Server : Apache System : Linux pod-100823:apache2_74:v0.5.7 5.4.0-1138-gcp #147~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 7 21:46:26 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : www-data ( 33) PHP Version : Disable Function : apache_child_terminate,apache_get_modules,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,apache_setenv,disk_free_space,disk_total_space,diskfreespace,dl,exec,fastcgi_finish_request,link,opcache_compile_file,opcache_get_configuration,opcache_invalidate,opcache_is_script_cached,opcache_reset,passthru,pclose,pcntl_exec,popen,posix_getpid,posix_getppid,posix_getpwuid,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_setegid,posix_seteuid,posix_setgid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_uname,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,proc_terminate,realpath_cache_get,shell_exec,show_source,symlink,system Directory : /nas/content/live/attorneyexperi/wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/ |
<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <> * @link * @copyright 2016 ThemePunch */ if( !defined( 'ABSPATH') ) exit(); class RevSliderObjectLibrary { private $library_url = ''; private $library_list = 'library.php'; private $library_download = 'download.php'; private $object_thumb_path = '/revslider/objects/thumbs/'; private $object_orig_path = '/revslider/objects/'; private $curl_check = null; const LIBRARY_VERSION = '1.0.0'; /** * get list of objects * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function _get_list($force = false){ global $wp_version; $last_check = get_option('revslider-library-check'); if($last_check == false){ //first time called $last_check = 1296001; update_option('revslider-library-check', time()); } // Get latest object list if(time() - $last_check > 1296000 || $force == true){ //30 days update_option('revslider-library-check', time()); $code = get_option('revslider-code', ''); $library_version = self::LIBRARY_VERSION; $validated = get_option('revslider-valid', 'false'); if($validated == 'false'){ $code = ''; } $rattr = array( 'code' => urlencode($code), 'library_version' => urlencode($library_version), 'version' => urlencode(RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION), 'product' => urlencode('revslider') ); $request = wp_remote_post($this->library_url.$this->library_list, array( 'user-agent' => 'WordPress/'.$wp_version.'; '.get_bloginfo('url'), 'body' => $rattr )); if(!is_wp_error($request)) { if($response = maybe_unserialize($request['body'])) { $library = json_decode($response, true); if(is_array($library)) { update_option('rs-library', $library, false); } } } } } public function _get_object_data($object_handle){ $data = array('thumb' => $object_handle, 'orig' => $object_handle); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->object_thumb_path . $object_handle; if(file_exists($file)){ $url_file = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->object_thumb_path . $object_handle; $data['thumb'] = $url_file; } $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->object_orig_path . $object_handle; if(file_exists($file)){ $url_file = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->object_orig_path . $object_handle; $data['orig'] = $url_file; //check } return $data; } /** * check if given URL is an object from object library * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function _is_object($url){ $is_object = false; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder //$upload_directory = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->object_orig_path; $upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->object_orig_path; $file_name = explode('/', $url); $file_name = $file_name[count($file_name) - 1]; if(strpos($url, $upload_url) !== false){ //check now if handle is inside of the array of objects $obj = $this->load_objects(); $online = $obj['online']['objects']; foreach($online as $object){ if($object['handle'] == $file_name){ $is_object = true; break; } } } return $is_object; } /** * check if given URL is existing in the object library * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function _does_exist($url){ $does_exist = false; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder $upload_directory = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->object_orig_path; $upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->object_orig_path; $url = str_replace($upload_url, '', $url); if(file_exists($upload_directory.$url)){ $does_exist = true; } return $does_exist; } /** * check if certain object needs to be redownloaded * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function _check_object_exist($object_url){ //first check if it is an object $is_obj = $this->_is_object($object_url); //then check if it is existing if($is_obj){ if($this->_does_exist($object_url)){ //all cool }else{ //if not, redownload if allowed //need to redownload $file_name_with_ending = explode("/", $object_url); $file_name_with_ending = $file_name_with_ending[count($file_name_with_ending) - 1]; $this->_get_object_thumb($file_name_with_ending, 'orig'); } } } /** * get certain objects thumbnail, download if needed and if not, simply return path * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function _get_object_thumb($object_handle, $type){ global $wp_version; $error = ''; if($type == 'thumb'){ $path = $this->object_thumb_path; }else{ $path = $this->object_orig_path; } $download = false; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $path . $object_handle; $url_file = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $path . $object_handle; //check if object thumb is already downloaded $download = (!file_exists($file)) ? true : false; //check if new version of object thumb is available // Check folder permission and define file location if($download && wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir['basedir'].$path ) ) { $curl = ($this->check_curl_connection()) ? new WP_Http_Curl() : false; $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $path . $object_handle; if(!file_exists($file) || isset($temp['push_image'])){ $image_data = false; if($curl !== false){ $validated = get_option('revslider-valid', 'false'); if($validated == 'false' && $type != 'thumb'){ $error = __('Plugin not activated', 'revslider'); }else{ $code = ($validated == 'false') ? '' : get_option('revslider-code', ''); $image_data = wp_remote_post($this->library_url.$this->library_download, array( 'user-agent' => 'WordPress/'.$wp_version.'; '.get_bloginfo('url'), 'body' => array( 'code' => urlencode($code), 'library_version' => urlencode(self::LIBRARY_VERSION), 'version' => urlencode(RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION), 'handle' => urlencode($object_handle), 'download' => urlencode($type), 'product' => urlencode('revslider') ), 'timeout' => 45 )); if(!is_wp_error($image_data) && isset($image_data['body']) && isset($image_data['response']) && isset($image_data['response']['code']) && $image_data['response']['code'] == '200'){ $image_data = $image_data['body']; //check body for errors in here $check = json_decode($image_data, true); if(!empty($check)){ if(isset($check['error'])){ $image_data = false; $error = $check['error']; } }elseif(trim($image_data) == ''){ $error = __('No data received', 'revslider'); } }else{ $image_data = false; $error = __('Error downloading object', 'revslider'); } } }else{ //cant download file } if($image_data !== false){ @mkdir(dirname($file)); @file_put_contents( $file, $image_data ); $this->create_image_dimensions($object_handle); }else{//could not connect to server $error = __('Error downloading object', 'revslider'); } }else{//use default image $error = __('Error downloading object', 'revslider'); } }else{//use default images $error = __('Error downloading object', 'revslider'); } if($error !== ''){ return array('error' => true); } $width = false; $height = false; //get dimensions of image $imgsize = getimagesize( $file ); if($imgsize !== false){ $width = $imgsize['0']; $height = $imgsize['1']; } return array('error' => false, 'url' => $url_file, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height); } /** * import object to media library * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function _import_object($file_path){ $curl = ($this->check_curl_connection()) ? new WP_Http_Curl() : false; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder $path = $this->object_orig_path; $object_handle = basename($file_path); $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $path . $object_handle; $url_file = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $path . $object_handle; $image_handle = @fopen($file_path, "r"); if($image_handle != false){ $image_data = stream_get_contents($image_handle); if($image_data !== false){ @mkdir(dirname($file)); @file_put_contents( $file, $image_data ); $this->create_image_dimensions($object_handle); return array('path' => $url_file); } } return false; } public function write_markup(){ ?> <!-- THE OBJECT LIBRARY DIALOG WINDOW --> <div id="dialog_addobj" class="dialog-addobj" title="<?php _e("Add Object Layer",'revslider'); ?>" style="display:none"> <div class="addobj-dialog-inner"> <div id="addobj-list-of-items"> <div id="addobj-dialog-header"> <div class="object_library_search_wrapper"> <input type="text" id="obj_library_search" placeholder="<?php _e("Search for Objects...",'revslider'); ?>" /><span id="obj_library_search_trigger"><i class="eg-icon-search"></i></span> </div> <div id="object_library_type_list_new"> <span id="obj_lib_main_cat_filt_all" data-value="all" class="obj_library_cats_filter"><?php _e("ALL",'revslider'); ?></span> <span id="obj_lib_main_cat_filt_allimages" data-value="allimages" class="obj_library_cats_filter all_img_cat"><?php _e("ALL IMAGES",'revslider'); ?></span> <span id="obj_lib_main_cat_filt_svg" data-value="svg" class="obj_library_cats_filter svg_cat"><?php _e("SVG",'revslider'); ?></span> <span id="obj_lib_main_cat_filt_icon" data-value="icon" class="obj_library_cats_filter fonticon_cat"><?php _e("ICON",'revslider'); ?></span> <span id="obj_lib_main_cat_filt_image" data-value="image" class="obj_library_cats_filter png_cat"><?php _e("PNG",'revslider'); ?></span> <span id="obj_lib_main_cat_filt_bgimage" data-value="bgimage" class="obj_library_cats_filter jpg_cat"><?php _e("JPG",'revslider'); ?></span> </div> <div id="up-lic-ob-lib"> <div id="licence_obect_library"><i class="fa-icon-copyright"></i><?php _e("License Info",'revslider'); ?></div> <div id="update_obect_library"><i class="eg-icon-arrows-ccw"></i><?php _e("Update Object Library",'revslider'); ?></div> </div> <div id="object-tag-list" class="object-tag-list"><span id="obj_library_cats_favorite" class="obj_library_cats" data-tag="favorite" data-image="true" data-bgimages="true" data-svg="true"><i class="fa-icon-star-o" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i><?php _e("Favorite",'revslider'); ?></span><span id="obj_library_cats_allico" class="obj_library_cats" data-tag="allicon" data-icon="true" data-bgimages="false" data-svg="false"><i class="fa-icon-folder-o" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i><?php _e("All Icons",'revslider'); ?></span><span id="obj_library_cats_allpng" class="obj_library_cats" data-tag="allpng" data-image="true" data-bgimages="false" data-svg="false"><i class="fa-icon-folder-o" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i><?php _e("All PNG",'revslider'); ?></span><span id="obj_library_cats_alljpg" class="obj_library_cats" data-tag="alljpg" data-image="false" data-bgimages="true" data-svg="false"><i class="fa-icon-folder-o" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i><?php _e("All JPG",'revslider'); ?></span><span id="obj_library_cats_allsvg" class="obj_library_cats" data-tag="allsvg" data-image="false" data-bgimages="false" data-svg="true"><i class="fa-icon-folder-o" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i><?php _e("All SVG",'revslider'); ?></span></div> </div> <div id="object_library_results"> <div id="object_library_results-inner"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="bg-vs-layer-wrapper"> <span id="add_objimage_as_layer"><?php _e("As Layer",'revslider'); ?></span><span class="addthisasbg" id="obj-layer-bg-switcher"></span><span id="add_objimage_as_slidebg"><?php _e("As Slide BG",'revslider'); ?></span> </div> <?php $this->write_scripts(); ?> </div> <?php } public function write_scripts(){ ?> <script> var obj_libraries = []; jQuery('body').on('click','.object_library_itemfavorit',function() { var t = jQuery(this), item = t.parent(), d =, ic = t.find('i'); if (ic.hasClass("fa-icon-star")) { ic.addClass("fa-icon-star-o"); ic.removeClass("fa-icon-star"); var newtags ='tags');'tags', newtags.replace(',favorite','')); favoriteObjectsList = jQuery.grep(favoriteObjectsList,function(value) { return value != d.src}); } else { ic.removeClass("fa-icon-star-o"); ic.addClass("fa-icon-star"); var newtags ='tags')+",favorite";'tags', newtags); favoriteObjectsList.push(d.src); } return false; }); // HOVER OVER SINGLE IMAGES jQuery('body').on('mouseenter','.obj_lib_container_img',function() { var _t = jQuery(this), typ ='type'); if (typ==="2" || typ===2) jQuery('#bg-vs-layer-wrapper').appendTo(_t.find('.obj-item-size-selectors')); }); // LOAD OBJECTS ON DEMAND WHEN THEY BECOME VISIBLE function loadObjNow(d) {'loaded',true); var src ='src'), ty ='type'); if (ty==="svg") { jQuery.get(src, function(data) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(data.documentElement); d.find('.obj_item_media_holder').append(div); jQuery('#object_library_results').perfectScrollbar("update"); }); } else if (ty==="img" || ty==="1" || ty==="2" || ty===1 || ty===2) { if (src.indexOf("/") === -1) { getObjectUrl(src,d,'thumb'); } else { d.find('.obj_item_media_holder').append('<div class="rs-obj-img-mediainner" style="background-image:url('+src+');"></div>'); //jQuery('#object_library_results').perfectScrollbar("update"); } } else if (ty==="icon") { d.find('.obj_item_media_holder').append('<i class="'+src+'"></i>'); } } function ol_itemVisible(o,st) { var t = o.position().top, ch = jQuery('#object_library_results').height(); if (t-st>-170 && t-st<ch && !'loaded')) loadObjNow(o); } function ol_checkVisibilityOfItems() { var c = jQuery('#object_library_results-inner'), st = c.scrollTop(); if (jQuery('#dialog_addobj').parent().css("display")==="block") { jQuery('#object_library_results-inner .obj_library_item').each(function() { var o = jQuery(this); if (o.hasClass("showit")) ol_itemVisible(o,st); }); } } function createFontIcons() { jQuery('#waitaminute .waitaminute-message').append('<br>Loading Font Icons'); var sheets = document.styleSheets, obj = new Object(), fi = 1; obj.handle = "FontIcons-"+fi; obj.list = new Array(); if (sheets) jQuery.each(sheets,function(index,sheet) { var found = false, markup = ""; if (sheet && sheet.href && sheet.href.indexOf("plugins/revslider/public/assets/fonts/")>=0) { try{ if (sheet.cssRules !==null & sheet.cssRules!=undefined) jQuery.each(sheet.cssRules, function(index,rule) { if (rule && rule!==null && rule !=="null" && rule.selectorText!=undefined) { jQuery.each(rs_icon_sets,function(j,prefix){ if (rule.selectorText.split(prefix).length>1 && rule.cssText.split("content").length>1) { var csname = rule.selectorText.split("::before")[0].split(":before")[0]; if (csname!=undefined) { csname = csname.split(".")[1]; if (csname!=undefined) { found = true; var iconobj = new Object(); = csname; = "icon"; iconobj.tags="fonticon"+fi+","+csname.replace(/\-/g,","); iconobj.type="icon"; iconobj.src=csname; obj.list.push(iconobj); } } } }) } }); } catch(e) { } if (found) { found = false; if (obj.list.length>0) obj_libraries.push(obj); obj = new Object(); jQuery('#object-tag-list').append('<span id="obj_library_cats_fonticon_'+fi+'" class="obj_library_cats" data-tag="fonticon'+fi+'" data-icon="true">Font Icons '+fi+'</span>') fi++; obj.handle="FontIcons"+fi; obj.list=new Array(); } } }); } // ADD THE ITEMS TO THE MAIN CONTAINER (ONLY EMPTY PLACEHOLDERS FIRST) function push_objects_to_library(){ var c = jQuery('#object_library_results-inner'), svgi = 0, pngi = 0, jpgi = 0, iconi = 0, taggroups = {}, counter = 0; if (favoriteObjectsList !==undefined && favoriteObjectsList.length>0) { svgi=5; pngi=5; jpgi=5; iconi=5; } else { favoriteObjectsList = new Array(); } createFontIcons(); //console.time("Create Markups"); for (var i=0;i<obj_libraries.length;i++) { var library = obj_libraries[i]; //console.time("Library Handle:"+library.handle); for (var j=0;j<library.list.length;j++) { var item = library.list[j], ref = 'obj-item-'+library.handle+'-'+i, titl =!==undefined ? : item.src, short = "SVG", color = "purple", classext = "", tt = '', favclass = "fa-icon-star-o"; sizes = item.type==="svg" ? "" : '<div class="obj-item-size-selectors"><div class="sizetooltip"></div><div data-s="xs" class="obj-item-size-selector nfbg">XS</div><div data-s="s" class="obj-item-size-selector nfbg">S</div><div data-s="m" class="obj-item-size-selector">M</div><div data-s="l" class="obj-item-size-selector">L</div><div data-s="o" class="obj-item-size-selector">O</div></div>'; switch (item.type) { case "svg": short = "SVG"; color = "purple"; classext = "svg"; item.tags = item.tags+",allsvg"; if (svgi<3) { item.tags = item.tags+",favorite"; favclass = "fa-icon-star"; svgi++; favoriteObjectsList.push(item.src); } break; case 1: case "1": short = "PNG"; color = "green"; classext = "img"; item.tags = item.tags+",allpng"; if (pngi<3) { item.tags = item.tags+",favorite"; favclass = "fa-icon-star"; pngi++; favoriteObjectsList.push(item.src); } break; case 2: case "2": short = "JPG"; color = "blue"; classext = "img"; item.tags = item.tags+",alljpg"; if (jpgi<3) { item.tags = item.tags+",favorite"; favclass = "fa-icon-star"; jpgi++; favoriteObjectsList.push(item.src); } break; case "icon": short = "ICON"; color = "red"; classext = "icon"; item.tags = item.tags+",allicon"; if (iconi<3) { item.tags = item.tags+",favorite"; favclass = "fa-icon-star"; iconi++; favoriteObjectsList.push(item.src); } break; } if (favoriteObjectsList !==undefined && favoriteObjectsList.length>0 && jQuery.inArray(item.src,favoriteObjectsList)>=0){ item.tags = item.tags+",favorite"; favclass = "fa-icon-star"; } tt = '<div class="obj_library_item_type_'+color+' ">'+short+'</div>'; if (titl.indexOf("/") !== -1) { titl = titl.split("/"); titl = titl[titl.length-1].split(".")[0]; } else { titl = titl.split(".")[0]; } titl = titl.replace(/\_/g," "); titl = titl.replace(/\-/g," "); item.title = titl.toLowerCase().split(" "); item.tags_array = item.tags.toLowerCase().split(","); item.idref = ref+"_"+counter; counter++; var el = '<div id="'+item.idref+'" data-title="'+titl+'" data-origsrc="'+item.origsrc+'" data-type="'+item.type+'" data-group="''" data-src="'+item.src+'" data-mediawidth="'+item.width+'" data-mediaheight="'+item.height+'" data-tags="'+item.tags+'" class="obj_lib_container_'+classext+' obj_library_item objadd-single-item "><div class="object_library_itemfavorit"><i class="'+favclass+'"></i></div><div class="objadd-single-item_holder obj_item_media_holder"></div><div class="obj_lib_item_title">'+titl+'</div>'+tt+sizes+'</div>'; c.append(el); item.ref = el; var otags = item.tags.split(","); for (var k=0;k<otags.length;k++) { if (taggroups[]===undefined) taggroups[] = new Object(); taggroups[][otags[k]] = true; } }; //console.timeEnd("Library Handle:"+library.handle); }; jQuery.each(taggroups, function(key,value) { jQuery.each(value,function(tag){ jQuery('#obj_library_cats_'+tag).data(key,true); }) }); //console.timeEnd("Create Markups"); } jQuery('body').on('mouseenter','.obj-item-size-selector',function() { var _t = jQuery(this), _i = _t.closest('.obj_library_item'), _ttip = _i.find('.sizetooltip'), size = 1; switch ('s')) { case "xs": size = 0.1;break; case "s": size = 0.25;break; case "m": size = 0.50;break; case "l": size = 0.75;break; case "o": size = 1;break; }; _ttip.html(Math.round('mediawidth')*size)+' x '+Math.round('mediaheight')*size)) }); jQuery('body').on('mouseleave','.obj-item-size-selector',function() { var _t = jQuery(this), _i = _t.closest('.obj_library_item'), _ttip = _i.find('.sizetooltip'); _ttip.html(""); }); jQuery('#add_objimage_as_layer').click(function() { jQuery('#obj-layer-bg-switcher').removeClass("addthisasbg"); }); jQuery('#add_objimage_as_slidebg').click(function() { jQuery('#obj-layer-bg-switcher').addClass("addthisasbg"); }); jQuery('#obj-layer-bg-switcher').click(function() { var _t = jQuery(this); if (_t.hasClass("addthisasbg")) _t.removeClass("addthisasbg"); else _t.addClass("addthisasbg"); }); ol_checkVisibilityOfItems(); // TAKE CARE ABOUT SCROLL OF THE LIBRARY CONTAINER jQuery('#object_library_results').perfectScrollbar({wheelPropagation:false,suppressScrollX:true}); jQuery('#object_library_results').perfectScrollbar("update"); document.addEventListener('ps-scroll-y', function (e) { if (jQuery('#object_library_results').length>0) { ol_checkVisibilityOfItems(); } }); // CHANGING THE TAGS SHOULD CHANGE THE LIST OF ITEMS jQuery('body').on('click','.obj_library_cats',function() { jQuery('.obj_library_cats').removeClass("selected"); jQuery('#obj_library_cats_searchresult').remove(); jQuery(this).addClass("selected"); jQuery('#obj_library_search').val(""); searchForCatsAndGroups(); }); jQuery('body').on('click','.obj_library_cats_filter',function() { var op = jQuery(this), gr ='value'), fv = 0, sv = 0; jQuery('.obj_library_cats_filter').removeClass("selected"); op.addClass("selected"); jQuery('.obj_library_cats').each(function() { var _t = jQuery(this); if ( || gr==="all" || (gr==="allimages" && ("image") ||"bgimage")))) {; if (fv===0) fv=_t; else if (sv===0) sv=_t; } else _t.hide(); }); if (gr==="all") { jQuery('#obj_library_cats_allico').hide(); jQuery('#obj_library_cats_allpng').hide(); jQuery('#obj_library_cats_alljpg').hide(); jQuery('#obj_library_cats_allsvg').hide(); } searchForCatsAndGroups(); searchForObjects(); if (jQuery('.obj_library_cats.selected').is(":visible")===false || (fv!==0 && jQuery('.obj_library_cats.selected').data('tag')==="favorite" && gr!=="all")) { jQuery('.obj_library_cats.selected').removeClass("selected"); if(fv !== 0){ if (gr==="all"); if (gr!=="all" && sv !== 0); } } }); // SHOW ONLY ELEMENTS WITH SELECTED TAGS function searchForCatsAndGroups() { jQuery('#object_library_results').scrollTop(0); jQuery('.obj_library_cats.selected').each(function() { var searched_lib = jQuery(this).data('tag'), group = jQuery('.obj_library_cats_filter.selected').data('value'); jQuery('.obj_library_item').each(function() { var o = jQuery(this), otags ='tags').split(","), gr ='group'), ty ='type'), afo = false; if (group==="all" || group===gr || (group=="allimages" && (ty===2 || ty===1))) { for (var ti =0;ti<otags.length;ti++) { if (otags[ti]===searched_lib || afo || searched_lib==="all") { o.addClass("showit"); afo=true; } else { o.removeClass("showit"); } } } else { o.removeClass("showit"); } }); }); ol_checkVisibilityOfItems(); } // SEARCH FOR OBJECTS function searchForObjects() { jQuery('#object_library_results').scrollTop(0); jQuery('#obj_library_cats_searchresult').remove(); var searchfor = jQuery('#obj_library_search').val(), res = 0, group = jQuery('.obj_library_cats_filter.selected').data('value'); if (searchfor.length<3) return; searchfor = searchfor.replace(/\ /g,","); searchfor = searchfor.split(","); jQuery.each(obj_libraries, function(i,library) { jQuery.each(library.list,function(i,item) { var found = false; if (group==="all" || === group) jQuery.each(searchfor, function(i,sf){ if (sf.length>2) { // CHECK TITLE if (jQuery.isArray(item.title)) { if (jQuery.inArray(sf.toLowerCase(),item.title)>=0) { jQuery('#'+item.idref).addClass("showit"); res++; found = true; return true; } else { jQuery.each(item.title,function(i,tt){ if (tt.indexOf(sf)>=0) { jQuery('#'+item.idref).addClass("showit"); res++; found = true; return true; } }); } } else { if (sf.toLowerCase() === item.title) { jQuery('#'+item.idref).addClass("showit"); res++; found = true; return true; } } //CHECK ITME TAGS if (jQuery.isArray(item.tags_array)) { if (jQuery.inArray(sf.toLowerCase(),item.tags_array)>=0) { jQuery('#'+item.idref).addClass("showit"); res++; found = true; return true; } else { jQuery.each(item.tags_array,function(i,tt){ if (tt.indexOf(sf)>=0) { jQuery('#'+item.idref).addClass("showit"); res++; found = true; return true; } }); } } else { if (sf.toLowerCase() === item.tags_array) { jQuery('#'+item.idref).addClass("showit"); res++; found = true; return true; } } item.tags_array } }); if (!found) jQuery('#'+item.idref).removeClass("showit"); }); }); jQuery('.obj_library_cats').removeClass("selected"); jQuery('.object-tag-list').prepend('<span class="obj_library_cats selected" id="obj_library_cats_searchresult">Found ('+res+') elements</span>'); ol_checkVisibilityOfItems(); } var objl_keyuprefresh; jQuery("#obj_library_search").keyup(function(){ clearTimeout(objl_keyuprefresh); var v = jQuery(this).val(); objl_keyuprefresh = setTimeout(function() { if (v.length>2) searchForObjects(); },150); }); jQuery('#obj_library_search_trigger').click(searchForObjects); function getObjectUrl(handle, el, type){ UniteAdminRev.ajaxRequest('load_library_object', {'handle': handle, 'type': type}, function(response){ if(response.success){ el.find('.obj_item_media_holder').append('<div class="rs-obj-img-mediainner" style="background-image:url('+response.url+');"></div>'); jQuery('#object_library_results').perfectScrollbar("update"); } else { } }); } jQuery('#update_obect_library').click(function(){ if(confirm(rev_lang.unsaved_data_will_be_lost_proceed)){ jQuery('#dialog_addobj').dialog("close"); showWaitAMinute({fadeIn:300,text:rev_lang.please_wait_a_moment}); location.href = window.location.href+'&update_object_library'; } }); var favoriteObjectsList = []; <?php $obj_favs = $this->get_favorites(); if(!empty($obj_favs)){ foreach($obj_favs as $fav){ ?>favoriteObjectsList.push("<?php echo $fav; ?>"); <?php } } ?> </script> <?php } public function load_objects(){ $obj = array(); $svgs = RevSliderBase::get_svg_sets_full(); $obj['svg'] = $svgs; $online = get_option('rs-library', array()); if(!empty($online)){ $obj['online'] = $online; } return $obj; } public function create_image_dimensions($handle, $force = false){ $img_editor_test = wp_image_editor_supports(array('methods' => array('resize', 'save'))); if($img_editor_test !== true){ return false; } $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder $upload_directory = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->object_orig_path; $upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->object_orig_path; $image_path = $upload_directory.$handle; $file_name_with_ending = explode("/", $image_path); $file_name_with_ending = $file_name_with_ending[count($file_name_with_ending) - 1]; $file_name_without_ending = explode(".", $file_name_with_ending); $file_ending = $file_name_without_ending[count($file_name_without_ending) - 1]; $file_name_without_ending = $file_name_without_ending[count($file_name_without_ending) - 2]; $sizes = array('75', '50', '25', '10'); $image = wp_get_image_editor($image_path); $imgsize = getimagesize($image_path); if(!is_wp_error($image) && $imgsize !== false) { $orig_width = $imgsize['0']; $orig_height = $imgsize['1']; foreach($sizes as $size){ $modified_file_name_without_ending = $file_name_without_ending . '-' . $size; if(!file_exists($upload_directory.$modified_file_name_without_ending.'.'.$file_ending) || $force) { $width = round($orig_width / 100 * $size, 0); $height = round($orig_height / 100 * $size, 0); $image->resize($width, $height); $image->save($upload_directory.$modified_file_name_without_ending.'.'.$file_ending); } } }else{ //cant create images return false; } return true; } /** * Check if Curl can be used */ public function check_curl_connection(){ if($this->curl_check !== null) return $this->curl_check; $curl = new WP_Http_Curl(); $this->curl_check = $curl->test(); return $this->curl_check; } /** * Returns an URL if it is an object library image, depending on the choosen width/height or the chosen image size */ public function get_correct_size_url($image_path, $imgres, $library_size = array()){ if(!is_array($imgres)){ //wordpress full, medium ect //or check current device and change depending on device $img_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes(); if(isset($img_sizes[$imgres]) && isset($img_sizes[$imgres]['width']) && isset($img_sizes[$imgres]['height'])){ $imgres = array($img_sizes[$imgres]['width'], $img_sizes[$imgres]['height']); } }else{ /** * check if we have a % and if yes, turn the image back to what was selected in the beginning instead of how it was scaled * as it is already an array, it can be the following: * px * % * empty, then this means auto * if %, then always get the image that was selected **/ if(isset($library_size['width']) && isset($library_size['height'])){ foreach($imgres as $res){ if(strpos($res, '%') !== false || $res == 'SET'){ $imgres = array($library_size['width'], $library_size['height']); break; } } } } if(is_array($imgres)){ //check if file exists if(!file_exists($image_path)) return $image_path; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder $upload_directory = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->object_orig_path; $upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->object_orig_path; //we got width and high, lets check which one to use $file_name_with_ending = explode("/", $image_path); $file_name_with_ending = $file_name_with_ending[count($file_name_with_ending) - 1]; $file_name_without_ending = explode(".", $file_name_with_ending); $file_ending = $file_name_without_ending[count($file_name_without_ending) - 1]; $file_name_without_ending = $file_name_without_ending[count($file_name_without_ending) - 2]; $sizes = array('75', '50', '25', '10'); $imgsize = getimagesize($image_path); if($imgsize !== false) { $orig_width = $imgsize['0']; $orig_height = $imgsize['1']; foreach($sizes as $size){ $width = round($orig_width / 100 * $size, 0); $height = round($orig_height / 100 * $size, 0); if($width >= $imgres[0] && $height >= $imgres[1]){ $modified_file_name_without_ending = $file_name_without_ending . '-' . $size; if(file_exists($upload_directory.$modified_file_name_without_ending.'.'.$file_ending)) { $image_path = $upload_url.$modified_file_name_without_ending.'.'.$file_ending; } } } } } return $image_path; } public function retrieve_all_object_data(){ $obj = $this->load_objects(); $data = array('html' => array(), 'list' => array()); $svgs = $obj['svg']; if(!empty($svgs) && is_array($svgs)){ foreach($svgs as $svghandle => $svgfiles){ $data['html'][] = array('type' => 'tag', 'handle' => $svghandle, 'name' => $svghandle); $data['html'][] = array('type' => 'inner'); $data['list'][$svghandle] = array(); foreach($svgfiles as $svgfile => $svgpath){ $data['list'][$svghandle][] = array( 'src' => $svgpath, 'origsrc' => '', 'type' => 'svg', 'group' => 'svg', 'tags' => $svghandle, ); } } } if(isset($obj['online']) && isset($obj['online']['objects'])){ $online = $obj['online']['objects']; if(!empty($online) && is_array($online)){ if(isset($obj['online']['tags'])){ foreach($obj['online']['tags'] as $t){ $data['html'][] = array('type' => 'tag', 'handle' => $t['handle'], 'name' => $t['name']); } } $data['html'][] = array('type' => 'inner'); $data['list']['png'] = array(); foreach($online as $online_file){ $my_data = $this->_get_object_data($online_file['handle']); $my_tags = array(); $group = "image"; if ($online_file['type']==='2') $group="bgimage"; if(isset($online_file['tags']) && !empty($online_file['tags'])){ foreach($online_file['tags'] as $t){ $my_tags[] = $t['handle']; } } $data['list']['png'][] = array( 'src' => $my_data['thumb'], 'origsrc' => $my_data['orig'], 'type' => $online_file['type'], 'group' => $group, 'width' => $online_file['width'], 'height' => $online_file['height'], 'tags' => implode(',', $my_tags), 'name' => $online_file['name'] ); } } } return $data; } /** * get list of favorites * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function get_favorites(){ return get_option('rs_obj_favorites', array()); } /** * save list of favorites * @since: 5.3.0 */ public function save_favorites($favourites){ update_option('rs_obj_favorites', $favourites); } } ?>