html__( 'The submit button for this form', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['loading']                 = esc_html__( 'Loading...', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['thisFieldIf']             = esc_html__( 'this field if', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['thisSectionIf']           = esc_html__( 'this section if', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['thisPage']                = esc_html__( 'this page if', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['thisFormButton']          = esc_html__( 'this form button if', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['show']                    = esc_html__( 'Show', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['hide']                    = esc_html__( 'Hide', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['enable']                  = esc_html__( 'Enable', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['disable']                 = esc_html__( 'Disable', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['enabled']                 = esc_html__( 'Enabled', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['disabled']                = esc_html__( 'Disabled', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['configure']               = esc_html__( 'Configure', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['conditional_logic_text']  = esc_html__( 'Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['conditional_logic_desc']  = esc_html__( 'Conditional logic allows you to change what the user sees depending on the fields they select.', 'gravityforms' );
		 * @translators: %1$s is an opening <a> tag containing a href attribute
		 *               %2$s is a closing <a> tag
		$logic_a11y_warn                   = esc_html__( 'Adding conditional logic to the form submit button could cause usability problems for some users and negatively impact the accessibility of your form. Learn more about button conditional logic in our %1$sdocumentation%2$s.', 'gravityforms' );
		$logic_a11y_warn_link1             = '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">';
		$logic_a11y_warn_link2             = '</a>';
		$gf_vars['conditional_logic_a11y'] = sprintf( $logic_a11y_warn, $logic_a11y_warn_link1, $logic_a11y_warn_link2 );
		$gf_vars['page']                   = esc_html__( 'Page', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['next_button']            = esc_html__( 'Next Button', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['button']                 = esc_html__( 'Submit Button', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['all']                    = esc_html( _x( 'All', 'Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$gf_vars['any']                    = esc_html( _x( 'Any', 'Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms' ) );
		$gf_vars['ofTheFollowingMatch']    = esc_html__( 'of the following match:', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['is']                     = esc_html__( 'is', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['isNot']                  = esc_html__( 'is not', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['greaterThan']            = esc_html__( 'greater than', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['lessThan']               = esc_html__( 'less than', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['contains']               = esc_html__( 'contains', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['startsWith']             = esc_html__( 'starts with', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['endsWith']               = esc_html__( 'ends with', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['emptyChoice']            = wp_strip_all_tags( __( 'Empty (no choices selected)', 'gravityforms' ) );

		$gf_vars['alertLegacyMode']                  = esc_html__( 'This form has legacy markup enabled and doesn’t support field resizing within the editor. Please disable legacy markup in the form settings to enable live resizing.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['thisConfirmation']                 = esc_html__( 'Use this confirmation if', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['thisNotification']                 = esc_html__( 'Send this notification if', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationSave']                 = esc_html__( 'Save', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationSaving']               = esc_html__( 'Saving...', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationAreYouSure']           = __( 'Are you sure you wish to cancel these changes?', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationIssueSaving']          = __( 'There was an issue saving this confirmation.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationConfirmDelete']        = __( 'Are you sure you wish to delete this confirmation?', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationIssueDeleting']        = __( 'There was an issue deleting this confirmation.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationConfirmDiscard']       = __( 'There are unsaved changes to the current confirmation. Would you like to discard these changes?', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationDefaultName']          = __( 'Untitled Confirmation', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationDefaultMessage']       = __( 'Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationInvalidPageSelection'] = __( 'Please select a page.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationInvalidRedirect']      = __( 'Please enter a URL.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationInvalidName']          = __( 'Please enter a confirmation name.', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationDeleteField']          = __( "Warning! Deleting this field will also delete all entry data associated with it. 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to delete.", 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['confirmationDeleteDisplayField']   = __( "Warning! You're about to delete this field. 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to delete.", 'gravityforms' );

		$gf_vars['conditionalLogicDependency']           = __( "Warning! This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Deleting this field will deactivate those conditional logic rules and also delete all entry data associated with the field. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.", 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['conditionalLogicDependencyChoice']     = __( "This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to delete this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.", 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['conditionalLogicDependencyChoiceEdit'] = __( "This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to modify this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort.", 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['conditionalLogicDependencyAdminOnly']  = __( "This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Are you sure you want to mark this field as Admin Only? 'OK' to confirm, 'Cancel' to abort.", 'gravityforms' );

		$gf_vars['mergeTagsText'] = esc_html__( 'Insert Merge Tags', 'gravityforms' );

		$gf_vars['baseUrl']              = GFCommon::get_base_url();
		$gf_vars['gf_currency_config']   = RGCurrency::get_currency( GFCommon::get_currency() );
		$gf_vars['otherChoiceValue']     = GFCommon::get_other_choice_value();
		$gf_vars['isFormTrash']          = false;
		$gf_vars['currentlyAddingField'] = false;
		$gf_vars['visibilityOptions']    = GFCommon::get_visibility_options();

		$gf_vars['addFieldFilter']    = esc_html__( 'Add a condition', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['removeFieldFilter'] = esc_html__( 'Remove a condition', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['filterAndAny']      = esc_html__( '{0} of the following match:', 'gravityforms' );

		$gf_vars['customChoices']     = esc_html__( 'Custom Choices', 'gravityforms' );
		$gf_vars['predefinedChoices'] = esc_html__( 'Predefined Choices', 'gravityforms' );

		// translators: {field_title} and {field_type} should not be translated , they are variables
		$gf_vars['fieldLabelAriaLabel'] = esc_html__( '{field_label} - {field_type}, jump to this field\'s settings', 'gravityforms' );

		if ( ( is_admin() && rgget( 'id' ) ) || ( self::is_form_editor() && rgpost( 'form_id' ) ) ) {

			$form_id              = ( rgget( 'id' ) ) ? rgget( 'id' ) : rgpost( 'form_id' );
			$form                 = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta( $form_id );
			$gf_vars['mergeTags'] = GFCommon::get_merge_tags( $form['fields'], '', false );

			$address_field                 = new GF_Field_Address();
			$gf_vars['addressTypes']       = $address_field->get_address_types( $form['id'] );
			$gf_vars['defaultAddressType'] = $address_field->get_default_address_type( $form['id'] );

			$gf_vars['idString'] = __( 'ID: ', 'gravityforms' );

		 * Translators: This string is a list of name prefixes/honorifics.  If the language you are translating into
		 * doesn't have equivalents, just provide a list with as many or few prefixes as your language has.
		$prefixes_string = __( 'Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Mx., Dr., Prof., Rev.', 'gravityforms' );
		$prefixes_array  = explode( ', ', $prefixes_string );

		$prefixes = array_unique( array_filter( $prefixes_array ) );

		sort( $prefixes );

		$gf_vars['nameFieldDefaultPrefixes'] = array();
		foreach ( $prefixes as $prefix ) {
			$prefix = wp_strip_all_tags( $prefix );

			$gf_vars['nameFieldDefaultPrefixes'][] = array( 'text' => $prefix, 'value' => $prefix );

		if ( ( is_admin() && rgget( 'id' ) ) || ( self::is_form_editor() && rgpost( 'form_id' ) ) ) {
			$gf_vars['conditionalLogic'] = array(
				'views' => array(
					'sidebar'          => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/accordion_header.html' ),
					'flyout'           => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/flyout.html' ),
					'logicDescription' => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/logic_description.html' ),
					'main'             => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/main_control.html' ),
					'rule'             => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/rule.html' ),
					'option'           => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/option.html' ),
					'input'            => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/input.html' ),
					'select'           => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/select.html' ),
					'a11yWarning'      => file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/components/form_editor/conditional_flyout/views/a11y_warning.html' ),
				'conditionalLogicHelperText' => __( 'To use conditional logic, please create a field that supports conditional logic.', 'gravityforms' ),
				'categories'                 => GFForms::get_post_category_options(),
				'addressOptions'             => GFForms::get_address_rule_value_options( rgget( 'id' ) ),
				'addRuleText'                => __( 'add another rule', 'gravityforms' ),
				'removeRuleText'             => __( 'remove this rule', 'gravityforms' ),

		$gf_vars_json = 'var gf_vars = ' . json_encode( $gf_vars ) . ';';

		if ( ! $echo ) {
			return $gf_vars_json;
		} else {
			echo $gf_vars_json;

	public static function is_bp_active() {
		return defined( 'BP_VERSION' ) ? true : false;

	public static function add_message( $message, $is_error = false ) {
		if ( $is_error ) {
			self::$errors[] = $message;
		} else {
			self::$messages[] = $message;

	public static function add_error_message( $message ) {
		self::add_message( $message, true );

	 * Add a dismissible message to the array of dismissible messages.
	 * @param string            $text
	 * @param string            $key
	 * @param string            $type
	 * @param string|array|bool $capabilities A string containing a capability. Or an array or capabilities. Or FALSE for no capability check.
	 * @param bool              $sticky       Whether to keep displaying the message until it's dismissed.
	 * @param string|null       $page         The page on which to display the sticky message. NULL will display on all pages available.
	 * @since 2.0
	public static function add_dismissible_message( $text, $key, $type = 'warning', $capabilities = false, $sticky = false, $page = null ) {
		$dismissable = new Dismissable_Messages();

		$dismissable->add( $text, $key, $type, $capabilities, $sticky, $page );

	 * Remove a dismissible message from the array of sticky dismissible messages.
	 * @param string $key
	 * @since
	public static function remove_dismissible_message( $key ) {
		$dismissable = new Dismissable_Messages();

		$dismissable->remove( $key );

	public static function display_admin_message( $errors = false, $messages = false ) {

		if ( ! $errors ) {
			$errors = self::$errors;

		if ( ! $messages ) {
			$messages = self::$messages;

		$errors   = apply_filters( 'gform_admin_error_messages', $errors );
		$messages = apply_filters( 'gform_admin_messages', $messages );

		if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) {
			<div class="alert error below-h2">
				<?php if ( count( $errors ) > 1 ) { ?>
					<ul style="margin: 0.5em 0 0; padding: 2px;">
						<li><?php echo implode( '</li><li>', $errors ); ?></li>
				<?php } else { ?>
					<p><?php echo $errors[0]; ?></p>
				<?php } ?>
		} else if ( ! empty( $messages ) ) {
			<div id="message" class="alert success below-h2">
				<?php if ( count( $messages ) > 1 ) { ?>
					<ul style="margin: 0.5em 0 0; padding: 2px;">
						<li><?php echo implode( '</li><li>', $messages ); ?></li>
				<?php } else { ?>
					<p><strong><?php echo $messages[0]; ?></strong></p>
				<?php } ?>


	 * Outputs dismissible messages on the page.
	 * @param bool        $messages
	 * @param string|null $page Defaults to current Gravity Forms page from GFForms::get_page().
	 * @since 2.0
	public static function display_dismissible_message( $messages = false, $page = null ) {
		$dismissable = new Dismissable_Messages();

		$dismissable->display( $messages, $page );

	 * Adds a dismissible message to the user meta of the current user so it's not displayed again.
	 * @param $key
	public static function dismiss_message( $key ) {
		$dismissable = new Dismissable_Messages();

		$dismissable->dismiss( $key );

	 * Has the dismissible message been dismissed by the current user?
	 * @deprecated since 2.5.7
	 * @param $key
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_message_dismissed( $key ) {
		_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.5.7', 'Dismissable_Messages::is_dismissed()' );

	 * Returns the database key for the message.
	 * @deprecated since 2.5.7
	 * @param $key
	 * @return string
	public static function get_dismissed_message_db_key( $key ) {
		_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.5.7', 'Dismissable_Messages::get_db_key()' );

	private static function requires_gf_vars() {
		$dependent_scripts = array(
		foreach ( $dependent_scripts as $script ) {
			if ( wp_script_is( $script ) ) {
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Tests if we should output the hooks JavaScript on the active theme
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @return bool
	public static function requires_gf_hooks_javascript() {
		require_once self::get_base_path() . '/form_display.php';

		// Script has already been output; bail to avoid duplicating it.
		return ! GFFormDisplay::$hooks_js_printed;

	 * Common method for outputting scripts inline. Allows for users on WordPress 5.7 and up
	 * to filter the attributes of the script tag with 'wp_inline_script_attributes'.
	 * @since 2.5.7
	 * @param string $scripts main scripts block without outer tags.
	 * @param bool   $cdata Whether to allow the cdata filters for this script.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_inline_script_tag( $scripts = '', $cdata = true ) {
		$script_body = $cdata ? sprintf(
			'%s %s %s',
			 * Filter the immediate opening of the script block. Allows for CDATA opening tags if needed for XHTML/XML.
			 * @since 1.6.3
			apply_filters( 'gform_cdata_open', '' ),
			 * Filter the closing of the script block. Allows for CDATA closing tags if needed for XHTML/XML.
			 * @since 1.6.3
			apply_filters( 'gform_cdata_close', '' )
		) : $scripts;

		if ( function_exists( 'wp_get_inline_script_tag' ) ) {
			return wp_get_inline_script_tag( $script_body );

		return sprintf( '<script type="text/javascript">%s</script>', $script_body );

	 * Display the Gravity Forms header.
	 * @since 2.5
	public static function gf_header() {
		<header class="gform-settings-header">
			<div class="gform-settings__wrapper">
				<img src="<?php echo GFCommon::get_base_url(); ?>/images/logos/gravity-logo-white.svg" alt="Gravity Forms" width="266" />

				<div class="gform-settings-header_buttons">
					<?php echo apply_filters( 'gform_settings_header_buttons', '' ); ?>

	 * Display the wrapper for admin notifications.
	 * @since 2.5
	public static function notices_section() {
		<div id="gf-admin-notices-wrapper">

			<!-- WP appends notices to the first H tag, so this is here to capture admin notices. -->
			<h2 class="gf-notice-container"></h2>



	 * Parse any admin notices and hide any that are non-GF-related.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @return void
	public static function find_admin_notices() {
		if ( ! GFForms::is_gravity_page() ) {

		global $wp_filter;

		$hooks = array(

		foreach ( $hooks as $hook ) {
			if ( empty( $wp_filter[ $hook ] ) || ! is_array( $wp_filter[ $hook ]->callbacks ) ) {

			$callbacks = $wp_filter[ $hook ]->callbacks;

			foreach ( $callbacks as $priority => $notice ) {
				foreach ( $notice as $name => $callback ) {
					if ( ! is_callable( $callback['function'] ) ) {

					call_user_func( $callback['function'] );
					$content = ob_get_clean();

					if ( strpos( $content, 'gf-notice' ) == false ) {
						remove_action( $hook, $name, $priority );


	 * Prevent notices from displaying before they are in their correct location.
	 * When the page first loads, the notices display briefly at the top of the page before
	 * WordPress finds the first H2 tag where they are supposed to display.
	public static function admin_notices_style() {
			.gf-notice {
				display: none;
			#gf-admin-notices-wrapper .gf-notice,
			#gf-wordpress-notices {
				display: block;

	public static function maybe_output_gf_vars() {
		if ( self::requires_gf_vars() ) {
			echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . self::gf_vars( false ) . '</script>';

	 * Check the widgets in the referenced sidebar to see if any are GF form widgets.
	 * @param string $sidebar_index The sidebar index/ID to check within.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @return void
	public static function check_for_gf_widgets( $sidebar_index ) {
		require_once self::get_base_path() . '/form_display.php';
		$sidebars = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();

		foreach( $sidebars as $sidebar => $widgets ) {

			if ( $sidebar != $sidebar_index || ! is_array( $widgets ) ) {

			foreach( $widgets as $widget ) {
				if ( strpos( $widget, 'gform_widget' ) !== false ) {
					GFFormDisplay::$sidebar_has_widget = true;

	 * Outputs gforms object and hooks methods depended upon by gform_gravityforms script early so that inline scripts
	 * in between the dependency and this block can continue to work
	 * @since 2.5
	public static function output_hooks_javascript() {
		if ( ! self::requires_gf_hooks_javascript() ) {

		$hooks_javascript = self::get_hooks_javascript_code();

		echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . $hooks_javascript . '</script>';

	 * Get the Javascript code from the gforms_hooks file and return it.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @return false|string
	public static function get_hooks_javascript_code() {
		require_once self::get_base_path() . '/form_display.php';

		$min = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG || isset( $_GET['gform_debug'] ) ? '' : '.min';

		GFFormDisplay::$hooks_js_printed = true;

		return file_get_contents( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/js/gforms_hooks' . $min . '.js' );

	 * Adds a leading zero if the first character is a comma or period.
	 * @param string $value The field value.
	 * @return string
	public static function maybe_add_leading_zero( $value ) {
		$value      = trim( $value );
		$first_char = GFCommon::safe_substr( $value, 0, 1 );
		if ( in_array( $first_char, array( '.', ',' ) ) ) {
			$value = '0' . $value;

		return $value;

	// used by the gfFieldFilterUI() jQuery plugin
	public static function get_field_filter_settings( $form ) {

		$exclude_types = array( 'rank', 'page', 'html' );

		// Initialize filters.
		$field_filters = array(
				'key'             => '0',
				'text'            => esc_html__( 'Any form field', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators'       => array( 'contains', 'is' ),
				'preventMultiple' => false,

		/** @var GF_Field $field */
		foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
			$input_type = $field->get_input_type();

			if ( in_array( $input_type, $exclude_types ) || $field->displayOnly ) {

			if ( $field->type == 'post_category' ) {
				$field = self::add_categories_as_choices( $field, '' );

			$filter_settings = $field->get_filter_settings();
			if ( empty( $filter_settings ) ) {

			// Start backwards compatibility. Adds missing settings. Required until the field add-ons implement the GF_Field helpers.

			if ( $input_type == 'likert' ) {
				$operators = array( 'is', 'isnot' );

				if ( ! $field->gsurveyLikertEnableMultipleRows ) {
					$filter_settings['operators'] = $operators;

				if ( $field->gsurveyLikertEnableMultipleRows && ! isset( $filter_settings['group'] ) ) {
					$sub_filters = array();
					$rows        = $field->gsurveyLikertRows;

					foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
						$sub_filter                    = array();
						$sub_filter['key']             = $filter_settings['key'] . '|' . rgar( $row, 'value' );
						$sub_filter['text']            = rgar( $row, 'text' );
						$sub_filter['type']            = 'field';
						$sub_filter['preventMultiple'] = false;
						$sub_filter['operators']       = $operators;
						$sub_filter['values']          = $field->choices;
						$sub_filters[]                 = $sub_filter;

					$filter_settings['filters'] = $sub_filters;
					$filter_settings['group']   = true;
					unset( $filter_settings['values'], $filter_settings['preventMultiple'], $filter_settings['operators'] );

			// End of backwards compatibility.

			$field_filters[] = $filter_settings;

		$form_id            = $form['id'];
		$entry_meta_filters = self::get_entry_meta_filter_settings( $form_id );
		$field_filters      = array_merge( $field_filters, $entry_meta_filters );
		$field_filters      = array_values( $field_filters ); // reset the numeric keys in case some filters have been unset
		$info_filters       = self::get_entry_info_filter_settings();
		$field_filters      = array_merge( $field_filters, $info_filters );
		$field_filters      = array_values( $field_filters );

		 * Enables the filter settings for the form fields, entry properties, and entry meta to be overridden.
		 * @since
		 * @param array $field_filters The form field, entry properties, and entry meta filter settings.
		 * @param array $form          The form object the filter settings have been prepared for.
		$field_filters = apply_filters( 'gform_field_filters', $field_filters, $form );

		return $field_filters;

	public static function get_entry_info_filter_settings() {
		$settings     = array();
		$info_columns = self::get_entry_info_filter_columns();
		foreach ( $info_columns as $key => $info_column ) {
			$info_column['key']             = $key;
			$info_column['preventMultiple'] = false;
			$settings[]                     = $info_column;

		return $settings;

	public static function get_entry_info_filter_columns( $get_users = true ) {
		$account_choices = array();
		if ( $get_users ) {
			$args            = apply_filters( 'gform_filters_get_users', array(
				'number' => 200,
				'fields' => array( 'ID', 'user_login' )
			) );
			$accounts        = get_users( $args );
			$account_choices = array();
			foreach ( $accounts as $account ) {
				$account_choices[] = array( 'text' => $account->user_login, 'value' => $account->ID );

		return array(
			'entry_id'       => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'Entry ID', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot', '>', '<' )
			'date_created'   => array(
				'text'        => esc_html__( 'Entry Date', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators'   => array( 'is', '>', '<' ),
				'placeholder' => __( 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'gravityforms' ),
				'cssClass'    => 'datepicker ymd_dash',
			'is_starred'     => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'Starred', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot' ),
				'values'    => array(
						'text'  => 'Yes',
						'value' => '1',
						'text'  => 'No',
						'value' => '0',
			'ip'             => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'IP Address', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot', '>', '<', 'contains' ),
			'source_url'     => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'Source URL', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot', '>', '<', 'contains' ),
			'payment_status' => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'Payment Status', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot' ),
				'values'    => self::get_entry_payment_statuses_as_choices(),
			'payment_date'    => array(
				'text'        => esc_html__( 'Payment Date', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators'   => array( 'is', 'isnot', '>', '<' ),
				'placeholder' => __( 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'gravityforms' ),
				'cssClass'    => 'datepicker ymd_dash',
			'payment_amount' => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'Payment Amount', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot', '>', '<', 'contains' ),
			'transaction_id' => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'Transaction ID', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot', '>', '<', 'contains' ),
			'created_by'     => array(
				'text'      => esc_html__( 'User', 'gravityforms' ),
				'operators' => array( 'is', 'isnot' ),
				'values'    => $account_choices,

	 * Returns an array of supported entry payment statuses.
	 * @since 2.4
	 * @return array
	public static function get_entry_payment_statuses() {
		$payment_statuses = array(
			'Authorized' => esc_html__( 'Authorized', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Paid'       => esc_html__( 'Paid', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Processing' => esc_html__( 'Processing', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Failed'     => esc_html__( 'Failed', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Active'     => esc_html__( 'Active', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Cancelled'  => esc_html__( 'Cancelled', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Pending'    => esc_html__( 'Pending', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Refunded'   => esc_html__( 'Refunded', 'gravityforms' ),
			'Voided'     => esc_html__( 'Voided', 'gravityforms' ),

		 * Allow custom payment statuses to be defined.
		 * @since 2.4
		 * @param array $payment_statuses An array of entry payment statuses with the entry value as the key (15 char max) to the text for display.
		$payment_statuses = apply_filters( 'gform_payment_statuses', $payment_statuses );

		return $payment_statuses;

	 * Returns an array of supported entry payment statuses formatted for use as drop down choices.
	 * @since 2.4
	 * @return array
	public static function get_entry_payment_statuses_as_choices() {
		$choices          = array();
		$payment_statuses = self::get_entry_payment_statuses();

		foreach ( $payment_statuses as $value => $text ) {
			$choices[] = array(
				'text'  => $text,
				'value' => $value,

		return $choices;

	 * Returns the display text for the specified entry payment status value.
	 * @since 2.4
	 * @param string $payment_status_value The entry payment status value.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_entry_payment_status_text( $payment_status_value ) {
		$payment_statuses = self::get_entry_payment_statuses();

		return rgar( $payment_statuses, $payment_status_value, $payment_status_value );

	public static function get_entry_meta_filter_settings( $form_id ) {
		$filters    = array();
		$entry_meta = GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta( $form_id );
		if ( empty( $entry_meta ) ) {
			return $filters;

		foreach ( $entry_meta as $key => $meta ) {
			if ( isset( $meta['filter'] ) ) {
				$filter                    = array();
				$filter['key']             = $key;
				$filter['preventMultiple'] = isset( $meta['filter']['preventMultiple'] ) ? $meta['filter']['preventMultiple'] : false;
				$filter['text']            = rgar( $meta, 'label' );
				$filter['operators']       = isset( $meta['filter']['operators'] ) ? $meta['filter']['operators'] : array(
				if ( isset( $meta['filter']['choices'] ) ) {
					$filter['values'] = $meta['filter']['choices'];
				$filters[] = $filter;

		return $filters;

	public static function get_field_filters_from_post( $form ) {
		$field_filters = array();
		$filter_fields = rgpost( 'f' );
		if ( is_array( $filter_fields ) ) {
			$filter_operators = rgpost( 'o' );
			$filter_values    = rgpost( 'v' );
			for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $filter_fields ); $i ++ ) {
				$field_filter = array();
				$key          = $filter_fields[ $i ];
				if ( 'entry_id' == $key ) {
					$key = 'id';
				$operator       = $filter_operators[ $i ];
				$val            = $filter_values[ $i ];
				$strpos_row_key = strpos( $key, '|' );
				if ( $strpos_row_key !== false ) { //multi-row likert
					$key_array = explode( '|', $key );
					$key       = $key_array[0];
					$val       = $key_array[1] . ':' . $val;
				$field_filter['key'] = $key;

				$field = GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, $key );
				if ( $field ) {
					$input_type = GFFormsModel::get_input_type( $field );
					if ( $field->type == 'product' && in_array( $input_type, array( 'radio', 'select' ) ) ) {
						$operator = 'contains';

				$field_filter['operator'] = $operator;
				$field_filter['value']    = $val;

				 * Enables the filter settings for the form fields retrieved from $_POST to be modified.
				 * @since 2.5.17
				 * @param array    $field_filter The field filters.
				 * @param array    $form         The form object the filter settings have been prepared for.
				 * @param GF_Field $field        The current field being evaluated.
				$field_filter = apply_filters( 'gform_field_filter_from_post', $field_filter, $form, $field );

				$field_filters[] = $field_filter;
		$field_filters['mode'] = rgpost( 'mode' );

		return $field_filters;

	public static function has_multifile_fileupload_field( $form ) {
		$fileupload_fields = GFAPI::get_fields_by_type( $form, array( 'fileupload', 'post_custom_field' ) );
		if ( is_array( $fileupload_fields ) ) {
			foreach ( $fileupload_fields as $field ) {
				if ( $field->multipleFiles ) {
					return true;

		return false;

	 * Localize i18n strings needed for admin and theme.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @deprecated since 2.6
	 * @see        class-gf-config-service-provider.php::register_config_items()
	public static function localize_gform_i18n() {
		return; // as of 2.6, we no longer directly localize our data.

	 * @deprecated since 2.6
	 * @see        class-gf-config-service-provider.php::register_config_items()
	public static function  localize_gform_gravityforms_multifile() {
		return; // as of 2.6, we no longer directly localize our data.

	 * Localizes a variable for determining if a form is using legacy markup.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @deprecated since 2.6
	 * @see        class-gf-config-service-provider.php::register_config_items()
	 * @param string $script The handle of the script in which to localize the variable.
	public static function localize_legacy_check( $script ) {
		return; // as of 2.6, we no longer directly localize our data.

	 * Localize legacy checks for each form on the page.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @deprecated since 2.6
	 * @see        class-gf-config-service-provider.php::register_config_items()
	 * @see gform_gf_legacy_multi
	public static function localize_gf_legacy_multi() {
		return; // as of 2.6, we no longer directly localize our data.

	public static function send_resume_link( $message, $subject, $email, $embed_url, $resume_token ) {

		$from      = get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' );
		$from_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' );

		$message_format = 'multipart';

		$resume_url  = add_query_arg( array( 'gf_token' => $resume_token ), $embed_url );
		$resume_url  = esc_url( $resume_url );
		$resume_link = "<a href='{$resume_url}'>{$resume_url}</a>";
		$message .= $resume_link;

		$text_message = self::format_text_message( $message );
		$message = array(
			'html' => $message,
			'text' => $text_message,

		self::send_email( $from, $email, '', $from, $subject, $message, $from_name, $message_format );

	public static function safe_strlen( $string ) {

		if ( is_array( $string ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) ) {
			return mb_strlen( $string );
		} else {
			return strlen( $string );


	public static function safe_substr( $string, $start, $length = null ) {

		if ( is_array( $string ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( function_exists( 'mb_substr' ) ) {
			return mb_substr( $string, $start, $length );
		} else {
			return substr( $string, $start, $length );

	 * @param string $string
	 * @return string
	public static function safe_strtoupper( $string ) {

		if ( function_exists( 'mb_strtoupper' ) ) {
			return mb_strtoupper( $string );
		} else {
			return strtoupper( $string );


	 * Trims a string or an array recursively.
	 * @param array|string $array
	 * @return array|string
	public static function trim_deep( $array ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $array ) ) {
			return trim( $array );

		return array_map( array( 'GFCommon', 'trim_deep' ), $array );

	 * Reliably compare floats.
	 * @param  float  $float1
	 * @param  float  $float2
	 * @param  string $operator Supports: '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '=', '!='
	 * @return bool
	public static function compare_floats( $float1, $float2, $operator ) {

		$epsilon    = 0.00001;
		$is_equal   = abs( floatval( $float1 ) - floatval( $float2 ) ) < $epsilon;
		$is_greater = floatval( $float1 ) > floatval( $float2 );
		$is_less    = floatval( $float1 ) < floatval( $float2 );

		switch ( $operator ) {
			case '<':
				return $is_less;
			case '<=':
				return $is_less || $is_equal;
			case '>' :
				return $is_greater;
			case '>=':
				return $is_greater || $is_equal;
			case '==':
			case '=':
				return $is_equal;
			case '!=':
				return ! $is_equal;


	 * Encrypts a string using mcrypt_encrypt if available.
	 * mcrypt_encrypt is deprecated in PHP 7.1, use GFCommon::openssl_encrypt() instead.
	 * @deprecated 2.3
	 * @param      $text
	 * @param null $key
	 * @param bool $mcrypt_cipher_name
	 * @return string
	public static function encrypt( $text, $key = null, $mcrypt_cipher_name = false ) {

		_deprecated_function( 'GFCommon::encrypt()', '2.3', 'GFCommon::openssl_encrypt()' );

		$use_mcrypt = apply_filters( 'gform_use_mcrypt', function_exists( 'mcrypt_encrypt' ) );

		if ( $use_mcrypt ) {
			$mcrypt_cipher_name = $mcrypt_cipher_name === false ? MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 : $mcrypt_cipher_name;
			$iv_size            = mcrypt_get_iv_size( $mcrypt_cipher_name, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB );
			$key                = ! is_null( $key ) ? $key : substr( md5( wp_salt( 'nonce' ) ), 0, $iv_size );

			$encrypted_value = trim( base64_encode( mcrypt_encrypt( $mcrypt_cipher_name, $key, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv( $iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND ) ) ) );
		} else {
			$encrypted_value = EncryptDB::encrypt( $text, wp_salt( 'nonce' ) );

		return $encrypted_value;

	 * Decrypts a string using mcrypt_decrypt if available.
	 * mcrypt_decrypt is deprecated in PHP 7.1, use GFCommon::openssl_decrypt() instead.
	 * @deprecated 2.3
	 * @param      $text
	 * @param null $key
	 * @param bool $mcrypt_cipher_name
	 * @return null|string
	public static function decrypt( $text, $key = null, $mcrypt_cipher_name = false ) {

		_deprecated_function( 'GFCommon::decrypt()', '2.3', 'GFCommon::openssl_decrypt()' );

		$use_mcrypt = apply_filters( 'gform_use_mcrypt', function_exists( 'mcrypt_decrypt' ) );

		if ( $use_mcrypt ) {
			$mcrypt_cipher_name = $mcrypt_cipher_name === false ? MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 : $mcrypt_cipher_name;
			$iv_size            = mcrypt_get_iv_size( $mcrypt_cipher_name, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB );
			$key                = ! is_null( $key ) ? $key : substr( md5( wp_salt( 'nonce' ) ), 0, $iv_size );

			$decrypted_value = trim( mcrypt_decrypt( $mcrypt_cipher_name, $key, base64_decode( $text ), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv( $iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND ) ) );
		} else {
			$decrypted_value = EncryptDB::decrypt( $text, wp_salt( 'nonce' ) );

		return $decrypted_value;

	 * Encrypt with AES-256-CTR plus HMAC-SHA-512 hash.
	 * @since 2.3
	 * @param string $text           The text to encrypt.
	 * @param string $encryption_key Key for encryption
	 * @param string $cipher_name    The cypher name. Default 'aes-256-ctr'.
	 * @param string $mac_key        The key to be used to generate the hash.
	 * @return string|false the encrypted string on success or false on failure
	public static function openssl_encrypt( $text, $encryption_key = null, $cipher_name = 'aes-256-ctr', $mac_key = null ) {

		if ( function_exists( 'openssl_encrypt' ) ) {
			$nonce = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 16 );

			if ( empty( $encryption_key ) ) {
				$encryption_key = 'gravityforms_encryption_key' . wp_salt( 'nonce' );

			// OPENSSL_RAW_DATA is not available on PHP 5.3
			$options = defined('OPENSSL_RAW_DATA') ? OPENSSL_RAW_DATA : 1;

			$ciphertext = openssl_encrypt( $text, $cipher_name, $encryption_key, $options, $nonce );

			if ( empty( $ciphertext ) ) {
				return false;

			if ( empty( $mac_key ) ) {
				$mac_key = 'gravityforms_encryption_mac' . wp_salt( 'nonce' );

			$mac = hash_hmac( 'sha512', $nonce . $ciphertext, $mac_key, true );

			$encrypted_value = base64_encode( $mac . $nonce . $ciphertext );
		} else {
			$encrypted_value = EncryptDB::encrypt( $text, wp_salt( 'nonce' ) );

		return $encrypted_value;

	 * Decrypt AES-256-CTR with HMAC-SHA-512 hash.
	 * @since 2.3
	 * @param string $text           Your message
	 * @param string $encryption_key Key for encryption
	 * @param string $cipher_name    The cypher name. Default 'aes-256-ctr'.
	 * @param string $mac_key        The key to be used for the hash.
	 * @return string|false the decrypted string on success or false on failure
	public static function openssl_decrypt( $text, $encryption_key = null, $cipher_name = 'aes-256-ctr', $mac_key = null ) {

		if ( function_exists( 'openssl_encrypt' ) ) {

			$text_decoded = base64_decode( $text );

			$mac = substr( $text_decoded, 0, 64 );

			$nonce = substr( $text_decoded, 64, 16 );

			$ciphertext = substr( $text_decoded, 80 );

			if ( empty( $mac_key ) ) {
				$mac_key = 'gravityforms_encryption_mac' . wp_salt( 'nonce' );

			$mac_check = hash_hmac( 'sha512', $nonce . $ciphertext, $mac_key, true );

			if ( ! hash_equals( $mac_check, $mac ) ) {
				return false;

			if ( empty( $encryption_key ) ) {
				$encryption_key = 'gravityforms_encryption_key' . wp_salt( 'nonce' );

			// OPENSSL_RAW_DATA is not available on PHP 5.3
			$options = defined('OPENSSL_RAW_DATA') ? OPENSSL_RAW_DATA : 1;

			$decrypted_value = openssl_decrypt( $ciphertext, $cipher_name, $encryption_key, $options, $nonce );

		} else {
			$decrypted_value = EncryptDB::decrypt( $text, wp_salt( 'nonce' ) );

		return $decrypted_value;

	public static function esc_like( $value ) {
		global $wpdb;

		if ( is_callable( array( $wpdb, 'esc_like' ) ) ) {
			$value = $wpdb->esc_like( $value );
		} else {
			$value = like_escape( $value );

		return $value;

	public static function is_form_editor() {
		$is_form_editor = GFForms::get_page() == 'form_editor' || ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX && in_array( rgpost( 'action' ), array(
				) ) );

		return apply_filters( 'gform_is_form_editor', $is_form_editor );

	public static function is_entry_detail() {
		$is_entry_detail = GFForms::get_page() == 'entry_detail_edit' || GFForms::get_page() == 'entry_detail';

		return apply_filters( 'gform_is_entry_detail', $is_entry_detail );

	public static function is_entry_detail_view() {
		$is_entry_detail_view = GFForms::get_page() == 'entry_detail';

		return apply_filters( 'gform_is_entry_detail_view', $is_entry_detail_view );

	public static function is_entry_detail_edit() {
		$is_entry_detail_edit = GFForms::get_page() == 'entry_detail_edit';

		return apply_filters( 'gform_is_entry_detail_edit', $is_entry_detail_edit );

	public static function has_merge_tag( $string ) {
		return preg_match( '/{.+}/', $string );

	public static function get_upload_page_slug() {
		$slug = get_option( 'gform_upload_page_slug' );
		if ( empty( $slug ) ) {
			$slug = substr( str_shuffle( wp_hash( microtime() ) ), 0, 15 );
			update_option( 'gform_upload_page_slug', $slug );

		return $slug;

	 * Whitelists a value. Returns the value or the first value in the array.
	 * @param $value
	 * @param $whitelist
	 * @return mixed
	public static function whitelist( $value, $whitelist ) {

		if ( ! in_array( $value, $whitelist ) ) {
			$value = $whitelist[0];

		return $value;

	 * Forces an integer into a range of integers. Returns the value or the minimum if it's outside the range.
	 * @param $value
	 * @param $min
	 * @param $max
	 * @return int
	public static function int_range( $value, $min, $max ) {
		$value = (int) $value;
		$min   = (int) $min;
		$max   = (int) $max;

		return filter_var( $value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array(
			'min_range' => $min,
			'max_range' => $max
		) ) ? $value : $min;

	 * Checks for the existence of a MySQL table.
	 * @since  2.2
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $table_name Table to check for.
	 * @uses wpdb::get_var()
	 * @return bool
	public static function table_exists( $table_name ) {

		global $wpdb;

		$count = $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table_name}'" );

		return ! empty( $count );


	 * Initializing translations.
	 * Translation files in the WP_LANG_DIR folder have a higher priority.
	 * @since unknown
	 * @since 2.5.6   Respect user-specific locale settings.
	 * @param string $domain   The plugin text domain. Default is gravityforms.
	 * @param string $basename The plugin basename. plugin_basename() will be used to get the Gravity Forms basename when not provided.
	 * @return string
	public static function load_gf_text_domain( $domain = 'gravityforms', $basename = '' ) {
		$current_locale = version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version', 'display' ), '5.0', '>=' ) ? determine_locale() : self::legacy_determine_locale();
		$locale         = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', $current_locale, $domain );

		if ( ! empty( $domain ) && $locale != 'en_US' && ! is_textdomain_loaded( $domain ) ) {
			if ( empty( $basename ) ) {
				$basename = plugin_basename( self::get_base_path() );

			load_textdomain( $domain, sprintf( '%s/gravityforms/', WP_LANG_DIR, $domain, $locale ) );
			load_plugin_textdomain( $domain, false, $basename . '/languages' );

		return $locale;

	 * This is a copy of the determine_locale() method added in Wordpress 5.0. It is used for previous
	 * WordPress versions to emulate the same behavior.
	 * @since 2.5.6
	 * @return string
	public static function legacy_determine_locale() {
		 * Filters the locale for the current request prior to the default determination process.
		 * Using this filter allows to override the default logic, effectively short-circuiting the function.
		 * @since 5.0.0
		 * @param string|null $locale The locale to return and short-circuit. Default null.
		$determined_locale = apply_filters( 'pre_determine_locale', null );

		if ( ! empty( $determined_locale ) && is_string( $determined_locale ) ) {
			return $determined_locale;

		$determined_locale = get_locale();

		if ( function_exists( 'get_user_locale' ) ) {
			if ( is_admin() ) {
				$determined_locale = get_user_locale();

			if ( isset( $_GET['_locale'] ) && 'user' === $_GET['_locale'] && wp_is_json_request() ) {
				$determined_locale = get_user_locale();

		if ( ! empty( $_GET['wp_lang'] ) && ! empty( $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) && 'wp-login.php' === $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) {
			$determined_locale = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['wp_lang'] );

		 * Filters the locale for the current request.
		 * @since 5.0.0
		 * @param string $locale The locale.
		return apply_filters( 'determine_locale', $determined_locale );

	 * Returns an array of locales or mo translation files found in the WP_LANG_DIR/plugins directory.
	 * @since 2.5.6
	 * @param string $domain       The plugin text domain. Default is gravityforms.
	 * @param bool   $return_files Indicates if the mo files should be returned using the locales as the keys.
	 * @return array
	public static function get_installed_translations( $domain = 'gravityforms', $return_files = false ) {
		$files = self::glob( $domain . '-*.mo', WP_LANG_DIR . '/plugins/' );

		if ( ! is_array( $files ) ) {
			return array();

		$translations = array();

		foreach ( $files as $file ) {
			$translations[ str_replace( $domain . '-', '', basename( $file, '.mo' ) ) ] = $file;

		return $return_files ? $translations : array_keys( $translations );

	public static function replace_field_variable( $text, $form, $lead, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format, $input_id, $match, $esc_attr = false ) {
		$field = RGFormsModel::get_field( $form, $input_id );

		//If field is not in the form, don't replace the merge tag.
		if ( ! $field ) {
			return $text;

		if ( ! $field instanceof GF_Field ) {
			$field = GF_Fields::create( $field );

		$value     = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $field );
		$raw_value = $value;

		if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
			$value = rgar( $value, $input_id );

		$value = self::format_variable_value( $value, $url_encode, $esc_html, $format, $nl2br );

		// Modifier will be at index 4 unless used in a conditional shortcode in which case it would be at index 5.
		$i         = $match[0][0] == '{' ? 4 : 5;
		$modifier  = strtolower( rgar( $match, $i ) );
		$modifiers = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $modifier ) );
		$field->set_modifiers( $modifiers );

		if ( in_array( 'urlencode', $modifiers ) ) {
			$url_encode = true;

		$value = $field->get_value_merge_tag( $value, $input_id, $lead, $form, $modifier, $raw_value, $url_encode, $esc_html, $format, $nl2br );

		if ( ! in_array( $field->type, array( 'html', 'section', 'signature' ) ) ) {
			$value = self::encode_shortcodes( $value );

		if ( $esc_attr ) {
			$value = esc_attr( $value );

		if ( in_array( 'label', $modifiers ) ) {
			if ( empty( $value ) ) {
				$value = '';
			} else {
				$field->set_context_property( 'use_admin_label', in_array( 'admin', $modifiers ) );
				$value = $format == 'text' ? sanitize_text_field( self::get_label( $field ) ) : esc_html( self::get_label( $field ) );
		} else if ( $modifier == 'numeric' ) {
			$number_format = $field->numberFormat ? $field->numberFormat : 'decimal_dot';
			$value         = self::clean_number( $value, $number_format );
		} else if ( $modifier == 'qty' && $field->type == 'product' ) {
			// Getting quantity associated with product field.
			$products = self::get_product_fields( $form, $lead, false, false );
			$value    = 0;
			foreach ( $products['products'] as $product_id => $product ) {
				if ( $product_id == $field->id ) {
					$value = $product['quantity'];

		// Encoding left curly bracket so that merge tags entered in the front end are displayed as is and not parsed.
		$value = self::encode_merge_tag( $value );

		// Filter can change merge tag value.
		$value = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', $value, $input_id, $modifier, $field, $raw_value, $format );
		if ( $value === false ) {
			$value = '';

		// Clear merge tag modifiers from the field object.
		$field->set_modifiers( array() );

		if ( $match[0][0] != '{' ) {
			// Replace the merge tag in the conditional shortcode merge_tag attr.
			$value = str_replace( $match[1], $value, $match[0] );

		$text = str_replace( $match[0], $value, $text );

		return $text;

	public static function encode_shortcodes( $string ) {
		$find    = array( '[', ']' );
		$replace = array( '&#91;', '&#93;' );
		$string  = str_replace( $find, $replace, $string );

		return $string;

	 * Sanitizes html content. Checks the unfiltered_html capability.
	 * @since  2.0.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param $html
	 * @param $allowed_html
	 * @param $allowed_protocols
	 * @return string
	public static function maybe_wp_kses( $html, $allowed_html = 'post', $allowed_protocols = array() ) {
		if ( ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) {
			$html = wp_kses( $html, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols );

		return $html;

	 * Sanitizes a confirmation message.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param $confirmation_message
	 * @return string
	public static function maybe_sanitize_confirmation_message( $confirmation_message ) {
		// Default during deprecation period = false
		$sanitize_confirmation_nessage = false;

		 * Allows sanitization to be turned on or off for the confirmation message. Only turn off if you're sure you know what you're doing.
		 * @since 2.0.0
		 * @param bool $sanitize_confirmation_nessage Whether to sanitize the confirmation message. default: true
		$sanitize_confirmation_nessage = apply_filters( 'gform_sanitize_confirmation_message', $sanitize_confirmation_nessage );
		if ( $sanitize_confirmation_nessage ) {
			$confirmation_message = wp_kses_post( $confirmation_message );

		return $confirmation_message;

	 * Generates a hash for a Gravity Forms download.
	 * May return false if the algorithm is not available.
	 * @param int    $form_id  The Form ID.
	 * @param int    $field_id The ID of the field used to upload the file.
	 * @param string $file     The file url relative to the form's upload folder. E.g. 2016/04/my-file.pdf
	 * @return string|bool
	public static function generate_download_hash( $form_id, $field_id, $file ) {

		$key = absint( $form_id ) . ':' . absint( $field_id ) . ':' . urlencode( $file );

		$algo = 'sha256';

		 * Allows the hash algorithm to be changed when generating the file download hash.
		 * @param string $algo The algorithm. E.g. "md5", "sha256", "haval160,4", etc
		$algo = apply_filters( 'gform_download_hash_algorithm', $algo );

		$hash = hash_hmac( $algo, $key, 'gform_download' . wp_salt() );
		 * Allows the hash to be modified.
		 * @param string $hash    The hash.
		 * @param int    $form_id The Form ID
		 * @param string $file    The File path relative to the upload root for the form.
		$hash = apply_filters( 'gform_download_hash', $hash, $form_id, $file );

		return $hash;

	public static function get_visibility_options() {

		$options = array(
				'label'       => __( 'Visible', 'gravityforms' ),
				'value'       => 'visible',
				'description' => __( 'Default option. The field is visible when viewing the form.', 'gravityforms' )
				'label'       => __( 'Hidden', 'gravityforms' ),
				'value'       => 'hidden',
				'description' => __( 'The field is hidden when viewing the form. Useful when you require the functionality of this field but do not want the user to be able to see this field.', 'gravityforms' )
				'label'       => __( 'Administrative', 'gravityforms' ),
				'value'       => 'administrative',
				'description' => __( 'The field is only visible when administering submitted entries. The field is not visible or functional when viewing the form.', 'gravityforms' )

		 * Allows default visibility options to be modified or removed and custom visibility options to be added.
		 * @since 2.1
		 * @param array $options     {
		 *                           An array of visibility options.
		 * @type string $label       The label of the visibility option; displayed in the field's Visibility setting.
		 * @type string $value       The value of the visibility option; will be saved to the form meta.
		 * @type string $description The description of the visibility option; used in the Visibility setting tooltip.
		 * }
		return (array) apply_filters( 'gform_visibility_options', $options );

	public static function get_visibility_tooltip() {

		$options = self::get_visibility_options();
		$markup  = array();

		foreach ( $options as $option ) {
			$markup[] = sprintf( '<b>%s</b><br>%s', $option['label'], $option['description'] );

		$markup = sprintf( '<ul><li>%s</li></ul>', implode( '</li><li>', $markup ) );

		return sprintf( '<strong>%s</strong> %s<br><br>%s', __( 'Visibility', 'gravityforms' ), __( 'Select the visibility for this field.', 'gravityforms' ), $markup );

	 * @param $message
	 * @return mixed|string
	private static function format_text_message( $message ) {

		// Replacing <h> tags with asterisk.
		$text_message = preg_replace( '|<h(\d)|', '* <h$1', $message );

		// Replacing <br> tags with new line character.
		$text_message = preg_replace( '|<br\s*?/?>|', "\n<br />", $text_message );

		// Removing all HTML tags.
		$text_message = wp_strip_all_tags( $text_message );

		// Removing &nbsp; characters
		$text_message = str_replace( '&nbsp;', ' ', $text_message );

		// Removing multiple white spaces
		$text_message = preg_replace( '|[ \t]+|', ' ', $text_message );

		// Removing multiple line feeds
		$text_message = preg_replace( "|[\r\n]+\s*|", "\n", $text_message );

		return $text_message;

	 * Maybe wrap the notification message in html tags.
	 * @since 2.2.0
	 * @param string $message The notification message. Merge tags have already been processed.
	 * @param string $subject The notification subject line. Merge tags have already been processed.
	 * @return string
	private static function format_html_message( $message, $subject ) {
		if ( ! preg_match( '/<html/i', $message ) ) {
			$template =

			 * Allow the template for the html formatted message to be overridden.
			 * @since
			 * @param string $template The template for the html formatted message. Use {message} and {subject} as placeholders.
			$template = apply_filters( 'gform_html_message_template_pre_send_email', $template );

			$message = str_replace( '{message}', $message, $template );
			$message = str_replace( '{subject}', $subject, $message );

		return $message;

	 * Registers a site to the specified key, or if $new_key is blank, unlinks a key from an existing site.
	 * Requires that the $new_key is saved in options before calling this function
	 * @since 2.3
	 * @param $new_key string Unhashed Gravity Forms license key
	 * @param $is_md5 boolean Specifies if the $new_key parameter is an md5 key or an unhashed key. Defaults to false.
	 * @return bool|WP_Error Returns true if site was updated or created successfully, otherwise returns an instance of WP_Error.
	public static function update_site_registration( $new_key, $is_md5 = false ) {


		$result = null;

		if ( empty( $new_key ) ) {

			// Unlinking key to site.
			$result = gapi()->update_current_site( '' );

		} else {

			// License Key has changed, update site record appropriately.

			// Get new license key information.
			$version_info = GFCommon::get_version_info( false );

			// Has site been already registered?
			$is_site_registered  = gapi()->is_site_registered();
			$is_valid_new        = $version_info['is_valid_key'] && ! $is_site_registered;
			$is_valid_registered = $version_info['is_valid_key'] && $is_site_registered;

			if ( $is_valid_new ) {
				// Site is new (not registered) and license key is valid.
				// Register new site.
				$result = gapi()->register_current_site( $new_key, $is_md5 );
			} elseif ( $is_valid_registered ) {

				// Site is already registered and new license key is valid.
				// Update site with new license key.
				$result = gapi()->update_current_site( $new_key );
			} else {

				// Invalid key, do not change site registration.
				$result = new WP_Error( 'invalid_license', 'Invalid license. Site cannot be registered' );
				GFCommon::log_error( 'Invalid license. Site cannot be registered' );

		if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_error( 'Failed to update site registration with Gravity Manager. ' . print_r( $result, true ) );

		return $result;

	 * Checks if notification from email is using the site domain.
	 * @since  2.4.12
	 * @param string $email_address Email address to check.
	 * @param string $domain        Domain to check.
	 * @return bool
	public static function email_domain_matches( $email_address, $domain = '' ) {

		GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Email address: ' . $email_address );

		if ( ! is_email( $email_address ) ) {
			GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Email address failed is_email() validation.' );
			return false;

		if ( empty( $domain ) ) {
			$domain = parse_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ), PHP_URL_HOST );

		GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Domain or URL: ' . $domain );

		$email_domain = explode( '@', $email_address );

		$domain_matches = ( strpos( $domain, array_pop( $email_domain ) ) !== false ) ? true : false;
		GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Domain matches? '. var_export( $domain_matches, true ) );

		return $domain_matches;

	 * Prepare icon markup based on icon type.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @since 2.6 Added check for icon_namespace $item check to allow for custom font icon kits.
	 * @param array       $item    Array containing an "icon" property.
	 * @param string|null $default Default icon.
	 * @return string|null
	public static function get_icon_markup( $item, $default = null ) {

		// Get icon.
		$icon = rgar( $item, 'icon', $default );

		// If icon is empty, return.
		if ( rgblank( $icon ) ) {
			return null;

		// Get icon namespace.
		$icon_namespace = rgar( $item, 'icon_namespace' );

		// Return icon markup.
		if ( ! rgblank( $icon_namespace ) ) {
			return sprintf( '<i class="'. $icon_namespace .'-icon %s"></i>', esc_attr( $icon ) );
		} else if ( strpos( $icon, '<svg' ) !== false ) {
			return $icon;
		} else if ( filter_var( $icon, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) {
			return sprintf( '<img src="%s" />', esc_attr( $icon ) );
		} else if ( strpos( $icon, 'fa-' ) !== false ) {
			// Font awesome icon styles, aliased & non-aliased
			$fa_styles = array( 'fas', 'fa-solid', 'far', 'fa-regular', 'fal', 'fa-light', 'fat', 'fa-thin', 'fad', 'fa-duotone', 'fab', 'fa-brands' );
			if ( str_replace( $fa_styles, '', $icon ) !== $icon ) {
				// Newer version which allows for icon styles
				return sprintf( '<i class="%s"></i>', esc_attr( $icon ) );
			} else {
				// Older version
				return sprintf( '<i class="fa %s"></i>', esc_attr( $icon ) );
		} else if ( strpos( $icon, 'dashicons' ) === 0 ) {
			return sprintf( '<i class="dashicons %s"></i>', esc_attr( $icon ) );
		} else if ( strpos( $icon, 'gform-icon' ) === 0 ) {
			return sprintf( '<i class="gform-icon %s"></i>', esc_attr( $icon ) );

		return null;

	 * Determines if a form has legacy markup enabled.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @since 2.7 Added caching.
	 * @param int|array $form_or_id Form ID or form array.
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_legacy_markup_enabled( $form_or_id ) {
		if ( is_numeric( $form_or_id ) ) {
			$form_id = absint( $form_or_id );
			$form    = null;
		} else {
			$form_id = absint( rgar( $form_or_id, 'id' ) );
			$form    = $form_or_id;

		$key        = __METHOD__ . $form_id;
		$is_enabled = GFCache::get( $key, $found );

		if ( $found ) {
			return $is_enabled;

		if ( is_null( $form ) ) {
			$form = GFAPI::get_form( $form_id );

		$markup_version = rgar( $form, 'markupVersion' );
		$is_enabled     = ! $markup_version || (int) $markup_version === 1;

		 * Enable or disable legacy markup for a form.
		 * Override legacy markup setting for one or all forms.
		 * @since 2.5
		 * @param bool  $is_enabled Indicates if legacy markup is enabled for the current form. Default is false for forms created with Gravity Forms 2.5 and greater.
		 * @param array $form       The form object.
		$is_enabled = (bool) gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_enable_legacy_markup', $form_id ), $is_enabled, $form );

		GFCache::set( $key, $is_enabled );

		return $is_enabled;

	 * Converts a file size to an easily readable string.
	 * @param int $bytes file size in byes.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @return string
	public static function format_file_size( $bytes ) {

		if ( $bytes >= 1073741824 ) {
			$bytes = number_format( $bytes / 1073741824 ) . ' GB';
		} elseif ( $bytes >= 1048576 ) {
			$bytes = number_format( $bytes / 1048576 ) . ' MB';
		} elseif ( $bytes >= 1024 ) {
			$bytes = number_format( $bytes / 1024 ) . ' KB';
		} elseif ( $bytes > 1 ) {
			$bytes = $bytes . ' bytes';
		} elseif ( $bytes == 1 ) {
			$bytes = $bytes . ' byte';
		} else {
			$bytes = '0 bytes';

		return $bytes;


	 * Sets a new value on an existing array, given a known path.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @param array $source_array An array with data that requires updating.
	 * @param array $array_path_keys An indexed array containing the path to update on the $source_array.
	 * @param mixed $value The new value to set on the $source_array.
	public static function set_array_value( $source_array, $array_path_keys, $value ) {
		if ( empty( $array_path_keys ) ) {
			return $source_array;

		$updated = $source_array;
		$temp    = &$updated;

		while ( count( $array_path_keys ) > 0 ) {
			$key = array_shift( $array_path_keys );

			if ( ! is_array( $temp ) ) {
				$temp = array();

			if ( $key === '[]' ) {
				$temp[] = null;
				end( $temp );
				$key = key( $temp );

			$temp = &$temp[ $key ];

		$temp = $value;

		return $updated;

	 * Generate a random string, using a cryptographically secure
	 * pseudorandom number generator (random_int) or a random number generator (rand())
	 * @since 2.4.21
	 * @param int $length How many characters do we want?
	 * @return string
	public static function random_str( $length = 64 ) {
		$keyspace = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

		if ( $length < 1 ) {
			throw new \RangeException( 'Length must be a positive integer' );

		$pieces = array();
		$max    = mb_strlen( $keyspace, '8bit' ) - 1;

		for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; ++ $i ) {
			$rand      = function_exists( 'random_int' ) ? random_int( 0, $max ) : rand( 0, $max );
			$pieces [] = $keyspace[ $rand ];

		return implode( '', $pieces );

	 * Check a field group for nested fields and return the key.
	 * @since 2.4.24
	 * @param array $group Field array.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_nested_key( $group ) {
		$nested_key = rgar( $group, 'sections' ) ? 'sections' : 'fields';

		if ( ( ! rgar( $group, $nested_key ) || empty( $group[ $nested_key ] ) ) && rgar( $group, 'inputs' ) ) {
			$nested_key = 'inputs';

		return $nested_key;

	 * Return the version of MySQL or MariaDB currently in use.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @return string
	public static function get_db_version() {
		static $version;

		if ( empty( $version ) ) {
			$version = preg_replace( '/[^0-9.].*/', '', self::get_dbms_version() );

		return $version;

	 * Return current database management system.
	 * @since 2.5
	 * @return string either MySQL or MariaDB
	public static function get_dbms_type() {
		static $type;

		if ( empty( $type ) ) {
			$type = strpos( strtolower( self::get_dbms_version() ), 'mariadb' ) ? 'MariaDB' : 'MySQL';

		return $type;

	 * Returns the raw value from a SELECT version() db query.
	 * @since 2.7.1
	 * @return string The version number or the version number and system type.
	public static function get_dbms_version() {
		static $value;

		if ( empty( $value ) ) {
			global $wpdb;
			$value = $wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT version();' );

		return $value;

	 * Determines if the given form has an array based fields property.
	 * @since 2.5.7
	 * @param array $form The form to be checked.
	 * @return bool
	public static function form_has_fields( $form ) {
		return ! empty( $form['fields'] ) && is_array( $form['fields'] );

	 * Determines if the user must be logged in to view and submit the form.
	 * @since 2.6.9
	 * @param array $form The current form object.
	 * @return bool
	public static function form_requires_login( $form ) {
		$form_id       = absint( rgar( $form, 'id' ) );
		$key           = __METHOD__ . $form_id;
		$require_login = GFCache::get( $key, $found );

		if ( $found ) {
			return $require_login;

		 * Filter whether the user must be logged-in to view and submit the form.
		 * @since 2.4
		 * @param bool  $require_login Indicates if the form requires the user to be logged-in.
		 * @param array $form          The current form object.
		$require_login = (bool) gf_apply_filters( array(
		), (bool) rgar( $form, 'requireLogin' ), $form );

		GFCache::set( $key, $require_login );

		return $require_login;

	 * Unserializes a string while suppressing errors, checks if the result is of the expected type.
	 * @since
	 * @param string $string   The string to be unserialized.
	 * @param string $expected The expected type after unserialization.
	 * @param bool   $default  The default value to return if unserialization failed.
	 * @return false|mixed
	public static function safe_unserialize( $string, $expected, $default = false ) {

		$data = is_string( $string ) ? @unserialize( $string ) : $string;

		if ( is_a( $data, $expected ) ) {
			return $data;

		return $default;

	 * Output an SVG as markup, referenced by the key (which is the filename, minus extension).
	 * @since 2.7
	 * @param $key
	 * @return string
	public static function output_svg( $key ) {
		$svgs = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Assets\GF_Asset_Service_Provider::SVG_OPTIONS );

		if ( ! isset( $svgs[ $key ] ) ) {

		echo $svgs[ $key ];

	 * Darken a given color string by a specific amount.
	 * @since 2.7
	 * @param string $color         The color string to modify, as a hex code (either 3 or 6 digits).
	 * @param float  $darken_amount The amount by which to modify the color, in steps.
	 * @param string $format        The format in which to return the color (hex or rgb)
	 * @return mixed
	public static function darken_color( $color, $darken_amount, $format = 'hex' ) {
		$color_modifier = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Util\GF_Util_Service_Provider::GF_COLORS );

		if ( $darken_amount > 0 ) {
			$darken_amount *= -1;

		return $color_modifier->modify( $color, $darken_amount, $format );

	 * Lighten a given color by a specific amount.
	 * @since 2.7
	 * @param string $color          The color string to modify, as a hex code (either 3 or 6 digits).
	 * @param float  $lighten_amount The amount by which to modify the color, in steps.
	 * @param string $format        The format in which to return the color (hex or rgb)
	 * @return mixed
	public static function lighten_color( $color, $lighten_amount, $format = 'hex' ) {
		$color_modifier = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Util\GF_Util_Service_Provider::GF_COLORS );

		if ( $lighten_amount < 0 ) {
			$lighten_amount *= -1;

		return $color_modifier->modify( $color, $lighten_amount, $format );

	 * Detect if a color is dark against a passed threshold. Default is set at 465 in the range of 1 - 765.
	 * @since 2.7
	 * @param string $color     The color string to test, as a hex code (either 3 or 6 digits).
	 * @param float  $threshold The threshold to return true at in a range of 1 - 765.
	 * @return bool
    public static function is_dark_color( $color = '', $threshold = 465 ) {
	    $color_modifier = GFForms::get_service_container()->get( \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Util\GF_Util_Service_Provider::GF_COLORS );
	    $hex_color      = $color_modifier->sanitize_color_string( $color );

	    return hexdec( substr( $hex_color, 0, 2 ) ) + hexdec( substr( $hex_color, 2, 2 ) ) + hexdec( substr( $hex_color, 4, 2 ) ) < $threshold;

	 * Generate a color palette based on the block styles available for the Forms Block. Generally used in
	 * various locations where CSS props are generated from the block styles.
	 * @since 2.7
	 * @param $block_settings
	 * @return array[]
	public static function generate_block_styles_palette( $block_settings ) {
		$default_settings = \GFForms::get_service_container()->get( \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Form_Display\GF_Form_Display_Service_Provider::BLOCK_STYLES_DEFAULTS );
		$applied_settings = wp_parse_args( $block_settings, $default_settings );

		// Set up the inside control primary color used by default to be user-friendly
		// for forms which have not been updated or saved by users.
		$inside_control_primary_value = $applied_settings['inputPrimaryColor'] === '' ? $applied_settings['buttonPrimaryBackgroundColor'] : $applied_settings['inputPrimaryColor'];

		return array(
			'primary'                => array(
				'color'              => $applied_settings['buttonPrimaryBackgroundColor'],
				'color-rgb'          => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['buttonPrimaryBackgroundColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-contrast'     => $applied_settings['buttonPrimaryColor'],
				'color-contrast-rgb' => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['buttonPrimaryColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'       => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['buttonPrimaryBackgroundColor'], 10 ),
				'color-lighter'      => self::lighten_color( $applied_settings['buttonPrimaryBackgroundColor'], 10 ),
			'secondary'              => array(
				'color'              => $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'],
				'color-rgb'          => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-contrast'     => $applied_settings['inputColor'],
				'color-contrast-rgb' => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'       => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 2 ),
				'color-lighter'      => self::lighten_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 2 ),
			'outside-control-light'  => array(
				'color'         => 'rgba(' . implode( ', ', self::darken_color( $applied_settings['labelColor'], 0, 'rgb' ) ) . ', 0.1)',
				'color-rgb'     => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['labelColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'  => 'rgba(' . implode( ', ', self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBorderColor'], 0, 'rgb' ) ) . ', 0.35)',
				'color-lighter' => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 2 ),
			'outside-control-dark'   => array(
				'color'         => $applied_settings['descriptionColor'],
				'color-rgb'     => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['descriptionColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'  => $applied_settings['inputColor'],
				'color-lighter' => 'rgba(' . implode( ', ', self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputColor'], 0, 'rgb' ) ) . ', 0.65)',
			'inside-control'         => array(
				'color'              => $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'],
				'color-rgb'          => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-contrast'     => $applied_settings['inputColor'],
				'color-contrast-rgb' => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'       => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 2 ),
				'color-lighter'      => self::lighten_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 2 ),
			'inside-control-primary' => array(
				'color'              => $inside_control_primary_value,
				'color-rgb'          => self::darken_color( $inside_control_primary_value, 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-contrast'     => self::is_dark_color( $inside_control_primary_value ) ? '#fff' : '#112337',
				'color-contrast-rgb' => self::is_dark_color( $inside_control_primary_value ) ? self::darken_color( '#fff', 0, 'rgb' ) : self::darken_color( '#112337', 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'       => self::darken_color( $inside_control_primary_value, 10 ),
				'color-lighter'      => self::lighten_color( $inside_control_primary_value, 10 ),
			'inside-control-light'   => array(
				'color'         => 'rgba(' . implode( ', ', self::darken_color( $applied_settings['labelColor'], 0, 'rgb' ) ) . ', 0.1)',
				'color-rgb'     => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['labelColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'  => 'rgba(' . implode( ', ', self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBorderColor'], 0, 'rgb' ) ) . ', 0.35)',
				'color-lighter' => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputBackgroundColor'], 2 ),
			'inside-control-dark'    => array(
				'color'         => $applied_settings['descriptionColor'],
				'color-rgb'     => self::darken_color( $applied_settings['descriptionColor'], 0, 'rgb' ),
				'color-darker'  => $applied_settings['inputColor'],
				'color-lighter' => 'rgba(' . implode( ', ', self::darken_color( $applied_settings['inputColor'], 0, 'rgb' ) ) . ', 0.65)',

	 * Stashes the start time of the specified event.
	 * @since 2.7.1
	 * @param string $event The event being timed.
	 * @return void
	public static function timer_start( $event ) {
		self::$start_times[ $event ] = microtime( true );

	 * Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the start time was stashed for the specified event.
	 * @since 2.7.1
	 * @param string $event The event being timed.
	 * @return int|float
	public static function timer_end( $event ) {
		if ( empty( self::$start_times[ $event ] ) ) {
			return 0;

		return ( microtime( true ) - self::$start_times[ $event ] );

	 * Maintains a semipersistent record of the 3 most recent events for the specified hook.
	 * @since 2.7.1
	 * @param string $hook The cron hook name.
	public static function record_cron_event( $hook ) {
		if ( ! defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) || ! DOING_CRON ) {

		$events = GFCache::get( GFCache::KEY_CRON_EVENTS );
		if ( ! is_array( $events ) ) {
			$events = array();

		if ( empty( $events[ $hook ] ) || ! is_array( $events[ $hook ] ) ) {
			$events[ $hook ] = array( time() );
		} else {
			array_unshift( $events[ $hook ], time() );
			array_splice( $events[ $hook ], 3 );

		GFCache::set( GFCache::KEY_CRON_EVENTS, $events, true );


class GFCategoryWalker extends Walker {
	 * @see   Walker::$tree_type
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @var string
	var $tree_type = 'category';

	 * @see   Walker::$db_fields
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @todo  Decouple this
	 * @var array
	var $db_fields = array( 'parent' => 'parent', 'id' => 'term_id' );

	 * @see   Walker::start_el()
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @param string $output            Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
	 * @param object $object            Category data object.
	 * @param int    $depth             Depth of category. Used for padding. Defaults to 0.
	 * @param array  $args              Uses 'selected' and 'show_count' keys, if they exist. Defaults to empty array.
	 * @param int    $current_object_id The current object ID. Defaults to 0.
	function start_el( &$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $current_object_id = 0 ) {
		//$pad = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $depth * 3);
		$pad = str_repeat( '&#9472;', $depth );
		if ( ! empty( $pad ) ) {
			$pad .= '&nbsp;';
		$object->name = "{$pad}{$object->name}";

		if ( empty( $output ) ) {
			$output = array();

		$output[] = $object;

 * Notes:
 * 1. The WordPress Transients API does not support boolean
 * values so boolean values should be converted to integers
 * or arrays before setting the values as persistent.
 * 2. The transients API only deletes the transient from the database
 * when the transient is accessed after it has expired. WordPress doesn't
 * do any garbage collection of transients.
class GFCache {

	const KEY_CRON_EVENTS = 'cron_events_log';

	private static $_transient_prefix = 'GFCache_';
	private static $_cache = array();

	public static function get( $key, &$found = null, $is_persistent = true ) {
		global $blog_id;
		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$key = $blog_id . ':' . $key;

		if ( isset( self::$_cache[ $key ] ) ) {
			$found = true;
			$data  = rgar( self::$_cache[ $key ], 'data' );

			return $data;

		//If set to not persistent, do not check transient for performance reasons
		if ( ! $is_persistent ) {
			$found = false;

			return false;

		$data = self::get_transient( $key );

		if ( false === ( $data ) ) {
			$found = false;

			return false;
		} else {
			self::$_cache[ $key ] = array( 'data' => $data, 'is_persistent' => true );
			$found                = true;

			return $data;


	public static function set( $key, $data, $is_persistent = false, $expiration_seconds = 0 ) {
		global $blog_id;
		$success = true;

		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$key = $blog_id . ':' . $key;

		if ( $is_persistent ) {
			$success = self::set_transient( $key, $data, $expiration_seconds );

		self::$_cache[ $key ] = array( 'data' => $data, 'is_persistent' => $is_persistent );

		return $success;

	public static function delete( $key ) {
		global $blog_id;
		$success = true;

		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$key = $blog_id . ':' . $key;

		if ( isset( self::$_cache[ $key ] ) ) {
			if ( self::$_cache[ $key ]['is_persistent'] ) {
				$success = self::delete_transient( $key );

			unset( self::$_cache[ $key ] );
		} else {
			$success = self::delete_transient( $key );


		return $success;

	public static function flush( $flush_persistent = false ) {
		global $wpdb;

		self::$_cache = array();

		if ( false === $flush_persistent ) {
			return true;

		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "
                 DELETE FROM $wpdb->sitemeta
                 WHERE meta_key LIKE %s OR
                 meta_key LIKE %s
		} else {
			$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "
                 DELETE FROM $wpdb->options
                 WHERE option_name LIKE %s OR
                 option_name LIKE %s

		$rows_deleted = $wpdb->query( $sql );

		$success = $rows_deleted !== false ? true : false;

		return $success;

	private static function delete_transient( $key ) {
		if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_hash' ) ) {
			return false;
		$key = self::$_transient_prefix . wp_hash( $key );
		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$success = delete_site_transient( $key );
		} else {
			$success = delete_transient( $key );

		return $success;

	private static function set_transient( $key, $data, $expiration ) {
		if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_hash' ) ) {
			return false;
		$key = self::$_transient_prefix . wp_hash( $key );
		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$success = set_site_transient( $key, $data, $expiration );
		} else {
			$success = set_transient( $key, $data, $expiration );

		return $success;

	private static function get_transient( $key ) {
		if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_hash' ) ) {
			return false;
		$key = self::$_transient_prefix . wp_hash( $key );
		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$data = get_site_transient( $key );
		} else {
			$data = get_transient( $key );

		return $data;


 * Notes:
 * 1. The WordPress Transients API does not support boolean
 * values so boolean values should be converted to integers
 * or arrays before setting the values as persistent.
 * 2. The transients API only deletes the transient from the database
 * when the transient is accessed after it has expired. WordPress doesn't
 * do any garbage collection of transients.
class GF_Cache {
	public function get( $key, &$found = null, $is_persistent = true ) {
		return GFCache::get( $key, $found, $is_persistent );

	public function set( $key, $data, $is_persistent = false, $expiration_seconds = 0 ) {
		return GFCache::set( $key, $data, $is_persistent, $expiration_seconds );

	public function delete( $key ) {
		return GFCache::delete( $key );

	public function flush( $flush_persistent = false ) {
		return GFCache::flush( $flush_persistent );


class EncryptDB extends wpdb {
	private static $_instance = null;

	public static function get_instance() {

		if ( self::$_instance == null ) {
			self::$_instance = new EncryptDB( DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST );

		return self::$_instance;

	public static function encrypt( $text, $key ) {
		$db = self::get_instance();

		$encrypted = base64_encode( $db->get_var( $db->prepare( 'SELECT AES_ENCRYPT(%s, %s) AS data', $text, $key ) ) );

		return $encrypted;

	public static function decrypt( $text, $key ) {

		$db = self::get_instance();

		$decrypted = $db->get_var( $db->prepare( 'SELECT AES_DECRYPT(%s, %s) AS data', base64_decode( $text ), wp_salt( 'nonce' ) ) );

		return $decrypted;

	public function get_var( $query = null, $x = 0, $y = 0 ) {

		$this->check_current_query = false;

		return parent::get_var( $query );

 * Late static binding for dynamic function calls.
 * Provides compatibility with PHP 7.2 (create_function deprecated) and 5.2.
 * So whenever the need for `create_function` arises, use this instead.
class GF_Late_Static_Binding {
	private $args = array();

	public function __construct( $args ) {
		$this->args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
			'form_id' => 0,
		) );

	 * Binding for GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts
	public function GFFormDisplay_footer_init_scripts() {
		return GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts( $this->args['form_id'] );

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