Server : Apache System : Linux pod-100823:apache2_74:v0.5.7 5.4.0-1138-gcp #147~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 7 21:46:26 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : www-data ( 33) PHP Version : Disable Function : apache_child_terminate,apache_get_modules,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,apache_setenv,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,diskfreespace,dl,exec,fastcgi_finish_request,link,opcache_compile_file,opcache_get_configuration,opcache_invalidate,opcache_is_script_cached,opcache_reset,passthru,pclose,pcntl_exec,popen,posix_getpid,posix_getppid,posix_getpwuid,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_setegid,posix_seteuid,posix_setgid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_uname,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,proc_terminate,realpath_cache_get,shell_exec,show_source,symlink,system Directory : /nas/content/live/attorneyexperi/wp-content/plugins/redirection/actions/ |
<?php /** * Return an error to the client, and trigger the WordPress error page */ class Error_Action extends Red_Action { /** * Set WordPress to show the error page * * @return void */ public function run() { wp_reset_query(); // Set the query to be a 404 set_query_var( 'is_404', true ); // Return the 404 page add_filter( 'template_include', [ $this, 'template_include' ] ); // Clear any posts if this is actually a valid URL add_filter( 'pre_handle_404', [ $this, 'pre_handle_404' ] ); // Ensure the appropriate http code is returned add_action( 'wp', [ $this, 'wp' ] ); } /** * Output selected HTTP code, as well as redirection header * * @return void */ public function wp() { status_header( $this->code ); nocache_headers(); global $wp_version; if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '5.1', '<' ) ) { header( 'X-Redirect-Agent: redirection' ); } else { header( 'X-Redirect-By: redirection' ); } } public function pre_handle_404() { global $wp_query; // Page comments plugin interferes with this $wp_query->posts = []; return false; } public function template_include() { return get_404_template(); } public function name() { return __( 'Error (404)', 'redirection' ); } }