Server : Apache System : Linux pod-100823:apache2_74:v0.5.7 5.4.0-1138-gcp #147~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 7 21:46:26 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : www-data ( 33) PHP Version : Disable Function : apache_child_terminate,apache_get_modules,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,apache_setenv,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,diskfreespace,dl,exec,fastcgi_finish_request,link,opcache_compile_file,opcache_get_configuration,opcache_invalidate,opcache_is_script_cached,opcache_reset,passthru,pclose,pcntl_exec,popen,posix_getpid,posix_getppid,posix_getpwuid,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_setegid,posix_seteuid,posix_setgid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_uname,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,proc_terminate,realpath_cache_get,shell_exec,show_source,symlink,system Directory : /nas/content/live/attorneyexperi/wp-content/plugins/imagify/views/ |
<?php defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'Cheatin’ uh?' ); $this->print_template( 'notice-header', array( 'classes' => array( 'updated' ), ) ); ?> <p> <?php printf( /* translators: 1 is a "bold" tag start, 2 is the "bold" tag end, 3 is a formatted number (don't use %3$d). */ __( '%1$sCongratulations%2$s, you have optimized %1$s%3$s images%2$s and improved your website\'s speed by reducing your images size.', 'imagify' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', number_format_i18n( $data ) ); ?> </p> <p class="imagify-rate-us"> <?php printf( /* translators: 1 is a "bold" tag start, 2 is the "bold" tag end + a line break tag, 3 is a link tag start, 4 is the link tag end. */ __( '%1$sDo you like this plugin?%2$s Please take a few seconds to %3$srate it on$s!', 'imagify' ), '<strong>', '</strong><br />', '<a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url( imagify_get_external_url( 'rate' ) ) . '">', '</a>' ); ?> <br> <a class="stars" target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( imagify_get_external_url( 'rate' ) ); ?>">☆☆☆☆☆</a> </p> <?php $this->print_template( 'notice-footer', array( 'dismissible' => 'rating', ) );